Happy New Year's everyone!
I went with Jamie to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Pretty awesome movie. Sadly I still haven't seen Prince Caspian. So now I hope to record it on DirecTV or go to Blockbuster.
So 2010's drawing to a close. This has been a roller-coaster of a year. Finishing 8th grade, moving across the country, starting high school, making new friends, the whole she-bang. Bit of an emotional roller-coaster I should add. At least the world isn't falling to total ruins and it feels like 2012's gonna happen. Hahahaha.
So I think I should come up with a list of resolutions for 2011.
1. Catch up with Maximum Ride books before Valentine's Day.
2. Finish writing and uploading stories and share with friends.
3. Go to Fanime
4. Raise money for a laptop
5. Become cosplayer extraordinaire
Okay, not exactly the biggest resolution list but it's what I got. Gonna go to a party in less than 2 hours. Have a great new year everyone!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I get a thousand hugs from 10 thousand lightning bugs
A few days ago me and my family went out on a little adventure. Mostly consisting of going out to wineries. Actually all of it consisted of going out to wineries. It was a really good time for me and Marina. Crazy photographers we are. Just love how beautiful it is. So this blog is more of a photography sharing blog post.

Yeah, my vacation days have been sleeping until ten in the morning and watching T.V and what not. Tomorrow we're going to a friend's house for a New Year's party. Argh, I'm so tired..I don't even stay up that late...that is unless midnight is considered late. Well I'm gonna go back to talking to people, watching Scrubs, and then passing out in my bed.
Yeah, my vacation days have been sleeping until ten in the morning and watching T.V and what not. Tomorrow we're going to a friend's house for a New Year's party. Argh, I'm so tired..I don't even stay up that late...that is unless midnight is considered late. Well I'm gonna go back to talking to people, watching Scrubs, and then passing out in my bed.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
She's Livin' La Vida Loca
Day after Christmas. We decided to go out shopping with our Christmas money. Not exactly the best game plan in the universe but it's better than Black Friday. Right? I dunno...
We went out to the mall and getting in and finding a place to park was such a pain. We got stuck behind these guys in a red Volkswagen who have stopped in the middle of the road for no reason. So my mom honks the horn and the guy in the back seat flips her off. We eventually found a spot close to a handicapped place in front of Macy's.
Man, was the mall busy today. Lines, people crowded in front of Jamba Juice, just plain madness period. This is probably another reason why my mom gives me and Marina money for Christmas: So we don't have to get stuck in the return lines because something doesn't fit or isn't the right color. Me and Marina wandered off on our own. We went to Hot Topic and they now have some pretty cool hats. I loved the bunny hat with floppy ears and the Shadow Heartless hat. So cute!
We also went to Pac Sun because Marina needed some jeans. Which took forever to find the right size. I got a purple beret from Pac Sun. I loved the color and it looked so cute on me. We met up with our mom and went to a sandwich place for lunch. I got a roast beef sandwich but it didn't suit my tastes. Horseradish isn't exactly my favorite.
We took a brief stop at Border's and I got Maximum Ride: The Final Warning and the first Maximum Ride manga. It's by far my favorite book series. James Patterson rocks! I definently recommend the Maximum Ride series for anyone.
We went out to the mall and getting in and finding a place to park was such a pain. We got stuck behind these guys in a red Volkswagen who have stopped in the middle of the road for no reason. So my mom honks the horn and the guy in the back seat flips her off. We eventually found a spot close to a handicapped place in front of Macy's.
Man, was the mall busy today. Lines, people crowded in front of Jamba Juice, just plain madness period. This is probably another reason why my mom gives me and Marina money for Christmas: So we don't have to get stuck in the return lines because something doesn't fit or isn't the right color. Me and Marina wandered off on our own. We went to Hot Topic and they now have some pretty cool hats. I loved the bunny hat with floppy ears and the Shadow Heartless hat. So cute!
We also went to Pac Sun because Marina needed some jeans. Which took forever to find the right size. I got a purple beret from Pac Sun. I loved the color and it looked so cute on me. We met up with our mom and went to a sandwich place for lunch. I got a roast beef sandwich but it didn't suit my tastes. Horseradish isn't exactly my favorite.
We took a brief stop at Border's and I got Maximum Ride: The Final Warning and the first Maximum Ride manga. It's by far my favorite book series. James Patterson rocks! I definently recommend the Maximum Ride series for anyone.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy whatever it is you celebrate in the month of December.
Most of my Christmas was celebrated yesterday. I got a pair of socks and a journal. Marina got socks as well along with a gun. A gun for baking that is. You can put cookie dough in this tube and make cookies with it. Or you can use it for icing to decorate cakes. It was pretty funny. My mom also gave us some money so we can go out shopping. We usually do stuff like that in the recent years. We just get some money for shopping so we can get what we want and we don't have to stand in the return line. It's not fun to be stuck in one of those after Christmas.
We also went to a Christmas party yesterday. Saw a lot of friends, old and new. God, such yummy turkey and ham. We did some dancing and I played with the kids. Gah, they're all so cute! Had a really awesome time. Passed out a little after midnight when we got home.
Not doing much today. Watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TBS. Gonna go to the movies later. Yes it is one of the few places open on Christmas Day. Going to see Little Fockers. And that's pretty much my Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Does he have a tampon in his mouth?
Explanation of post title: My mom was cleaning the garage today and the cat went in the garage and came inside with a unused tampon in his mouth like it was a cigar.
My family hosted our second breakfast for dinner party. We had about 40-ish people in the house. Lots of kids. I met a girl named Aubrey who loves Pokémon. Made me super happy. Played with the kids a lot. Mainly the tickle monster which involves covering yourself with a blanket and attacking little children. Yeah, that was fun.
Nothing else really happened much. We've been getting a bit of rain lately. In fact we had a storm last night and it made the power go out. It came back luckily. And also we've spent our day watching Sunday football. Like any usual Sunday afternoon.
My parents bought a ping-pong table and some rackets and balls. We actually colored the six ping-pong balls we had. I made mine into a Poké ball and that was fun. Kline seems to have a nice interest in ping-pong. That's gonna be a fun YouTube video.
My family hosted our second breakfast for dinner party. We had about 40-ish people in the house. Lots of kids. I met a girl named Aubrey who loves Pokémon. Made me super happy. Played with the kids a lot. Mainly the tickle monster which involves covering yourself with a blanket and attacking little children. Yeah, that was fun.
Nothing else really happened much. We've been getting a bit of rain lately. In fact we had a storm last night and it made the power go out. It came back luckily. And also we've spent our day watching Sunday football. Like any usual Sunday afternoon.
My parents bought a ping-pong table and some rackets and balls. We actually colored the six ping-pong balls we had. I made mine into a Poké ball and that was fun. Kline seems to have a nice interest in ping-pong. That's gonna be a fun YouTube video.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross dresser!!
Omigod finals are finally over! I'm so fricking happy the worst of it's over...for now anyway.
Finals were SO easy. Almost all of them were multiple choice and I knew most of the answers. It was pretty rare that I had to actually guess on any questions. Only happened once or twice. My Studio Art final wasn't oh so easy cause we actually had to write, do a critic process thing, and stuff like that. That one took me the most time out of everything else cause I had to think. Yes the horrors of thinking. So horrid. My P.E final was a pain too. You had to run a mile (four laps around the school's track) and play volleyball. The mile part was the worst of my problems but I got it done. So other than Art and P.E everything else was super easy. I got done with my finals and hour before we were supposed to get done. I didn't even study, that's the funny part. I told that to a guy in my biology class and he didn't believe me. He kept thinking I was lying. I just don't study for this stuff because I know a lot of the material and I remember it. So I'm pretty confident that I did well on my finals.
So now that finals are over, it's now Christmas Vacation! I think Kline's ready for his first Christmas. He's already broken an ornament. Not really planning to do much this vacation. My parents had planned a vacation for Lake Tahoe but they never got around to it and A LOT of people have to go there over Christmas vacation. So we're just hanging at home for the holidays.
I saw something really interesting on T.V yesterday. It was this show called Strange Addiction. It obviously shows four people who have some weird addictions. Like eating chalk. Yeah, they showed that one. There was this one girl on there who had a tanning addiction. She said she was doing it because when she was a teen she was told she was ugly. And she is almost orange and has bleach blonde hair. She even said, and I quote, "I don't care if I die, as long as I look hot." Okay, if looking hot means tanning yourself until you look like an Oompa-Loompa, dying your hair and almost white blonde, and as a plus adding mascara and eye liner until you look like a hooker from Las Vegas is considered "hot", then I don't wanna look "hot". You don't need to do much to be pretty. I mean isn't it what's inside that counts? I guess natural beauty's dead today. It's hidden behind mass make-up, hair-dye, and plastic surgery.
So I guess this has been a more serious blog post with the last paragraph. Hahaha. Just thought I'd change it up a bit.
Finals were SO easy. Almost all of them were multiple choice and I knew most of the answers. It was pretty rare that I had to actually guess on any questions. Only happened once or twice. My Studio Art final wasn't oh so easy cause we actually had to write, do a critic process thing, and stuff like that. That one took me the most time out of everything else cause I had to think. Yes the horrors of thinking. So horrid. My P.E final was a pain too. You had to run a mile (four laps around the school's track) and play volleyball. The mile part was the worst of my problems but I got it done. So other than Art and P.E everything else was super easy. I got done with my finals and hour before we were supposed to get done. I didn't even study, that's the funny part. I told that to a guy in my biology class and he didn't believe me. He kept thinking I was lying. I just don't study for this stuff because I know a lot of the material and I remember it. So I'm pretty confident that I did well on my finals.
I saw something really interesting on T.V yesterday. It was this show called Strange Addiction. It obviously shows four people who have some weird addictions. Like eating chalk. Yeah, they showed that one. There was this one girl on there who had a tanning addiction. She said she was doing it because when she was a teen she was told she was ugly. And she is almost orange and has bleach blonde hair. She even said, and I quote, "I don't care if I die, as long as I look hot." Okay, if looking hot means tanning yourself until you look like an Oompa-Loompa, dying your hair and almost white blonde, and as a plus adding mascara and eye liner until you look like a hooker from Las Vegas is considered "hot", then I don't wanna look "hot". You don't need to do much to be pretty. I mean isn't it what's inside that counts? I guess natural beauty's dead today. It's hidden behind mass make-up, hair-dye, and plastic surgery.
So I guess this has been a more serious blog post with the last paragraph. Hahaha. Just thought I'd change it up a bit.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy
I don't know what P. Diddy feels like in the mornings when he wakes up but I hope it's like me on a Saturday morning. Tired and groggy from a night of dancing with friends for 3 hours.
This has been a pretty good week. We've just been prepping for finals for next week. So now my brain's a bit dead. Especially earlier this week from my sugar rush from hell. I was still hyper by Wednesday afternoon and then I crashed at nine at night and I woke up at one in the morning and didn't get back to sleep until three. I don't even remember falling back asleep.
Friday was a good day. Other than me eating a lot of ice cream and getting called the break up girl in Biology, it was also our winter formal. I got my hair straightened and my mom made me look so pretty. Jamie and Akane came over and we made Akane look like a Japanese Lucy Liu. She looked so cute! And it was her first formal too! We chowed on some pizza and took some pics and after Marina's friend, Mackenzie, came over we went to the school for some dancing.
Other than people looking all fancy schmancy, this dance wasn't so much different than the back to school dance. Yeah...there were people grinding on each other at this one too. Don't know how anyone thinks that's attractive but...okay..? Oh, and there were people outside the gym sticking their tongues down each other's throats. Cause that's hot in any way, shape, or form. I danced with my friends (obviously no grinding) and ate some food. Man, my feet hurt so much that night. Better I wore flats than heels, right? I dunno.
I was so tired when I got home. I only stayed up for another hour watching Babies (best movie ever by the way) and then I went upstairs and passed out at midnight. Then, I slept for ten hours.
I'm going to a friend's birthday party today. So this probably means I'm gonna pass out by like eight tonight. Hahahaha.
This has been a pretty good week. We've just been prepping for finals for next week. So now my brain's a bit dead. Especially earlier this week from my sugar rush from hell. I was still hyper by Wednesday afternoon and then I crashed at nine at night and I woke up at one in the morning and didn't get back to sleep until three. I don't even remember falling back asleep.
Friday was a good day. Other than me eating a lot of ice cream and getting called the break up girl in Biology, it was also our winter formal. I got my hair straightened and my mom made me look so pretty. Jamie and Akane came over and we made Akane look like a Japanese Lucy Liu. She looked so cute! And it was her first formal too! We chowed on some pizza and took some pics and after Marina's friend, Mackenzie, came over we went to the school for some dancing.
Other than people looking all fancy schmancy, this dance wasn't so much different than the back to school dance. Yeah...there were people grinding on each other at this one too. Don't know how anyone thinks that's attractive but...okay..? Oh, and there were people outside the gym sticking their tongues down each other's throats. Cause that's hot in any way, shape, or form. I danced with my friends (obviously no grinding) and ate some food. Man, my feet hurt so much that night. Better I wore flats than heels, right? I dunno.
I was so tired when I got home. I only stayed up for another hour watching Babies (best movie ever by the way) and then I went upstairs and passed out at midnight. Then, I slept for ten hours.
I'm going to a friend's birthday party today. So this probably means I'm gonna pass out by like eight tonight. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I feel so hypertastic!!!!!!!1!
Okay so today was the anime club's Christmas party. It was really awesome!
There was pocky, hello panda, and cake! We would've eaten that cake the original way by cutting it up but since we didn't have access to a knife at the time we just did it family style. And in case you don't know what that means, it means everyone grabs a fork and shovels away! It was so much fun! Our president even added pocky and hello panda to the cake which made it SO much gooder! We also did some dancing and mucking around. All sorts of crazy stoof...And now I'm on the biggest sugar rush in existence!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (Insert me running into a wall in your imagination)
I'm gonna sleep well tonight peeps!
The superfantidilyhypertastic LIZ!!!!!
There was pocky, hello panda, and cake! We would've eaten that cake the original way by cutting it up but since we didn't have access to a knife at the time we just did it family style. And in case you don't know what that means, it means everyone grabs a fork and shovels away! It was so much fun! Our president even added pocky and hello panda to the cake which made it SO much gooder! We also did some dancing and mucking around. All sorts of crazy stoof...And now I'm on the biggest sugar rush in existence!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (Insert me running into a wall in your imagination)
I'm gonna sleep well tonight peeps!
The superfantidilyhypertastic LIZ!!!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (Oh God...)
I can't believe it's already December. It doesn't really feel like it to me because around this time of year I'm used to it being freezing cold outside. Oh well.
My parents have been pretty occupied in the past week decorating the house. Inside AND out. Not only is the Christmas tree up, but they put up lights and wreaths outside the house. Didn't even know we had that many decorations sitting in our downstairs closet. I like Christmas. So fun, lots of good movies out, and good food! Especially when TBS plays A Christmas Story for 48 hours! All time favorite Christmas movie along with Nightmare Before Christmas.
School's been good this past week. According to the home access center, my grades are all A's. We'll see about that when report cards come out. This upcoming Friday is our winter formal which I'm super psyched about. In case you didn't check out my last post, it has the dress I'll be wearing. I don't have a date, but I don't really care all that much. I'm just going with Jamie and Akane. And the next week is finals week! That's gonna be a total nightmare. We have minimum days which if you live in Indiana and you're reading this it's kinda like half days. We go take a final for two hours, have a 20 minute brunch, have another final, and by noon, we go home. That's gonna be nice. We also don't have school that Friday and then it's Christmas vacation until the 3rd of January and we start up school again for the 3rd quarter. I can't believe it's almost 2011.
And on a smaller note it's pouring rain. It's only good because my nose has been bleeding for the past few days and some humidity is a good thing. Hahaha.
My parents have been pretty occupied in the past week decorating the house. Inside AND out. Not only is the Christmas tree up, but they put up lights and wreaths outside the house. Didn't even know we had that many decorations sitting in our downstairs closet. I like Christmas. So fun, lots of good movies out, and good food! Especially when TBS plays A Christmas Story for 48 hours! All time favorite Christmas movie along with Nightmare Before Christmas.
School's been good this past week. According to the home access center, my grades are all A's. We'll see about that when report cards come out. This upcoming Friday is our winter formal which I'm super psyched about. In case you didn't check out my last post, it has the dress I'll be wearing. I don't have a date, but I don't really care all that much. I'm just going with Jamie and Akane. And the next week is finals week! That's gonna be a total nightmare. We have minimum days which if you live in Indiana and you're reading this it's kinda like half days. We go take a final for two hours, have a 20 minute brunch, have another final, and by noon, we go home. That's gonna be nice. We also don't have school that Friday and then it's Christmas vacation until the 3rd of January and we start up school again for the 3rd quarter. I can't believe it's almost 2011.
And on a smaller note it's pouring rain. It's only good because my nose has been bleeding for the past few days and some humidity is a good thing. Hahaha.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Nut Butter? What?
It seriously exists..along with injectable butter..The weird things you find in California...Anyway..
So today me and Marina went dress shopping for our winter formal. Went to Macy's cause they have really awesome dresses. Even if most of them are ridiculously expensive. Not as easy as we hoped cause the dress section of the store looked like a factory in Taiwan exploded. Either that or it was the aftermath of Black Friday. We were lucky to even find anything in all that clutter. I found some really nice dresses that fit well. Out of all of them I picked this really cute black one.
Dude, my hair looks really ridiculous..Hahahaha..But it's less frizzy than usual. I think I should straighten my hair more often.
Starting school again tomorrow. Man this vacation was long. Well, less than 3 weeks it'll be Christmas vacation. Don't think we'll be doing much until then. See ya!
So today me and Marina went dress shopping for our winter formal. Went to Macy's cause they have really awesome dresses. Even if most of them are ridiculously expensive. Not as easy as we hoped cause the dress section of the store looked like a factory in Taiwan exploded. Either that or it was the aftermath of Black Friday. We were lucky to even find anything in all that clutter. I found some really nice dresses that fit well. Out of all of them I picked this really cute black one.
Starting school again tomorrow. Man this vacation was long. Well, less than 3 weeks it'll be Christmas vacation. Don't think we'll be doing much until then. See ya!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving was really good. We had about thirty friends and family come over. Lots of food too. Turkey, ham, stuffing, pie galore, the works. Gotta love Thanksgiving. It's one of the many reasons I don't go anorexic. Food's just too good. That and if I don't eat my stomach's yelling at me which gets annoying and it kinda hurts. Hahaha. I also had my adult friend Sharon teach me how to knit and now I'm hoping to make a beret. So excited!
I am one of the sane Americans that stayed home during the Black Friday madness. I don't really understand it. Stores only sell limited amounts of items. You have to be there at like 3 in the morning which in a teenager's point of view I'm asleep. That and there are people that get KILLED during that. I like to go shopping, get what I came for, and get back home alive. Not be stuck in a war zone. Just from my perspective as a fourteen year old girl.
So I'm spending the rest of the day in my house watching T.V and knitting. Possibly drawing and reading. Oh, and my mom straightened my hair. Hahaha.
I am one of the sane Americans that stayed home during the Black Friday madness. I don't really understand it. Stores only sell limited amounts of items. You have to be there at like 3 in the morning which in a teenager's point of view I'm asleep. That and there are people that get KILLED during that. I like to go shopping, get what I came for, and get back home alive. Not be stuck in a war zone. Just from my perspective as a fourteen year old girl.
So I'm spending the rest of the day in my house watching T.V and knitting. Possibly drawing and reading. Oh, and my mom straightened my hair. Hahaha.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
They only took the rolls!
My past weekend was pretty good. I went to Yosemite with my family that weekend. We didn't get there until about 6 p.m. We got a heated tent which was really nice. First night we got some pizza and saw some fluffy raccoons digging through the trash which was pretty funny. Some employees had to chase them off though. Didn't get any sleep that night cause it rained and, believe it or not, snowed.
Pretty nice waking up at six in the morning with snow on the ground. We spent that Saturday just going around Yosemite taking pictures. And a lot of them. I'm so glad we went when someone cancelled their trip cause I would never had known how beautiful Yosemite is with the snow. We even saw some waterfalls too.
That night was a bit crazy. We heard a bear getting into someone's bear-proof locker. Apparently someone didn't lock it properly and the bear rummaged through their food until they found some rolls and took them. Yep, of all things, they took the rolls!
So by the end of Saturday most of the snow melted. Come Sunday, there's a fresh foot of snow! Nothing like a nice hot cup of fresh hot chocolate to start that day. And when I say fresh, I mean fresh! I asked for a large one they had to make more and it was piping hot. Wasn't exactly a good day for my bladder though...Oh well it was worth it. And might I say, only in California can you see snow, rain, a double rainbow, hail, and clear weather in one day. Yeah, that happened on the ride home.
Very short week of school. Only went on Monday and Tuesday. Not much new going on. Just two normal school days with rain. It's not really fun to be on an outside campus when it's cold and raining. It's only good when there's a rainbow in the middle of the day. Hahaha..
So it's now the five day weekend. Wednesday's gonna be any normal day except me and Marina are staying home. We have our step-dad's mom and one of his friends staying with us for Thanksgiving. And come Thanksgiving there will be a fasting period because there's gonna be a lot of people and a lot of food. Won't be doing the Black Friday stupidity cause I actually like to shop and live to get home and live my life as a fourteen year old. Hahaha
high school,
school week,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Secret Tunnel!
If you don't get the reference in the title watch the 22nd episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
This week's been going pretty good. Just really any normal school week. On Anime club day, Marina came in and taught everyone a little bit of Japanese which was pretty cool. And..yeah nothing else super eventful other than of course the first part of the seventh Harry Potter movie coming out at midnight. I won't be seeing the premiere though cause I do have a bedtime and school. Plus I can't watch a movie at midnight cause I'll probably fall asleep. It's happened to me when I went to drive-in theaters. Always pass out in the middle of a movie. I'll probably see it when my friend gets ungrounded and we can see it together so that'll be fun.
I won't be on for the weekend cause I'm going to the wonderful place known as Yeosimite for weekend camping. And I get to leave in the middle of a school day too. No biology and geometry for me! This is gonna be an awesome weekend..if the bears don't eat us first..Hahahaha..Just kidding. No bears will be eating us. So bye bye for now!
This week's been going pretty good. Just really any normal school week. On Anime club day, Marina came in and taught everyone a little bit of Japanese which was pretty cool. And..yeah nothing else super eventful other than of course the first part of the seventh Harry Potter movie coming out at midnight. I won't be seeing the premiere though cause I do have a bedtime and school. Plus I can't watch a movie at midnight cause I'll probably fall asleep. It's happened to me when I went to drive-in theaters. Always pass out in the middle of a movie. I'll probably see it when my friend gets ungrounded and we can see it together so that'll be fun.
I won't be on for the weekend cause I'm going to the wonderful place known as Yeosimite for weekend camping. And I get to leave in the middle of a school day too. No biology and geometry for me! This is gonna be an awesome weekend..if the bears don't eat us first..Hahahaha..Just kidding. No bears will be eating us. So bye bye for now!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Believe it or not
This weekend's been a little crazy. Let's start on Friday night.
So my family and I went out bowling and we were done with two games so we were gonna go home. That was until we see this guy staggering out of a bar. And it's pretty obvious that he's drunk when he falls over and gets back up. We make a tremendous U-turn when we saw the guy walk into his truck and call 911. So as we're giving descriptions and stuff the guy decides to pull out of the parking lot and take off into the night. The good people we are, we get out the GPS and start following the guy. We get to God knows where California and this guy had only almost swerved off the road. He didn't go into oncoming traffic which was a nice blessing. Police arrived making the guy pull over. We left for a bit but we made a U-turn to see if justice was served. We passed by and saw a police car and the guy's truck, but he was gone. So we celebrated with some Taco Bell.
Saturday we went to San Francisco. We went to a place called La Taqueria. Oh my God, best tacos in existence. I died and went to taco heaven that day. I would've had a second taco, but Anida's (A.K.A best Italian bakery in California) was next store and I really wanted some cake. We moseyed to the piers and walked around Pier 39. It was really nice out there and I saw sea lions, awesome photography, a guy doing the Hokey Pokey while trying to escape from being tied to a chair, and Hetalia cosplayers. I'm serious about the cosplayers too. I was so happy seeing them.
Today was a typical Sunday. Sit around, watching Sunday football. Still watching Sunday football. Hahaha..
So my family and I went out bowling and we were done with two games so we were gonna go home. That was until we see this guy staggering out of a bar. And it's pretty obvious that he's drunk when he falls over and gets back up. We make a tremendous U-turn when we saw the guy walk into his truck and call 911. So as we're giving descriptions and stuff the guy decides to pull out of the parking lot and take off into the night. The good people we are, we get out the GPS and start following the guy. We get to God knows where California and this guy had only almost swerved off the road. He didn't go into oncoming traffic which was a nice blessing. Police arrived making the guy pull over. We left for a bit but we made a U-turn to see if justice was served. We passed by and saw a police car and the guy's truck, but he was gone. So we celebrated with some Taco Bell.
Saturday we went to San Francisco. We went to a place called La Taqueria. Oh my God, best tacos in existence. I died and went to taco heaven that day. I would've had a second taco, but Anida's (A.K.A best Italian bakery in California) was next store and I really wanted some cake. We moseyed to the piers and walked around Pier 39. It was really nice out there and I saw sea lions, awesome photography, a guy doing the Hokey Pokey while trying to escape from being tied to a chair, and Hetalia cosplayers. I'm serious about the cosplayers too. I was so happy seeing them.
Today was a typical Sunday. Sit around, watching Sunday football. Still watching Sunday football. Hahaha..
San Francisco,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy belated Pocky day everyone! In case you don't know, yesterday was the celebration of the most wonderful creation the Japanese has made, since anime! Okay, random moment over..
This was a really good week. We had school off on Thursday for Veteran's day. What did I do? Hmm..Make some Tye-dye T-shirts, sleep, eat Panda Express..not much really. Just a typical day off from school. Though I don't know why we had Thursday off and had to go today and now it's the weekend. I think it would've made more sense to give us a four day weekend. So today kinda felt like a Monday and now it feels like it's really Friday.
Today, my friend Natasha brought Pocky for a fiesta in Spanish class. 200 sticks. First 10 minutes, gone! It's good stuff I'll tell ya. Did not make a happy Jamie when I told her that All I saved was the container for the Pocky with nothing in it.
Second meeting of Red Moon Cosplay today. We talked a little about skit ideas and such. Quite a productive meeting I must say. Don't think anything is really happening this weekend so I'm gonna sign off with the usual.
This was a really good week. We had school off on Thursday for Veteran's day. What did I do? Hmm..Make some Tye-dye T-shirts, sleep, eat Panda Express..not much really. Just a typical day off from school. Though I don't know why we had Thursday off and had to go today and now it's the weekend. I think it would've made more sense to give us a four day weekend. So today kinda felt like a Monday and now it feels like it's really Friday.
Today, my friend Natasha brought Pocky for a fiesta in Spanish class. 200 sticks. First 10 minutes, gone! It's good stuff I'll tell ya. Did not make a happy Jamie when I told her that All I saved was the container for the Pocky with nothing in it.
Second meeting of Red Moon Cosplay today. We talked a little about skit ideas and such. Quite a productive meeting I must say. Don't think anything is really happening this weekend so I'm gonna sign off with the usual.
high school,
school week,
Monday, November 8, 2010
Back up. Put the gun down.
And give me a pack of Fruit Bubbilicous. And some Skittles.
I have no idea what that's from. I just thought of that as a random title..Hahaha.
Ugh..I hate Daylight Savings Time so much. I have no idea what the point of it is but whoever came up with it should have been shot in the left foot. Why the left foot? I have no idea. I just randomly chose a foot and it was the left one.
So thanks to Daylight Savings Time, my mind's messed up. And I hate that less than two hours after me and my sister get home it's pitch black outside. Back in Indiana, because school's indoor and the windows are shut most of the time we get lucky to see sunlight at all unlike here where it's sunlight and clouds all the time. Still can't believe it's November. It rains every now and then, but mostly on the weekends. Can't wait to see the green hills. It's gonna look awesome!
For this week, not much going on in school. Anime club tomorrow and I hope to talk to the president about getting Marina to teach us Japanese because that'd be really cool. Thursday, we get that day off for Veteran's day but that day is also Pocky Day so..Hahaha. Friday's gonna be weird cause we had a day off in the middle of the week and going back for one more day. Oh well..Wish it was the weekend already.
I have no idea what that's from. I just thought of that as a random title..Hahaha.
Ugh..I hate Daylight Savings Time so much. I have no idea what the point of it is but whoever came up with it should have been shot in the left foot. Why the left foot? I have no idea. I just randomly chose a foot and it was the left one.
So thanks to Daylight Savings Time, my mind's messed up. And I hate that less than two hours after me and my sister get home it's pitch black outside. Back in Indiana, because school's indoor and the windows are shut most of the time we get lucky to see sunlight at all unlike here where it's sunlight and clouds all the time. Still can't believe it's November. It rains every now and then, but mostly on the weekends. Can't wait to see the green hills. It's gonna look awesome!
For this week, not much going on in school. Anime club tomorrow and I hope to talk to the president about getting Marina to teach us Japanese because that'd be really cool. Thursday, we get that day off for Veteran's day but that day is also Pocky Day so..Hahaha. Friday's gonna be weird cause we had a day off in the middle of the week and going back for one more day. Oh well..Wish it was the weekend already.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tik Tok
I'm a bit addicted to that song..Hahahaha
This has been a pretty good week. We did some discussion in anime club about fundraising to do cool stuff like going to Fanime and what not. Apparently we're limited due to the fact we can't do things like bake sales in school for some weird reason...Yeah I dunno. But we hope to be able to do more cool stuff.
I'm so glad politics are done and over with for the year. Politicians are crazy everywhere, but California has the craziest. Running for governor we had Jerry Brown against Meg Whitman. Hmm..A guy with political experience or a woman who became the president of eBay but has no political experience? Yeah, Jerry Brown won. Not only that but there are a ton of propositions for things like gay marriage, abortion, legal marijuana, you get the idea. I'm pretty sure most of that got turned down..I'm not really sure. I never have the attention span for politics.
Today was the first meeting of Red Moon Cosplay. Not much happened but rules and paperwork. I hope we get to do some cool stuff. And..that's about what has happened in my week. See you soon!
This has been a pretty good week. We did some discussion in anime club about fundraising to do cool stuff like going to Fanime and what not. Apparently we're limited due to the fact we can't do things like bake sales in school for some weird reason...Yeah I dunno. But we hope to be able to do more cool stuff.
I'm so glad politics are done and over with for the year. Politicians are crazy everywhere, but California has the craziest. Running for governor we had Jerry Brown against Meg Whitman. Hmm..A guy with political experience or a woman who became the president of eBay but has no political experience? Yeah, Jerry Brown won. Not only that but there are a ton of propositions for things like gay marriage, abortion, legal marijuana, you get the idea. I'm pretty sure most of that got turned down..I'm not really sure. I never have the attention span for politics.
Today was the first meeting of Red Moon Cosplay. Not much happened but rules and paperwork. I hope we get to do some cool stuff. And..that's about what has happened in my week. See you soon!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just finished seeing the Giants win the World Series and it was a good moment! Now my family can go back to watching football...Hahahaha
Halloween yesterday was really good. Of course I went trick or treating with Jamie and Akane which was really fun. Got a nice load of candy which I ate quite a few candy bars and such. Saving some candy of course so I don't get a cavity or a sugar hangover for that matter.
Nothing much happened today for a Monday. Tomorrow's anime club meeting and we really hope to get the president to start fundraising. Especially for Pocky Day!!
Halloween yesterday was really good. Of course I went trick or treating with Jamie and Akane which was really fun. Got a nice load of candy which I ate quite a few candy bars and such. Saving some candy of course so I don't get a cavity or a sugar hangover for that matter.
Nothing much happened today for a Monday. Tomorrow's anime club meeting and we really hope to get the president to start fundraising. Especially for Pocky Day!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ghouls, Goblins and Ghosts! Oh my!
Happy Halloween everyone! Or not if you don't celebrate it.
I'm going trick-or-treating with Jamie and Akane which will be pretty cool, especially with this being Akane's first time trick-or-treating. I don't know who thought of trick-or-treating on a school night but okay. Not gonna be my fault if I have a candy hangover or I'm on a sugar high all day. Oh well. Can't believe tomorrow is gonna be November! I can only imagine what Thanksgiving is gonna be like in my house: Possibly loaded with everyone and their mother and surplus amounts of food. Next thing I know, it's gonna be December faster than I can count. Hahaha.
I'm going trick-or-treating with Jamie and Akane which will be pretty cool, especially with this being Akane's first time trick-or-treating. I don't know who thought of trick-or-treating on a school night but okay. Not gonna be my fault if I have a candy hangover or I'm on a sugar high all day. Oh well. Can't believe tomorrow is gonna be November! I can only imagine what Thanksgiving is gonna be like in my house: Possibly loaded with everyone and their mother and surplus amounts of food. Next thing I know, it's gonna be December faster than I can count. Hahaha.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Scrolling Potato
If you don't get the reference look up the Shinra Files on YouTube.
Week's gone pretty good. On Monday, I forgot my lunch...in the microwave.Hahaha... and my mom did an improvised Giants cheer with a cartwheel and the splits and got two tickets to see Wednesday's World Series Game. Went out to the Cheesecake Factory that night. Tuesday was anime club day. We watched the Halloween episode of Ouran High School Host Club and ate Oreo cookies.
Wednesday was late start day. We watched a video in Advisory with a reenactment that showed a drunk driving scene...Bit depressing and VERY realistic. Well, minus that everyone can see the Grim Reaper in plain sight..Hahaha..
Thursday, nothing. Friday, everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes which was pretty fun. Saw a lot of girls dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Saw two guys dressed up as Goku. Even an Ash and a Pikachu. There was even another guy wearing the same Akatsuki cloak Jamie had on. I have to say the most epic costume I saw was two guys dressed up as Patsy and King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Loved that movie so much and I miss Graham Chapman!
So this weekend will be involving madness with sugar. Jamie's birthday party tomorrow and trick-or-treating on Sunday...which is a bit of an unusual day for trick-or-treating...oh well.
Week's gone pretty good. On Monday, I forgot my lunch...in the microwave.Hahaha... and my mom did an improvised Giants cheer with a cartwheel and the splits and got two tickets to see Wednesday's World Series Game. Went out to the Cheesecake Factory that night. Tuesday was anime club day. We watched the Halloween episode of Ouran High School Host Club and ate Oreo cookies.
Wednesday was late start day. We watched a video in Advisory with a reenactment that showed a drunk driving scene...Bit depressing and VERY realistic. Well, minus that everyone can see the Grim Reaper in plain sight..Hahaha..
Thursday, nothing. Friday, everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes which was pretty fun. Saw a lot of girls dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Saw two guys dressed up as Goku. Even an Ash and a Pikachu. There was even another guy wearing the same Akatsuki cloak Jamie had on. I have to say the most epic costume I saw was two guys dressed up as Patsy and King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Loved that movie so much and I miss Graham Chapman!
So this weekend will be involving madness with sugar. Jamie's birthday party tomorrow and trick-or-treating on Sunday...which is a bit of an unusual day for trick-or-treating...oh well.
high school,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Whole World Has Fallen To Ruins
And poor Chessur's off his tea..Hahaha..Sorry if the title made it seem like I was sad or something. Don't worry. I'm as happy as can be!
School week was a bit boring. Not much new happening. Jamie created a cosplay group and we hope to do all sorts of crazy stuff.
Me and Marina had our Halloween party yesterday which was a great success. Ate some good food, danced like monkeys and watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Had a great time with my friends.
Nothing new I think is happening this week. Day of the Dead project in Spanish and usual stuff in all my other classes..Oh! It's also Jamie's birthday tomorrow. She's gonna have a party on Saturday. I'm making her a birthday card with a few anime characters on it. Then Sunday is Halloween which is also Trick-or-Treating night. Yes I am going to do that cause it's free candy every year. I'm gonna be a ghost. Not the most original but hey, I'm poor. Hahaha
School week was a bit boring. Not much new happening. Jamie created a cosplay group and we hope to do all sorts of crazy stuff.
Me and Marina had our Halloween party yesterday which was a great success. Ate some good food, danced like monkeys and watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Had a great time with my friends.
Nothing new I think is happening this week. Day of the Dead project in Spanish and usual stuff in all my other classes..Oh! It's also Jamie's birthday tomorrow. She's gonna have a party on Saturday. I'm making her a birthday card with a few anime characters on it. Then Sunday is Halloween which is also Trick-or-Treating night. Yes I am going to do that cause it's free candy every year. I'm gonna be a ghost. Not the most original but hey, I'm poor. Hahaha
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'm talking about Taylor Swift. My Biology teacher decided to use a Taylor Swift CD as a device of torture to get us to work. Not so fun for my brain that's half destroyed now. The scary part was all a few guys singing along with the song You Belong With Me. Now I'm glad that I drained out her music with the Sitar Song.
I really don't like Taylor Swift that much. Her music is basically the same thing with different lyrics. A girl crying because she can't be with this one guy. I liked Teardrops on My Guitar before I found out what the song meant. Now it's just kinda..blah whatever.
Anyway now that my part of silliness is over..
It's Breast Cancer Awareness week here which means another week of dressing up all ridiculous and no one questioning it. It's all mainly wear pink so it's not as interesting as homecoming week but whatever. Homecoming dance this week since last week the football players and people like that wouldn't have had the chance to go. I won't go cause it's a casual dance like the Back to School dance..so that probably means it'll look like an orgy again. Not exactly fun for people who want to actually dance. But hey, me and my sister are having a party on Saturday so it doesn't really matter.
So that's all for this mini update. Stay cool everyone!
I really don't like Taylor Swift that much. Her music is basically the same thing with different lyrics. A girl crying because she can't be with this one guy. I liked Teardrops on My Guitar before I found out what the song meant. Now it's just kinda..blah whatever.
Anyway now that my part of silliness is over..
It's Breast Cancer Awareness week here which means another week of dressing up all ridiculous and no one questioning it. It's all mainly wear pink so it's not as interesting as homecoming week but whatever. Homecoming dance this week since last week the football players and people like that wouldn't have had the chance to go. I won't go cause it's a casual dance like the Back to School dance..so that probably means it'll look like an orgy again. Not exactly fun for people who want to actually dance. But hey, me and my sister are having a party on Saturday so it doesn't really matter.
So that's all for this mini update. Stay cool everyone!
breast cancer,
high school,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Finally David Bowie answers my prayers for rain! Being from Indiana, I'm used to it raining about every other day. Being in California, now I'm limited to rain at a certain time of year. Well today was the day it has decided to actually rain and not sprinkle. So I'm very happy for that.
Last week in school, it was the school's homecoming week which was pretty cool. The only interesting days were twin day, camouflage day, and mismatch day. The other days were represent your class and school colors so..yeah. Mismatch day was a lot of fun cause it gives you a reason to dress ridiculous and no one questions it. I got to wear knee high rainbow socks with blue converse which made me really happy.
Had a field trip to a wetland place of sorts (don't remember name hahaha..). It was really cool other than seeing a decapitated rat in the middle of a trail. Dissected an owl pellet (sorta) and got to see some freaky stuff through a microscope. Loved that so much more than I probably would have back at school. It was the day of the homecoming parade which I heard wasn't any good and everyone was forced to watch it. Guess it's a good thing I went on that field trip. Didn't go to the homecoming game cause I have no attention span for high school football. That and if you boo you get in trouble and if the entire crowd boos the entire team forfeits..which is a really pointless rule. Also I went to a birthday party.
Birthday party was for our friend Jenn's sister, Giselle. Me and my mom brought salsa, mango salsa, and guacamole...all magically disappeared probably within the first hour we came in with it. The cake was chocolate with raspberry sauce and it was awesome. Got to meet this two adorable kids named Kuliano and Nyala...and yes those are their names..Kuliano's a boy and Nyala's a girl...Now I regret not kidnapping them cause they were so cute!!
Aah..nothing like spending your Sunday inside watching the rain fall and watching football...that is unless you're like my friend Raven who's ticked cause she can't watch the Simpsons. Saw the Eagles game and the 49ers game and am about to watch the Colts game. WOOT!
Last week in school, it was the school's homecoming week which was pretty cool. The only interesting days were twin day, camouflage day, and mismatch day. The other days were represent your class and school colors so..yeah. Mismatch day was a lot of fun cause it gives you a reason to dress ridiculous and no one questions it. I got to wear knee high rainbow socks with blue converse which made me really happy.
Had a field trip to a wetland place of sorts (don't remember name hahaha..). It was really cool other than seeing a decapitated rat in the middle of a trail. Dissected an owl pellet (sorta) and got to see some freaky stuff through a microscope. Loved that so much more than I probably would have back at school. It was the day of the homecoming parade which I heard wasn't any good and everyone was forced to watch it. Guess it's a good thing I went on that field trip. Didn't go to the homecoming game cause I have no attention span for high school football. That and if you boo you get in trouble and if the entire crowd boos the entire team forfeits..which is a really pointless rule. Also I went to a birthday party.
Birthday party was for our friend Jenn's sister, Giselle. Me and my mom brought salsa, mango salsa, and guacamole...all magically disappeared probably within the first hour we came in with it. The cake was chocolate with raspberry sauce and it was awesome. Got to meet this two adorable kids named Kuliano and Nyala...and yes those are their names..Kuliano's a boy and Nyala's a girl...Now I regret not kidnapping them cause they were so cute!!
Aah..nothing like spending your Sunday inside watching the rain fall and watching football...that is unless you're like my friend Raven who's ticked cause she can't watch the Simpsons. Saw the Eagles game and the 49ers game and am about to watch the Colts game. WOOT!
high school,
Friday, October 8, 2010
It's Todd Now...Sweeney Todd
So just last night I watched, obviously as the title states, the 2007 version of Sweeney Todd for the first time ever. Why? Cause nothing else is on Thursday nights and my sister pointed it out for me to see. I have to say other than a very sad ending, it was a very good movie. Johnny Depp makes a very handsome, singing, psycho barber from Fleet Street. Tim Burton never ceases to amaze.
Today was very boring at school. I blame the fact that Jamie wasn't here today and she has to be at the New York Comic Con as an early birthday present. But the bright side is that she's gonna try to get autographs from M. Night Shyamalan, Cary Elwes and Yuri Lowenthal.
These October days have been pretty cold lately. I don't think Halloween's gonna be real fun on trick-or-treating night. And yes, at age fourteen I still go trick-or-treating, cause it's free candy every year and I love candy! Going as a ghost and yes that means I'm getting a bed sheet with holes in it and throwing over my head...cause I can and I will.
I have to say the only bad part about October is that nothing good is on T.V or in the movie theaters. Horror's not really my style with the exception of some stuff like M. Night Shyamalan films and, of course, Tim Burton. But other than their movies everything else is just crap in my opinion. And plus my mom doesn't like me seeing that crap anyway so...yeah...heheheh...
School's been a little blah...the only class I don't like is my Geometry class...only cause very little people pay attention and choose to not care about their education. Then again it's like that in my English class. It's the only thing I can't stand about school is those who choose to act like morons and not care about their future lives. It's distracting and no one gets anything done which ticks me off cause I actually want to learn. Oh well, still able to get good grades in all of my classes so nothing bad is going on.
Homecoming week next week...blah once more...I'm not much into school spirit for whatever reason...I think it's cause high school football bores me to sleep. I only have attention span for football if it's on T.V. and I'm in the comfort of either my or a friend's house..I dunno what it is but football live doesn't do well with me..anyway...I may do some days if they're fun for me...laaa..
Today was very boring at school. I blame the fact that Jamie wasn't here today and she has to be at the New York Comic Con as an early birthday present. But the bright side is that she's gonna try to get autographs from M. Night Shyamalan, Cary Elwes and Yuri Lowenthal.
These October days have been pretty cold lately. I don't think Halloween's gonna be real fun on trick-or-treating night. And yes, at age fourteen I still go trick-or-treating, cause it's free candy every year and I love candy! Going as a ghost and yes that means I'm getting a bed sheet with holes in it and throwing over my head...cause I can and I will.
I have to say the only bad part about October is that nothing good is on T.V or in the movie theaters. Horror's not really my style with the exception of some stuff like M. Night Shyamalan films and, of course, Tim Burton. But other than their movies everything else is just crap in my opinion. And plus my mom doesn't like me seeing that crap anyway so...yeah...heheheh...
School's been a little blah...the only class I don't like is my Geometry class...only cause very little people pay attention and choose to not care about their education. Then again it's like that in my English class. It's the only thing I can't stand about school is those who choose to act like morons and not care about their future lives. It's distracting and no one gets anything done which ticks me off cause I actually want to learn. Oh well, still able to get good grades in all of my classes so nothing bad is going on.
Homecoming week next week...blah once more...I'm not much into school spirit for whatever reason...I think it's cause high school football bores me to sleep. I only have attention span for football if it's on T.V. and I'm in the comfort of either my or a friend's house..I dunno what it is but football live doesn't do well with me..anyway...I may do some days if they're fun for me...laaa..
high school,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Breakfast for Dinner, Sushi and Apple Pie
We had a breakfast for dinner party on Friday. About twenty or twenty-one people came. Including a dog and an unborn baby finishing the first-trimester. It was all good breakfast food: bacon, fruit, biscuits and gravy, the works. We also got out the cards and played a game of spoons. And as usual, there was blood. Most violent card game in existence. And we still have the marks on our table to prove it.
Saturday was a festival in Japan Town in San Jose. Spent some time with Jamie and Akane. Saw and got pictures of some cosplayers and some girls wearing lolita outfits. That was a fun time for me. We got a whole bunch of sushi and some dango for lunch. Rest of the day was spent watching the fifth season of Dexter.
As for today..not much. My mom made the best apple pie in existence which is great with vanilla ice cream. Marina's friends coming over and we're watching the Colts against the Jaguars...SAINTS ARE CHEATERS! Hahahaha..Just thought I'd throw that out there cause it's sadly true.
Saturday was a festival in Japan Town in San Jose. Spent some time with Jamie and Akane. Saw and got pictures of some cosplayers and some girls wearing lolita outfits. That was a fun time for me. We got a whole bunch of sushi and some dango for lunch. Rest of the day was spent watching the fifth season of Dexter.
As for today..not much. My mom made the best apple pie in existence which is great with vanilla ice cream. Marina's friends coming over and we're watching the Colts against the Jaguars...SAINTS ARE CHEATERS! Hahahaha..Just thought I'd throw that out there cause it's sadly true.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I think this is the longest I've gone without a new blog post...Really haven't had anything new and interesting to put in a new post.
It's been in the nineties the past couple of days which is never any fun with being on an outside school campus. And man have I've been having loads of homework lately. Of course it's all done at home in two plus hours but they still give us a lot of crap. I've been really tired lately and have been going to bed a lot earlier than usual..no idea why I've been so sleepy lately..
And nothing else interesting happening...gone back to watching anime every night..
It's been in the nineties the past couple of days which is never any fun with being on an outside school campus. And man have I've been having loads of homework lately. Of course it's all done at home in two plus hours but they still give us a lot of crap. I've been really tired lately and have been going to bed a lot earlier than usual..no idea why I've been so sleepy lately..
And nothing else interesting happening...gone back to watching anime every night..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ordinary Days
These days just feel as if they just repeat over and over again. Wake up, school, home, family, sleep, repeat. I just feel as if something really random and weird needs to happen to make life more interesting than it is now. Something crazy and insane....Wow I feel like Haruhi Suzumiya.
Tuesday was anime/manga club day and cosplay day. Jamie let me wear a kimono she bought from a Halloween store. And we attempted to watch the first episode of Fruits Basket. That was a good day.
Late start Wednesdays are great. Get to sleep in for an extra hour. Today felt really really long though...Don't you just have those days where it seems to last forever and ever? Advisory we talked about doing a Block Schedule next year which means you get certain classes one day and then the rest of your classes another day. It's actually what my high school back in Indiana did minus brunch and plus another class since this one goes to 2:10 and the other one goes to 3:15. I really wouldn't mind block schedule at all...Nothing else done today other than getting three books from the library(all by James Patterson) and finishing the day with a bowl of ice cream, blogging, and youtube.
Tuesday was anime/manga club day and cosplay day. Jamie let me wear a kimono she bought from a Halloween store. And we attempted to watch the first episode of Fruits Basket. That was a good day.
Late start Wednesdays are great. Get to sleep in for an extra hour. Today felt really really long though...Don't you just have those days where it seems to last forever and ever? Advisory we talked about doing a Block Schedule next year which means you get certain classes one day and then the rest of your classes another day. It's actually what my high school back in Indiana did minus brunch and plus another class since this one goes to 2:10 and the other one goes to 3:15. I really wouldn't mind block schedule at all...Nothing else done today other than getting three books from the library(all by James Patterson) and finishing the day with a bowl of ice cream, blogging, and youtube.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Techno Twister Shin Dig Boi!
As the title of this post says, me and my sister had our little party today.
We had a lot of our friends come over and of course we played a few rounds of ghetto twister, which again is twister with electrical tape on the carpet. We had intellectual chats for whatever reason which is always fun. Got out my mom's belly dancing stuff and danced to Lady Gaga. Ate some quesidillas and drank two liters worth of Pepsi and ate all the cupcakes we made. Yep, that was a success. That's usually how all of our parties go. I still find it funny that a lot of people said I would have fun at some stupid football game hanging out with friends.
Back story on that...So apparently my school does this El Toro Bowl thing which is a major football game. And a nice majority of the school goes to said football game and a lot of people don't even pay attention they just hang out with friends. To be honest, I could do that anytime, anywhere but a football game? No..Sorry but football just bores me to death and I don't really want to sit out in the cold talking to friends when I could be at home watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show discussing with friends why this movie is just plain bizarre. Anyway...
School starts again on Monday...won't have a major party until next month with our Halloween party where of course we go out and trick or treat in some awesome costumes. And yes I do love to trick or treat still and I probably will never grow out of it cause who doesn't like dressing up and getting free candy every year?
Well..Night me lovelies!
We had a lot of our friends come over and of course we played a few rounds of ghetto twister, which again is twister with electrical tape on the carpet. We had intellectual chats for whatever reason which is always fun. Got out my mom's belly dancing stuff and danced to Lady Gaga. Ate some quesidillas and drank two liters worth of Pepsi and ate all the cupcakes we made. Yep, that was a success. That's usually how all of our parties go. I still find it funny that a lot of people said I would have fun at some stupid football game hanging out with friends.
Back story on that...So apparently my school does this El Toro Bowl thing which is a major football game. And a nice majority of the school goes to said football game and a lot of people don't even pay attention they just hang out with friends. To be honest, I could do that anytime, anywhere but a football game? No..Sorry but football just bores me to death and I don't really want to sit out in the cold talking to friends when I could be at home watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show discussing with friends why this movie is just plain bizarre. Anyway...
School starts again on Monday...won't have a major party until next month with our Halloween party where of course we go out and trick or treat in some awesome costumes. And yes I do love to trick or treat still and I probably will never grow out of it cause who doesn't like dressing up and getting free candy every year?
Well..Night me lovelies!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Anime/Manga Club
Weekend's gone which means school's up and running once again.
Went to the mall this weekend with Jamie. We spent most of our time reading manga in Border's where I just so happen to have gotten a nosebleed. It was a bit funny cause my friend came out of the manga section for tissues and when she asked a couple guys for tissues they stared at her for a bit and pointed her towards some napkins. Very funny moment there.
Today being Tuesday, it officially makes it Anime/Manga Club day! It's just full of awesomeness. An entire thirty minutes of lunch devoted to talking to psycho otakus about our favorite anime and manga. Makes one happy Eliza! And the pocky helps the cause as well.
Can't wait for Saturday. That's me and my sister's Techo Twister Shin Dig(name created by some of her friends). True to its name, it's a party with techno music and the game Twister..well Ghetto Twister that is. Instead of using the mat thingamabob, we use colorful electrical tape and tape it to the carpet and the person who's supposed to use the spinner turns evil and doesn't use the spinner and calls out whatever color and body part. It's gonna be crazy cause we got orange as an extra color.
That's it for now, so I'm gonna eat some of my mom's cooking for the first time in a few days and watch some T.V.
Ciao, me lovelies!
Went to the mall this weekend with Jamie. We spent most of our time reading manga in Border's where I just so happen to have gotten a nosebleed. It was a bit funny cause my friend came out of the manga section for tissues and when she asked a couple guys for tissues they stared at her for a bit and pointed her towards some napkins. Very funny moment there.
Today being Tuesday, it officially makes it Anime/Manga Club day! It's just full of awesomeness. An entire thirty minutes of lunch devoted to talking to psycho otakus about our favorite anime and manga. Makes one happy Eliza! And the pocky helps the cause as well.
Can't wait for Saturday. That's me and my sister's Techo Twister Shin Dig(name created by some of her friends). True to its name, it's a party with techno music and the game Twister..well Ghetto Twister that is. Instead of using the mat thingamabob, we use colorful electrical tape and tape it to the carpet and the person who's supposed to use the spinner turns evil and doesn't use the spinner and calls out whatever color and body part. It's gonna be crazy cause we got orange as an extra color.
That's it for now, so I'm gonna eat some of my mom's cooking for the first time in a few days and watch some T.V.
Ciao, me lovelies!
Friday, September 10, 2010
TGIF once again
Weekend start!
My Friday was pretty good. It was club day today at lunch which is a day where all the school clubs are set up at different tables and you sign up for whatever one you want to join. After some roaming, me and my friend Jamie came across an anime and manga club. Of course we had a little spazz attack and signed up for it. This is gonna be great cause I'll meet new people and make a nice load of friends. Anime crazed friends that is which is good. Ah..Happy days oh happy days..
My mom is out at Illinois for a twenty year high school reunion which means me and my sister are with our step dad for the weekend. Today, for dinner he took us out to the mall for fish tacos. As weird as it sounds it's really good..except for Rubio's fish tacos..they're awesome! Next to Chevy's, it's one of the best taco places ever!
I don't think we're doing much this weekend. Just another lazy two day break from school.
My Friday was pretty good. It was club day today at lunch which is a day where all the school clubs are set up at different tables and you sign up for whatever one you want to join. After some roaming, me and my friend Jamie came across an anime and manga club. Of course we had a little spazz attack and signed up for it. This is gonna be great cause I'll meet new people and make a nice load of friends. Anime crazed friends that is which is good. Ah..Happy days oh happy days..
My mom is out at Illinois for a twenty year high school reunion which means me and my sister are with our step dad for the weekend. Today, for dinner he took us out to the mall for fish tacos. As weird as it sounds it's really good..except for Rubio's fish tacos..they're awesome! Next to Chevy's, it's one of the best taco places ever!
I don't think we're doing much this weekend. Just another lazy two day break from school.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Late Start
Another Wednesday come and gone..
Nothing too special today. There were speeches today for people running for freshman president, vice president, etc. To be honest I wasn't really that interested. I think cause school back in Indiana doesn't do stuff like this I wasn't at all interested. And let's see..other than my second nosebleed this week nothing too great. And don't worry..I only got one cause it doesn't rain in California during the summer. Watched the Dark Knight today..I miss Heath Ledger...
Nothing too special today. There were speeches today for people running for freshman president, vice president, etc. To be honest I wasn't really that interested. I think cause school back in Indiana doesn't do stuff like this I wasn't at all interested. And let's see..other than my second nosebleed this week nothing too great. And don't worry..I only got one cause it doesn't rain in California during the summer. Watched the Dark Knight today..I miss Heath Ledger...
high school,
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Weekend
Well with Labor Day weekend drawing to a close that means school is starting back up tomorrow.
Me and my family went out with some friends on their boat today. Nothing too special to report. I'm just psyched to get to see Jamie and Akane again. That's pretty much the only thing that makes me want to crawl out of bed at 6:40 in the morning to go to school: Seeing my friends. Sucks that I don't have any classes with them so I have to make friends along the way. Oh well, it's good to make new friends right?
Me and my family went out with some friends on their boat today. Nothing too special to report. I'm just psyched to get to see Jamie and Akane again. That's pretty much the only thing that makes me want to crawl out of bed at 6:40 in the morning to go to school: Seeing my friends. Sucks that I don't have any classes with them so I have to make friends along the way. Oh well, it's good to make new friends right?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
No soup for you!
Come back in two weeks....I'm not quite sure I just have that quote in my head. Anyway..
Yesterday, my friends Jamie and Akane came over for a while. We had a large pepperoni pizza and went out to the park. With Jamie cosplaying as Deidara-sempai from Naruto of course..cause she brought the stuff over and we were bored. I got to wear the Akatskuki cloak which is very comfy. Then we came back home, played around with belly dancing stuff, and ended the night with the second Bleach movie. I was so hyper that night...I think it was the surplus amount of grapes I was eating.
Nothing special today...lazy Saturday in the house hold. Two more days of weekend including Labor Day. Wish we could have three day weekends all the time..but since we can't I guess we'll have to deal with going to school on Mondays.
Yesterday, my friends Jamie and Akane came over for a while. We had a large pepperoni pizza and went out to the park. With Jamie cosplaying as Deidara-sempai from Naruto of course..cause she brought the stuff over and we were bored. I got to wear the Akatskuki cloak which is very comfy. Then we came back home, played around with belly dancing stuff, and ended the night with the second Bleach movie. I was so hyper that night...I think it was the surplus amount of grapes I was eating.
Nothing special today...lazy Saturday in the house hold. Two more days of weekend including Labor Day. Wish we could have three day weekends all the time..but since we can't I guess we'll have to deal with going to school on Mondays.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Almost Friday
The school week is almost over finally. This week's been a little crazy. I stayed home from school on Monday because I felt really horrible. Sore throat, phlegm, sinus headache, the works. I'll tell you, being sick while you're in high school and having to make up work is no fun at all. Elementary and middle school is a piece of cake, but high school is a lot more work. Anyway, I still have a bit of a sore throat and a sinus headache but I think a Nyquil to knock me out and a good night's sleep will make me better.
Today was interesting..if three fights at school counts as interesting. Not full on any details but there was a girl fight and two boy fights. It apparently got a bit aggressive with one of the boy fights hearing that someone got bloody. I didn't actually see any of the fights but I'm glad I didn't cause I don't know what happens when you turn thirteen. You get all these hormones and things go crazy. Oh well, that kind of stuff was somewhat normal for me with me being from a "ghetto" school.
Tomorrow is Friday, which means me and my sister are having our friends Jamie and Akane over for some party silliness. Good night!
Today was interesting..if three fights at school counts as interesting. Not full on any details but there was a girl fight and two boy fights. It apparently got a bit aggressive with one of the boy fights hearing that someone got bloody. I didn't actually see any of the fights but I'm glad I didn't cause I don't know what happens when you turn thirteen. You get all these hormones and things go crazy. Oh well, that kind of stuff was somewhat normal for me with me being from a "ghetto" school.
Tomorrow is Friday, which means me and my sister are having our friends Jamie and Akane over for some party silliness. Good night!
high school,
school week,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Family Reunion and Spoons
Title's pretty self explanatory. I had a family reunion with a lot of members on my step dad's side of the family. We had a big dinner with loads of barbecue goodies. And my sister made a rocket ship cake for the occasion. A green one to be exact. After dinner, we played a nice friendly game of spoons. In case you aren't familiar with the game, it's a card game in which you are to match four of a kind (Ex: Say you have the card 5, you match it with the symbols[spades, diamonds, etc.]). And if you match all four cards, you have to grab a spoon and then everyone else dives for a spoon. And when I say dive, I literally mean DIVE. And there's also one less spoons then there are people. Also, I may suggest not wearing any fancy nail stuff and cutting your nails prior to playing spoons cause there is a possibility of getting a flesh wound.
Don't think I have much to do for the rest of the weekend. Start school again on Monday and then it's Labor Day weekend and Demyx month A.K.A September. 2010 PLEASE SLOW DOWN!
Don't think I have much to do for the rest of the weekend. Start school again on Monday and then it's Labor Day weekend and Demyx month A.K.A September. 2010 PLEASE SLOW DOWN!
Friday, August 27, 2010
WTF (Wednesday Thursday Friday)
So it's Friday..Finally! Me and my sister's computer still isn't working so we have to use our mom's computer for the time being. Anyway...
So today we got our lockers..sort of. Marina hasn't gotten her locker for whatever weird reason and I got my locker but the combination doesn't work. I thought I wasn't jotting down my combination right cause it's so weird and confusing so I asked two upperclassmen to help me open up my locker and it still wouldn't open. So I went to the office to talk to someone about it and guess what? The office was loaded with other kids with the exact same problem. 180 other students to be exact. It apparently has something to do with the new computer system or something that's messing everything up. Of course me and Marina still can use one of the assistant principal's office to store our crap until we can get the locker situation worked out. Oh well...it's the weekend and I don't feel like worrying so much about that now.
We had some friends over for a big dinner with lasagna, garlic bread, salad, atomic pie, the whole she-bang. And then we played a little game of Settlers (requires loads of strategy). And for tomorrow..Family reunion! So my house is gonna be filled with people and food. Lots of my mom's cooking.
Well, that's it for now. Gonna do some online role playing with my friend Kelly. G'night.
So today we got our lockers..sort of. Marina hasn't gotten her locker for whatever weird reason and I got my locker but the combination doesn't work. I thought I wasn't jotting down my combination right cause it's so weird and confusing so I asked two upperclassmen to help me open up my locker and it still wouldn't open. So I went to the office to talk to someone about it and guess what? The office was loaded with other kids with the exact same problem. 180 other students to be exact. It apparently has something to do with the new computer system or something that's messing everything up. Of course me and Marina still can use one of the assistant principal's office to store our crap until we can get the locker situation worked out. Oh well...it's the weekend and I don't feel like worrying so much about that now.
We had some friends over for a big dinner with lasagna, garlic bread, salad, atomic pie, the whole she-bang. And then we played a little game of Settlers (requires loads of strategy). And for tomorrow..Family reunion! So my house is gonna be filled with people and food. Lots of my mom's cooking.
Well, that's it for now. Gonna do some online role playing with my friend Kelly. G'night.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Neverending Heat
Recently we've been getting this massive heat wave and it's no fun at all with the entire campus outside including the cafeteria. P.E has been a real pain as well with me not being the most athletic person in the world plus the heat of about one hundred degrees Fahrenheit equals one exhausted Eliza. No fun at all. Starting to get all of my textbooks with no locker to put them in so that's been insane as well. Luckily, this morning my step dad got to talk to one of the assistant principals and now me and my sister can put our stuff in his office if we don't really need it. Hopefully by Friday we get our actual lockers.
That's all I really have to say..just a little update.
That's all I really have to say..just a little update.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Weekend La~
First week of school is over! I thought Friday would never come. I ended the school day with making a couple of new friends: A Japanese foreign exchange student named Akane and an awesome anime and Kingdom Hearts fan girl named Jamie. Best day of my life!
After having some neighbors over for a nice big dinner, me and my sister went out to the first school dance with our new friends. To be honest, that dance was not that great. All of the music was horrible and the D.J kept mixing up everything so you couldn't hear just one song. And looking like you're having sex with clothes on is in no way, shape or form equivalent to dancing. So I kinda spent most of my time outside with Jamie talking about anime. But it was nice to get to know some new friends and do something other than sit at home all afternoon and night.
After having some neighbors over for a nice big dinner, me and my sister went out to the first school dance with our new friends. To be honest, that dance was not that great. All of the music was horrible and the D.J kept mixing up everything so you couldn't hear just one song. And looking like you're having sex with clothes on is in no way, shape or form equivalent to dancing. So I kinda spent most of my time outside with Jamie talking about anime. But it was nice to get to know some new friends and do something other than sit at home all afternoon and night.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I hate Thursdays. You wake up and think the week's gonna be over and it isn't. So then you have to go through two more days of school/work before you can take a two day breather. Anyway...
Third day of school has come and gone. I hate that freshmen and new kids don't get their lockers right away so they have to carry all their crap around for three days until Friday. Good thing they don't give us our textbooks right away..But I hate that they give us a load of homework on like the second day. What twisted school does that anyway? Well anyway, it's finally gonna be Friday tomorrow and that also means it's the Back To School Dance! Gonna go only probably for a little bit since it's from eight to eleven and I'll probably pass out even though that probably impossible with the possibility of music blasting in my ears...
So that's it for now and now I'm gonna talk to some of my peeps and watch some anime. Night everyone!
Third day of school has come and gone. I hate that freshmen and new kids don't get their lockers right away so they have to carry all their crap around for three days until Friday. Good thing they don't give us our textbooks right away..But I hate that they give us a load of homework on like the second day. What twisted school does that anyway? Well anyway, it's finally gonna be Friday tomorrow and that also means it's the Back To School Dance! Gonna go only probably for a little bit since it's from eight to eleven and I'll probably pass out even though that probably impossible with the possibility of music blasting in my ears...
So that's it for now and now I'm gonna talk to some of my peeps and watch some anime. Night everyone!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Back to the Books
I hate the first day of school cause it's really awkward and silent. And the teachers have to go through all the rules and regulations and all that stuff that makes you fall asleep and drool on your desk. Well..at least that was my day.
All my teachers are nice and not insane which is a good thing. I'm really happy that my English teacher has only lived here for a few weeks and he moved in from Chicago. I'm gonna love my English class I know it. I'm really happy that there's fifteen minutes of the day devoted to brunch. What I really love is that on Wednesdays they start school at 9 a.m and we have a whole 30 minutes with a teacher talking about college. So that's gonna be fun as well.
And..yeah that's pretty much my first day as a high school freshman. Yeah, not the most interesting first day of school ever but it's enough for me to type this up. G'night!
All my teachers are nice and not insane which is a good thing. I'm really happy that my English teacher has only lived here for a few weeks and he moved in from Chicago. I'm gonna love my English class I know it. I'm really happy that there's fifteen minutes of the day devoted to brunch. What I really love is that on Wednesdays they start school at 9 a.m and we have a whole 30 minutes with a teacher talking about college. So that's gonna be fun as well.
And..yeah that's pretty much my first day as a high school freshman. Yeah, not the most interesting first day of school ever but it's enough for me to type this up. G'night!
high school,
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Closing of Summer Vacation
So it's been a month since me and my sister moved to California. So far our days have been just sitting at home watching Deadly Women and RuPaul's Drag Race on T.V., reading, eating, and stalking people on Facebook. And we'd always do something with our parents on the weekends. Sadly, those days are coming to an end and tomorrow me and my sister start the new school year at our new high school. Marina will be starting her junior year and I'm starting my freshman year. We have new clothes and supplies for the year ready. Now all the madness will begin tomorrow morning. At least here in Cali I won't have to worry about snow days messing up the date for the end of the year. Yeah, I'm gonna miss the snow.
So that's it for this post, so I'm gonna do some Youtube roaming for the rest of the night and go to bed.
So that's it for this post, so I'm gonna do some Youtube roaming for the rest of the night and go to bed.
high school,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Softball and Salsa Dancing
Okay I gotta remember that my blog is ridiculously bright, colorful, and orange. Anywho...
Yesterday, I went out with Marina and my mom to a softball tournament for charity with a couple friends. I've never been to one and I've seen how intense this game can be (crap, I've lost the game). The last game was a bit sad though cause the winning team won seventeen to I think four. Yeah...That was a fun day though.
And today, me and Marina went out with the same friends that took us to the softball tournament to downtown San Jose for a jazz music festival. It was really fun cause we got to dance until our feet felt like they were gonna fall off. There were two stages: Blues and Salsa. We spent most of our time at the Salsa stage cause our friend, Jenn, had a cousin that was in one of the bands. They were really great and I don't remember a moment that me and my sister weren't dancing. We wandered to the Blues stage but it wasn't really that fun with everyone just sitting in lawn chairs. So we went home after that.
Let's see..I believe other than me reading a lot of James Patterson books recently there really isn't much going on. Think I'll go to bed now before I pass out on the keyboard and type up some random gibberish that doesn't make any sense. G'night!
Yesterday, I went out with Marina and my mom to a softball tournament for charity with a couple friends. I've never been to one and I've seen how intense this game can be (crap, I've lost the game). The last game was a bit sad though cause the winning team won seventeen to I think four. Yeah...That was a fun day though.
And today, me and Marina went out with the same friends that took us to the softball tournament to downtown San Jose for a jazz music festival. It was really fun cause we got to dance until our feet felt like they were gonna fall off. There were two stages: Blues and Salsa. We spent most of our time at the Salsa stage cause our friend, Jenn, had a cousin that was in one of the bands. They were really great and I don't remember a moment that me and my sister weren't dancing. We wandered to the Blues stage but it wasn't really that fun with everyone just sitting in lawn chairs. So we went home after that.
Let's see..I believe other than me reading a lot of James Patterson books recently there really isn't much going on. Think I'll go to bed now before I pass out on the keyboard and type up some random gibberish that doesn't make any sense. G'night!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Six Days and Counting
In about a week, I'll be starting my freshman year in high school. I just went to my freshman orientation today and got my schedule and school picture too. My picture didn't go as great as I thought it would but whatever. None of my school pictures are really great anyway. There really isn't much for me and my sister to buy at the store for school supplies since my step-dad has a nice load of stuff in his office.
My high school is very nice. The hallways and cafeteria are outside and we have brunch. Plus, on Wednesdays we start school at nine instead of eight. I'm not quite sure why but that's something new they're doing. It's only about a fifteen minute walk from my house so we won't be riding crowded buses anymore. No wonder there aren't any behavioral problems at this place; Everyone's flipping happy.
Well, that's all I have to write for now. Gonna go and watch some D.Gray-man. Good night!
My high school is very nice. The hallways and cafeteria are outside and we have brunch. Plus, on Wednesdays we start school at nine instead of eight. I'm not quite sure why but that's something new they're doing. It's only about a fifteen minute walk from my house so we won't be riding crowded buses anymore. No wonder there aren't any behavioral problems at this place; Everyone's flipping happy.
Well, that's all I have to write for now. Gonna go and watch some D.Gray-man. Good night!
Friday, August 6, 2010
So yesterday, me and my sister went out with some friends a couple streets down from where we live. Went out to the lake on their boat. Me and my sister went tubing and I kinda screamed the entire time cause I'm a bit pathetic like that. Oh, and Marina tried to wake board but unfortunately, she did a bit of a face plant. Then, we stayed at their house, trying to beat their son, Ryan, at Little Big Planet, and making a very delicious blueberry pie. Parents came over for dinner and we all had some awesome pizza and of course the blueberry pie.
Today was the usual sit at home and watch T.V kind of day. Well, until after we ate dinner. Me, Marina, and our mom went out to the mall to do a bit of back to school shopping. And we kinda wandered around the mall looking for more places to shop and just to see what's in the mall. And then we came home listening to 80's music. Yeah, that's pretty much been our Friday. Don't really have much planned this weekend. Gotta remember to ask my mom to go to the library so I can return a couple books. Gonna spend the rest of the night probably watching stuff on Youtube. Night!
Love and Kisses,
Today was the usual sit at home and watch T.V kind of day. Well, until after we ate dinner. Me, Marina, and our mom went out to the mall to do a bit of back to school shopping. And we kinda wandered around the mall looking for more places to shop and just to see what's in the mall. And then we came home listening to 80's music. Yeah, that's pretty much been our Friday. Don't really have much planned this weekend. Gotta remember to ask my mom to go to the library so I can return a couple books. Gonna spend the rest of the night probably watching stuff on Youtube. Night!
Love and Kisses,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August (ALREADY?!)
Where the heck did summer go? Did I just finish school one day and am magically in California starting high school the next? Sheesh..
So happy August (kinda..) everyone! Or as some of my Kingdom Hearts crazed fans of friends like to say: Happy Axel Month! Okay that random stuff is over. Just felt like typing up a new post so that I did.
See you guys when something that's actually eventful happens.
Love and Kisses,
So happy August (kinda..) everyone! Or as some of my Kingdom Hearts crazed fans of friends like to say: Happy Axel Month! Okay that random stuff is over. Just felt like typing up a new post so that I did.
See you guys when something that's actually eventful happens.
Love and Kisses,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Santa Cruz
Went out to Santa Cruz as the title says. I have no idea how people live there. Almost every other street is filled with parked cars. We had to go in a circle before finding a place to park. Rest of the day was spent walking around the beach boardwalk. Would've gone swimming if the weather channel didn't lie to us saying it would be freezing. Oh well, it's not as if Santa Cruz is on the other end of the state so we can always go back.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Lazy Days
Not much has been going on for the past couple days. Had a dentist's appointment yesterday for a regular checkup and cleaning. I apparently need to wait a few months for my molars to grow in so I can get the stuff you need to prevent any cavities in between the teeth(I have no memory of what it's called). Yes, I'm fourteen and all of my molars aren't fully grown in yet but whatever; as long as I have no need for fillings or braces, I'm good.
Tomorrow, we're going out to invite some neighbors for dinner. Apparently there are people with a son that's gonna be a senior and there are other neighbors with a fifteen year old daughter that's going to be a sophomore and it's her first year here so that's a big plus with the new social life thing. But other than that nothing else too eventful going on. See you next time!
Love and Kisses,
Tomorrow, we're going out to invite some neighbors for dinner. Apparently there are people with a son that's gonna be a senior and there are other neighbors with a fifteen year old daughter that's going to be a sophomore and it's her first year here so that's a big plus with the new social life thing. But other than that nothing else too eventful going on. See you next time!
Love and Kisses,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Whoa. Sorry for long time no update. We've been having some Internet difficulties and my computer had some problems that are now fixed...yeah. Everything's fine now though thankfully.
Nothing really has been going on lately. Just been sitting at home and watching T.V and reading Calvin and Hobbes all day. I'd never thought I would be so excited to start high school and meet new people. Now I bet your thinking something like going outside the house and finding if there are people your age nearby but my sister did that a few times and it's not going well. Yeah...
So that's wraps up this post for today since I have nothing else to type about so I will see you guys when something eventful does happen. Bye!
Love and Kisses,
Nothing really has been going on lately. Just been sitting at home and watching T.V and reading Calvin and Hobbes all day. I'd never thought I would be so excited to start high school and meet new people. Now I bet your thinking something like going outside the house and finding if there are people your age nearby but my sister did that a few times and it's not going well. Yeah...
So that's wraps up this post for today since I have nothing else to type about so I will see you guys when something eventful does happen. Bye!
Love and Kisses,
Saturday, July 17, 2010
San Francisco
Today me and my family went up to San Francisco. It's such a great city other than it being really cold. I don't know how anyone in San Francisco parks with all of the hills and such. Who's genius idea was it to build a city on a bunch a hills? Well, whatever, it's here already and even after a massive earthquake it'll still be here. We took a drive through Japan Town and walked around a little bit of Chinatown. We stopped at a sushi place that serves plates of sushi on boats that go around and you're supposed to grab a plate of sushi to eat. They have great spider rolls though the California rolls have tons of roe (fish eggs). After going through Chinatown, we drove all the way out to the Golden Gate Bridge taking a little detour through Lombard Street. Why? Because it was there and resistance was futile.
That's pretty much been our day. We're going to a birthday party tomorrow and that's pretty much gonna be the rest of our weekend so I think I'll stop here.
Love and Kisses,
That's pretty much been our day. We're going to a birthday party tomorrow and that's pretty much gonna be the rest of our weekend so I think I'll stop here.
Love and Kisses,
Friday, July 16, 2010
So today me, Marina, and my mom went out to an animal shelter in San Martin to adopt a kitten for Marina. After some searching, we set our eyes on a gray, stripped, tabby boy kitten and, of course, adopted him. As the title says, my sister named the kitten Kline.
He's home with us now while my mom is out at the vet with our English mastiff, Maggie. Our Maltese, Stella, seems to take big interest in Kline. But the older cat, Chip, doesn't like him that much. I don't speak cat but I'm pretty sure if I stuck a Babel Fish in my ear he probably would be saying some mean stuff like a sixty year old man. But I think he'll get over it eventually. As for our English mastiff, well, we still have yet to see if she likes Kline but she likes all cats (except for Chip) so I don't think that'll be a problem.
On a smaller note, tomorrow we're going out to San Francisco and I hear from my friend Jo that it's really nice so I hope it's as great as I see in the movies, T.V shows, and pictures. Well, I'm gonna go watch some hilarious wedding videos on A.F.V.
Love and Kisses,
He's home with us now while my mom is out at the vet with our English mastiff, Maggie. Our Maltese, Stella, seems to take big interest in Kline. But the older cat, Chip, doesn't like him that much. I don't speak cat but I'm pretty sure if I stuck a Babel Fish in my ear he probably would be saying some mean stuff like a sixty year old man. But I think he'll get over it eventually. As for our English mastiff, well, we still have yet to see if she likes Kline but she likes all cats (except for Chip) so I don't think that'll be a problem.
On a smaller note, tomorrow we're going out to San Francisco and I hear from my friend Jo that it's really nice so I hope it's as great as I see in the movies, T.V shows, and pictures. Well, I'm gonna go watch some hilarious wedding videos on A.F.V.
Love and Kisses,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Beautiful San Jose
Liz again coming to you live from lovely San Jose, California. God, I know my mom showed me pictures of this place but man, it's so beautiful.
The day started at four in the morning. By that time, everyone was up and out on an almost two hour drive from Palm Bay to the Orlando airport. If you haven't driven in the early mornings I'll tell you right now, it's ridiculously foggy. I didn't know where the rode was it was so foggy. After that, we got to the airport, got our tickets, ate some food, went through security, and all that ridiculous stuff you have to do at airports to get to a plane. After we found some seats and had a ton time before leaving, we started to hear squeaky sounds. We looked around and we found a 2 year old girl running and her shoes were making the squeaking sounds every time she walked. So cute!
After boarding the plane and about five hours of flying later we stopped at Las Vegas. The flight wasn't connecting to San Jose so we had to get off and run all over kingdom come of the Las Vegas airport FILLED with people, restaurants, and gambling machines (or whatever the heck you call them) to find the gate with the plane flying to San Jose. Luckily we did, but they began boarding so we didn't get to take a bathroom break. Once on the plane, we started talking to a girl we were sitting next to. And we continued talking about various subjects for the entire flight from Las Vegas to San Jose. It was only until towards the end of the flight we exchanged names which was pretty funny.
The San Jose airport isn't too far from my new house so we were able to drop off all of our stuff at home and go out for awesome Mexican food for lunch. Best tacos in the world and I wasn't able to finish two they were so big. Good thing I still had room in my stomach to try some Jamba Juice. Their peach smoothie's just awesome. Best smoothie place on the planet.
We invited two neighbors over to have dinner with us tomorrow so that'll be great to get to know some people around here. Oh, and I should say that we already have a babysitting job 'cause these same neighbors just happen to be seven weeks away from having a baby. By the way, if you've never been to northern California, if you plan to invite someone over for dinner, remember to ask if anyone is a vegetarian. It's very helpful to know.
Oh jeez...I seriously wrote that much? Well, I think that's enough for now. Man, my shoulder hurts. Keep you guys updated when something eventful happens.
Love and Kisses,
The day started at four in the morning. By that time, everyone was up and out on an almost two hour drive from Palm Bay to the Orlando airport. If you haven't driven in the early mornings I'll tell you right now, it's ridiculously foggy. I didn't know where the rode was it was so foggy. After that, we got to the airport, got our tickets, ate some food, went through security, and all that ridiculous stuff you have to do at airports to get to a plane. After we found some seats and had a ton time before leaving, we started to hear squeaky sounds. We looked around and we found a 2 year old girl running and her shoes were making the squeaking sounds every time she walked. So cute!
After boarding the plane and about five hours of flying later we stopped at Las Vegas. The flight wasn't connecting to San Jose so we had to get off and run all over kingdom come of the Las Vegas airport FILLED with people, restaurants, and gambling machines (or whatever the heck you call them) to find the gate with the plane flying to San Jose. Luckily we did, but they began boarding so we didn't get to take a bathroom break. Once on the plane, we started talking to a girl we were sitting next to. And we continued talking about various subjects for the entire flight from Las Vegas to San Jose. It was only until towards the end of the flight we exchanged names which was pretty funny.
The San Jose airport isn't too far from my new house so we were able to drop off all of our stuff at home and go out for awesome Mexican food for lunch. Best tacos in the world and I wasn't able to finish two they were so big. Good thing I still had room in my stomach to try some Jamba Juice. Their peach smoothie's just awesome. Best smoothie place on the planet.
We invited two neighbors over to have dinner with us tomorrow so that'll be great to get to know some people around here. Oh, and I should say that we already have a babysitting job 'cause these same neighbors just happen to be seven weeks away from having a baby. By the way, if you've never been to northern California, if you plan to invite someone over for dinner, remember to ask if anyone is a vegetarian. It's very helpful to know.
Oh jeez...I seriously wrote that much? Well, I think that's enough for now. Man, my shoulder hurts. Keep you guys updated when something eventful happens.
Love and Kisses,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Last Day in Florida
Well as the title says today's the last day/night in Florida. Did some more packing. Our flight tomorrow leaves from the Orlando airport at 7:55 in the morning and we are currently about two hours away from the Orlando airport so tomorrow is going to require us waking up at five in the morning so we can get to the airport, get our tickets, go through security, possibly get some airport food for breakfast, and get on the plane. It does sound crazy but we always manage to do it all. Even with it being a weekday in the middle of the summer. And we've been doing this for 3 years too. Depending on what happens after all the flying madness I probably won't type up another post for another day or two. I'm not sure.
Right now we're watching Cheaters on G4 eating cookies. In case you've never heard of it, it's a show about cameras following the boy/girlfriends of people who suspect that they are cheating on them. It's pretty entertaining actually. Check it out sometime if you're interested.
So that's it for this post. See you guys in a day or two and until then, Bye!
Love and Cookies,
Right now we're watching Cheaters on G4 eating cookies. In case you've never heard of it, it's a show about cameras following the boy/girlfriends of people who suspect that they are cheating on them. It's pretty entertaining actually. Check it out sometime if you're interested.
So that's it for this post. See you guys in a day or two and until then, Bye!
Love and Cookies,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Not much to say about today. My dad was at work while me and Marina were at home packing up some of our stuff and watching The Producers. Can't get any more eventful than that when my dad's at work since nothing is in walking distance from his apartment and my sister can't drive yet.
My dad's home now and we just finished dinner. We're watching My Fair Lady and eating cookies that a friend of his sent him. Yep. Just another lazy evening at my dad's. Will keep you guys updated tomorrow before the morning we have to leave for the airport.
TTFN (Ta ta for now),
My dad's home now and we just finished dinner. We're watching My Fair Lady and eating cookies that a friend of his sent him. Yep. Just another lazy evening at my dad's. Will keep you guys updated tomorrow before the morning we have to leave for the airport.
TTFN (Ta ta for now),
Sunday, July 11, 2010
3 Days
No, I don't have three days to collect ninety-nine souls for Davy Jones. It's how many days I have until I start my new life in the wonderful land of, obviously as the title of this blog says, California. I've been spending the first half of my summer in Florida to visit my dad like me and my sister, Marina, usually do.
Here's the basics on what's going on. My step-dad's been in college for a few years in engineering and he needed a job. Since Indiana has no jobs related do what he plans to do we make the BIG decision to move all the way on the other side of the country with my mom getting a better job in home mortgage. Since shipping out the cars would cost nine to ten thousand dollars, my parents decided to go cross-country with all of our stuff including two dogs and a cat that requires drugs to be kept calm the entire drive. And while they did that me and Marina would be sent down to our dad's earlier than usual.
Of course, my parents are in California right now painting the walls of our new house and moving in all of our stuff. And as mentioned before in three days me and Marina will be taking our little adventure to our new home for the first time.
If you wish to see the details of our summer check out Marina's blog (minaxballerina.blogspot.com) since it's been a long six weeks.
As of now, we're all just hanging out at my dad's apartment watching the fifth Harry Potter movie on ABC Family. Well, I think that does it for my first post so I think I'm going to watch some anime online for the rest of the night.
Until next time, this has been Liz with her blog. Good night.
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