Sunday, July 11, 2010

3 Days

No, I don't have three days to collect ninety-nine souls for Davy Jones. It's how many days I have until I start my new life in the wonderful land of, obviously as the title of this blog says, California. I've been spending the first half of my summer in Florida to visit my dad like me and my sister, Marina, usually do.

Here's the basics on what's going on. My step-dad's been in college for a few years in engineering and he needed a job. Since Indiana has no jobs related do what he plans to do we make the BIG decision to move all the way on the other side of the country with my mom getting a better job in home mortgage. Since shipping out the cars would cost nine to ten thousand dollars, my parents decided to go cross-country with all of our stuff including two dogs and a cat that requires drugs to be kept calm the entire drive. And while they did that me and Marina would be sent down to our dad's earlier than usual.

Of course, my parents are in California right now painting the walls of our new house and moving in all of our stuff. And as mentioned before in three days me and Marina will be taking our little adventure to our new home for the first time.

If you wish to see the details of our summer check out Marina's blog ( since it's been a long six weeks.

As of now, we're all just hanging out at my dad's apartment watching the fifth Harry Potter movie on ABC Family. Well, I think that does it for my first post so I think I'm going to watch some anime online for the rest of the night.

Until next time, this has been Liz with her blog. Good night.

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