Wednesday, March 30, 2011

(Insert Explosion Here)

Weather's been awesome all week. It's supposed to be in the eighties tomorrow and that means I get a reason to wear a dress!!! Hahaha. Really excited. Once again more of the same old school work and pains in my side from running in P.E.

Been starting on a draft for a persuasive essay against a school uniform policy. I'm pretty sure I did something like this in the eighth grade but whatever. I like writing. Haven't done any recently because I've been so wrapped up in reading.

I recently finished the book FANG. It's part of the Maximum Ride series. I was about to cry at the end. So now I'm super desperate to get the next book, ANGEL. It came out on Valentine's Day so it's been out for a while. Even long enough to be in every library in the county. Here's my problem: 85 holds. Only 46 copies of the book. Check out time is three weeks. I was about to die when I saw that. So I have to resort to going to Barnes & Noble to get a copy, like, now. It's a bit of a way of life for me.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

And now for something completely different

Nice little weekend of nothing. I'm just dying for Spring Break to come already. Most people I know have had theirs and/or starting theirs. My school's weird and Spring Break is combined with Easter weekend. So we don't have another vacation until the end of April. It kinda sucks.

So we recently lost a great actress of the Golden Age. Elizabeth Taylor. I only saw one film of hers Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. It was a little weird cause I wasn't paying any attention and the movie was confusing in the first place. I added a few of her movies to our Netflix. We're watching Cleopatra. I really wonder how people back then were able to sit through a four hour movie. Was there like an intermission every hour so people could pee? Really amazes you when you see how they used actual sets and actual thousands of people instead of the green/blue screens and the CGI used now in films like Avatar. That's how movies were done back then.

Back to school tomorrow once again. Back in the same old rut I'm usually stuck in.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

My feet are cold..

It honestly sucks to live in the valley now. And why? Rain. Rain. Rain. And more rain.

It's been raining all week. It was a little on and off at first. That is until today. It just kept coming nonstop and after school while me and my sister waited for our mom to pick us up huddled under an umbrella, here comes the huge downpour. And when I say downpour, I mean downpour. The umbrella did little help. So my jeans and Purdue sweater got soaked. I got water in my Converse. And thank God my mother came just in time to get us out of there.

Here's a crazy part. There were like two kids who were still walking home even though the sidewalks were flooding. Oh, and the city put up signs that said that the streets were flooded. Never would've recognized a flooding street without that sign now would we?

So as we were a couple streets away from home, we make a turn and here's Coriander Street that has now become Coriander River. As my mom took a picture to send to my step dad, I made a comment that we should borrow our neighbor's boat. And then we came home.

So now my clothes are getting washed and I'm in clean comfy pajamas blogging away. I really think it should be Friday. Feels like one. Maybe cause the rain makes it feel like you wanna stay home for the next couple days. Hahaha.


Sunday, March 20, 2011


Watching Stars Wars. I'm not the only one who thinks that it's funny that the first three movies have better technology than the last three movies, right? Here's what I think the theory is with that situation. The Empire lost the budget to have nice things because most of it was spent on an enormous droid army (was mostly destroyed and then shut down during third movie) and a Death Star and a half (both destroyed).

So just another lazy weekend. Drawing, writing, starting on second season of Scrubs. The usual. I started writing a new story based off the events of the earthquake and tsunami disaster about two sisters who move to the U.S to live with their Aunt and start a new life after losing their parents. I may post the first few chapters if I can.

Looks like whole world is falling to ruins. Radiation problems in Japan, the whole Gadhafi thing in Libya. Still wish some people would come to their senses and stop acting like power crazed psychos for once in their lives. World could just do so much better without them. Oh well. Who said the world was perfect? No one.

Oh get this. So apparently California was supposed to get this big earthquake yesterday cause the full moon would make the tides all crazy and stuff. You can tell how full of themselves whoever made this up is. I think this would've been figured out earlier like a hurricane we would have time to get out of here. But since earthquakes can't be predicted like hurricanes, there you have it. And even if that happened then we must be in heaven. Hahaha.

Back to school tomorrow. Nothing else happening in my life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to make school a better place

Today in advisory we read an article made by the school talking about advisory classes and how they're supposed to help us be better in school. Then we took a survey about if advisory has been helpful to us and what could be done in advisory next year. It got me thinking: How could school be a better environment for everyone?

Have you ever been asked something along the lines of, "What could be done better in school?" More extracurricular classes. Better teachers. More field trips. Any of this sound familiar? Here's the basic scenario of the school I go to.

My high school is fairly newish. Some of the teachers don't really know how to handle a classroom filled with raging hormones in human form or they don't teach well. A nice handful of the students here don't seem to really care about their education. Makes me wonder how many people really care.

A lot of kids have their own problems. Many are worse than others. And sometimes they just brag about stuff like someone's gonna really care. No one cares the last time you got wasted, high, or had sex, so stop talking and get a real life. And then there are people with problems with their parents or other people. Court orders right and left.

Sometimes I feel like those problems are inflicted on themselves because of the choices they make. They choose choices that they know are wrong but are convinced they are right. And they're absorbed in a mad world and end up on a bad road in life. I think it's school. They teach us to stay in school and make good choices in life to have better lives later on as we grow older. And it makes you think how can school be a better environment for students?

Here's what I think should happen.

School should have a lot more classes. Mainly art and language classes. I know that may be a while but it could give kids something better to do. My studio art class is a lot of fun. The teacher is really mellow. He even lets you listen to your iPods and people love that class. No one's bouncing off the walls cause they're in their creative mode. More classes like that would be fun.

Now on the topic of teachers. I have some pretty good teachers and I can't really complain much. There are teachers of other classes though who can't really teach or for that matter control a class. I think teachers with more control would make a better learning environment. Also, I think every teacher should be required to have a degree in psychology. Think about it. If you were having a bad day would you want to be able to talk to someone you know than some shrink you barely know? Kids would have a lot less emotional problems and stop being on the verge of beating someone if they have someone to talk to. Just a thought.

Before I sign off there's one more thing that I think would make schools much better. Food. I'm sure we all know how crappy school food is. Not real meat, it's mystery meat in a box in a freezer that you can just throw in the oven for twenty minutes. That's why I haven't had a school lunch since last year. Not only is it too much money but it just tastes gross. And how many kids even eat what they get?

In the movie Super-Size Me Morgan Spurlock went to a few schools while he traveled America on his thirty day Mickey D's binge. He went to a juvenile detention center and you see all the kids there and they're happy. You would never had suspected them of being a juvenile in the first place. And why? Cause they're served real food! You see the ladies actually preparing the food. Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, real meat! I almost died when I saw one lady actually peeling potatoes.

See, if schools would get the money for real food, kids would eat healthier, they wouldn't be cranky, and there would be a lot less problems. Don't know why we can't do simple stuff like this.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thoughts and such

I've been thinking about the earthquake and tsunami that Japan has had. I know it's really sad to talk about but I kinda felt like talking about it.

It's sad how many lives were lost and are still missing. Entire towns reduced to planks of wood and rubble. Many people traumatized by almost losing their lives. And the nuclear plant explosion which could take a nasty toll on the environment. It's even worse than what they had in World War II. I had no idea a situation could be scarier than World War II but apparently an earthquake and a tsunami proved it. Everyone across the world is trying hard to help Japan through this. I even hear of the possibility of going into a second Great Depression cause Japan pretty much provides most technology we have in our homes like cell phones and laptops. Hopefully that doesn't happen and the world goes back to normal in a span of a couple months.

I saw a post on Facebook the other day where apparently people think Japan deserves that disaster because of what they did to us at Pearl Harbor. Once again Americans you have proved yourself ignorant. We had that coming to us in the first place. Yes we stopped giving them oil to prevent them from going power crazy and spreading out to China but hey, no country is perfect. Even America has its own flaws. We have had some presidents in the past who made stupid choices for our country. Point is, Japan never deserved an earthquake and tsunami.

The president of the anime club, Nora, was thinking about doing some fundraising to help Japan. Nothing big. Just donating some money. However, the ASB office plans to make bracelets for that and like four other clubs had the same idea. Thing is, Japan kinda needs that money now before the stock market crashes. So that means we don't have time to make bracelets. Nora said she would talk to them but she says they don't really pay attention to others. Hope they actually listen what others have to say.

My normal life has been going same old same old. Still trying to adjust to stupid daylight savings time. And P.E has been a pain cause we're doing like fitness exams or whatever they're called. I had to do the curl up routine twice cause I could barely get myself off the ground. Felt like my neck was gonna snap in half. I'm honestly not the strongest person in the world and I can't do a push-up to save my life. That's why I'm taking Beginning Dance next year. Still bummed that I can't take Advanced Art and my mom feels the same. No worries. Will still be able to take it junior year.

Oh, and we had people called the WASC (or is it WASK? I dunno. I think I'm close.) come to our school. They come every six years to make sure that we're learning what we're supposed to be learning and that we'll be able to go to college. Everybody was having panic attacks and trying to behave "normally". How about this? Why don't you stop being lazy and enforce rules? That way we won't have to worry about students not being able to go to college. It really bugs me that no one enforces the rules and/or no one pays attention to them.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Long time no blog lol

Kay so it's been a week since I've blogged. Not like anything uber interesting is happening in my life anyway. Just another normal school week like any other. Well of course there was the earthquake AND a tsunami in Japan in which I plan to do a separate blog post about.

I have a foreign exchange friend from Japan and her family's fine cause they live inland and on the opposite side of the country. It's really sad with what they show on CNN. It's worse than what happened to them in WWII. Had no clue an earthquake and tsunami would cause more damage than two bombs dropped on their cities. Talk about scary. Well, I'll talk about that more in a separate blog post.

As for my normal life it's just same old same old. Writing, reading, school work, the usual.... And there's the bad guy on the first Hellboy movie throwing up a demon octopus... Yep that's it.

This week during school we have some people coming to the high school to see if we're a good school. The whole paying attention and knowing what we're learning thing. Piece of cake... Unlike others who think it's rocket science to behave and not act like they're ADHD for an hour.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another weekend gone

So the rest of my school week was like normal. Homework, running, and thinking. Yep. Just the basics. Nothing uber special. Well on Friday my Spanish class watched the videos we made for our oral presentation. Me and my group's video was pretty good though no one really paid any attention to it other than the Cantina Band blasting during the menu and credits of the DVD.

Weekend went by like normal. Yesterday we went out to Uncle Billy and Aunt Ashley's for dinner and a game of Taboo! I'm not really great trying to make people guess what the word is but am okay with guessing. My mind works in strange ways. Hahahaha. As for today we just stayed home and Marina brought over her new friend Meghan for dinner. We had ribs and they were delicious. Did some writing while my parents watched Unstoppable. Only came down when during the last five minutes of the movie. And now they're watching The Town and already I'm scared out of my mind. They also got The Social Network too.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Italian? What?

Back to school.... I already hate it..

Felt like a zombie yesterday and still feel like one today. Not too much work on my shoulders but since it's the first time I've been in school for a week.. there's that. Nothing to end a Monday than with RuPaul's Drag Race. Can't believe he's fifty.

Today was the honor roll assembly for the kids on the honor roll last semester. I of course was on it. They just called off names and gave us pieces of paper but it was still nice to hear that we're doing well in our school work. Would've been better if the lady calling off names would have pronounced my name right. My last name is Racine and that may be of very little difficulty to pronounce. But mispronouncing Eliza? How does that work?! So now I'm Italian cause the lady called me Elizi Racini. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. How is that possible?

So I was pretty embarrassed cause of that. Oh well. Least I was able to get out of fourth period cause I hate P.E. I felt like my limbs were made out of pasta when we finished the first half mile. Anyway..

To congratulate me, my mom took me out to Mickey D's for lunch. Got nuggets, fries and a Coke like I usually do. Unfortunately my mom was pretty busy today so she had to take me back to school. Least I got there in time to see a little bit of Howl's Moving Castle in anime club.
