Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thoughts and such

I've been thinking about the earthquake and tsunami that Japan has had. I know it's really sad to talk about but I kinda felt like talking about it.

It's sad how many lives were lost and are still missing. Entire towns reduced to planks of wood and rubble. Many people traumatized by almost losing their lives. And the nuclear plant explosion which could take a nasty toll on the environment. It's even worse than what they had in World War II. I had no idea a situation could be scarier than World War II but apparently an earthquake and a tsunami proved it. Everyone across the world is trying hard to help Japan through this. I even hear of the possibility of going into a second Great Depression cause Japan pretty much provides most technology we have in our homes like cell phones and laptops. Hopefully that doesn't happen and the world goes back to normal in a span of a couple months.

I saw a post on Facebook the other day where apparently people think Japan deserves that disaster because of what they did to us at Pearl Harbor. Once again Americans you have proved yourself ignorant. We had that coming to us in the first place. Yes we stopped giving them oil to prevent them from going power crazy and spreading out to China but hey, no country is perfect. Even America has its own flaws. We have had some presidents in the past who made stupid choices for our country. Point is, Japan never deserved an earthquake and tsunami.

The president of the anime club, Nora, was thinking about doing some fundraising to help Japan. Nothing big. Just donating some money. However, the ASB office plans to make bracelets for that and like four other clubs had the same idea. Thing is, Japan kinda needs that money now before the stock market crashes. So that means we don't have time to make bracelets. Nora said she would talk to them but she says they don't really pay attention to others. Hope they actually listen what others have to say.

My normal life has been going same old same old. Still trying to adjust to stupid daylight savings time. And P.E has been a pain cause we're doing like fitness exams or whatever they're called. I had to do the curl up routine twice cause I could barely get myself off the ground. Felt like my neck was gonna snap in half. I'm honestly not the strongest person in the world and I can't do a push-up to save my life. That's why I'm taking Beginning Dance next year. Still bummed that I can't take Advanced Art and my mom feels the same. No worries. Will still be able to take it junior year.

Oh, and we had people called the WASC (or is it WASK? I dunno. I think I'm close.) come to our school. They come every six years to make sure that we're learning what we're supposed to be learning and that we'll be able to go to college. Everybody was having panic attacks and trying to behave "normally". How about this? Why don't you stop being lazy and enforce rules? That way we won't have to worry about students not being able to go to college. It really bugs me that no one enforces the rules and/or no one pays attention to them.


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