Monday, July 30, 2012

Yeah I can't come up with a witty title for this

Okay well since I can't come up with a creative title I might as well just blog away like a dork.

First off, tomorrow is July 31st and the long related release of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is finally here! How will I celebrate? Well since I'm too poor to buy a new gaming console just for one game, I'll just watch all the walkthroughs again in English just for the sake of hearing the voices and getting a better understanding of the story while catching up with my friend Ethan on our favorite fandom. Here's the English trailer for those too behind the times to know what the game looks like.

Also, just as of last night, I've become addicted to K-Pop music thanks to my friend Kelly. In case it wasn't obvious, K-Pop is Korean pop music. And God, can these boys dance and look extremely adorable. In fact too adorable as I still question their genders. Ah well. They can still sing and dance like the awesome people they are. Here's one of the songs I found that's my new favorite.

Axis Powers: Hetalia
Yeah yeah how could I NOT put this pic in?
And speaking of foreign things, like most people throughout the world, I've been watching the 2012 London Olympics. God I haven't been so into televised sports since this year's Superbowl. I think I'm finally realizing how intense some sports are like volleyball and water polo. Of course my favorite sports to watch are gymnastics and diving. I don't know what it is, but it's just fun to be OCD about perfection. And these two events call for it the whole time, cause if you screw up, you're gonna get marked off. I never knew OCD could be so much fun. And yes, I was in love with the opening ceremony. Completely over the top fantastic, amazing, beautiful, and spectacular. I loved the historical and literary references put in as well as the celebrity appearances. Including the Queen's stunt double jumping out of the helicopter which was funny to find out that the stunt double was a dude. Though I think most people would agree with me that the commentators were annoying as hell. If you don't know who characters of children's literature are, you're most likely an alien. It was so irritating how they assumed we're stupid and don't know anything. And believe me I'll do a separate post on that. Anyway, I was only able to stay up to see the entire Parade of Nations before I went to bed, and some of the stuff that people were wearing were quite hilarious. Like Germany that (in the words of someone on Tumblr) "stepped out of a tampon ad" or Sweden that looked like they stepped out of Blue's Clues. But overall, still a great opening ceremony and the British have outdone themselves to get ready for a spectacular Olympics.

So let's see... Other than that whole she-bang, my summer is slowly coming to it's close. Just three more weeks before Junior year. Luckily I'm almost done with my homework so I can spend those days either lazily or with friends. Really happy to go back to school shopping and getting new clothes for the year. Been spending quite a bit of time with my sister before she has to go to college in Santa Cruz and I've never felt happier just being with my sis. And speaking of siblings, she made a new video.. Okay well she's made a few since I last posted her songs (Which I had to delete cause she re-uploaded them). Recently she made a belly dancing cosplay of Lady Loki from Marvel's The Avengers (Speaking of I finally watched Captain America last night and am super happy and now want The Avengers DVD when it comes out this September) and she made a belly dancing video... Sorta. Mostly it's just her being silly but here it is so check it out.

Oh! Three things you should know before watching:
1. No, it's not like Shakira. Sorry ^^
2. No, it's not inappropriate.
3. And no, she isn't a stripper.
Thanks and enjoy the video

Monday, July 23, 2012


I need to get out and do something instead of sitting in the house all day doing homework and catching up on Doctor Who.... Not that I think that's a bad thing..

So after consulting some friends on Facebook via poll, looks like I'm gonna be a barber hell-bent on revenge. That's right. I've chosen to be Sweeney Todd. I think I could just easily assemble the costume by getting some clothes from Goodwill or something.. Maybe get a fake blood stain on the sleeve or on my hands or something. Probably scare some people lol

So other than homework and TV, I have nothing to do in my last few weeks of summer vacation. Before I know it, I'll need to buy new school stuff, even clothes. I think I'm getting school sick too cause I've had two dreams that for some reason take place in a school setting.. I still don't know if it's good or bad lol But no matter. Might as well enjoy what of my summer I have left.

Hmm. Think it's time to share some music huh? Close your eyes and listen to the music. What do you see?

I can see.. A big field of flowing green grass, bright sun, clear sky, and the calm ocean, waves crashing on the sand gently.

This time I can see a forest with a small clearing of grass and the river. It's night and the cloudy sky opens up to see the full moon. Fireflies blink in the grass and reflect off the water.

God I love instrumental music. <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One more month...

Summer's going by slowly. And now it's just less than a month before school starts. Fun stuff eh?

This past Friday I invited over all my friends from the anime and manga club to "otaku it out" and we spent all night watching various animes and hanging out. Even had a sleepover for all the girls and stayed up till 3 in the morning if you can believe it.

Since then I haven't really had much to do. Don't think any of my other friends are planning like anything crazy but I should have some people over before school starts. Till then I have summer homework to finish. From day one of summer vacation I've been working on all my stuff. I'm about.. I'd have to say 50% done I think. I still got a lot to do though. Now if Doctor Who would stop distracting me, I'd probably get more done but oh well. God I've become obsessed. Yes, I'm a Whovian. And yes, I prefer David Tennant to Matt Smith any day. Mostly cause I haven't seen much of Matt Smith.

So I know it's not for another 3 months but I've been thinking about what to do for Halloween. I have three options on my mind.

First, a vampire.

Second, the Phantom of the Opera.

And last but not least, Sweeney Todd.

And yes, I drew all of these. Pretty cool huh? What do you guys think I should do? I'd love to hear opinions~! :D

Thursday, July 12, 2012

All about Eliza!

With permission from another blogger by the name of Sonny, I'm deciding to talk about myself using this clever little thing I saw on Sonny's blog. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: All images were found on Google Images.

Name:  Eliza  ______ (Blank space is for you to come up with your own last name for me since I'm not telling)
Internet Alias: None
Age:  If you're not up to speed with my life, then I won't tell lol
DOB:  May 17th
Zodiac Sign:  Taurus

Chinese Zodiac Sign:  Rat
Yuki Sohma! :D

Blood Type: Who seriously knows their own blood type? XD
Oh Kota, we love you so much but you're so perverted XD
Favorite Color:  Purple
Favorite Animal(s):  Fat happy domestic cats

Favorite Food:  Anything chocolate flavored ^^ Especially Nutella

Then I'm happy to be a demon :D
Favorite Sport:  Football (To watch anyway..)

Favorite Video Game:  *in best evil guy voice* KINGDOM HEARTS!!
Favorite Subject: English and Studio Art

Favorite Pokemon:
Starter:  Cyndaquil


Regular:  Lucario

Legendary:  Lugia

Favorite Anime Characters to Bash:  Any useless stupidly shy and sweet girl especially if they are capable of fighting and standing up for themselves and need to be saved... (i.e Hinata, Orihime, Kairi, etc.)


Favorite Vocaloid & Song:  Miku Hatsune and The Vegetable Juice song
Favorite Band:  Lady Gaga
Favorite Flower:  Roses
Favorite Shape:  Stars
"Britain got a star in his head! That's totally badass!! HAHAHA!"
Favorite Fantasy Creature: Faeries
Favorite Symbol:  Wings
Favorite Scary Creature: Vampires
Take note Stephanie Meyer..
Favorite Doctor:  I like all three in the revived series but if I had to choose.... It'd be David Tennant :D
Favorite Sherlock Character: If this is talking about the recent movies with Robert Downey Jr then obviously Sherlock. If it's about the show on BBC, I haven't seen it.
Favorite Hero: I love Batman but... Hellboy <3
Favorite Heroine: Homura Akemi

Favorite Saying: "Got it memorized?"-- Axel/Lea from the Kingdom Hearts Series

AWWWW!! >w<
Favorite Things to Do: Reading, drawing, writing, playing video games, talking with friends, and being lazy

Favorite Meme: Erm.. XD Yeah.. Enjoy lol

Favorite Movie: I have several XD If I had to pick one... All of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies :D

Favorite Anime Movie: Spirited Away

Favorite Disney Princess: Now that I've seen Brave, Merida's my new fav

Favorite Disney Prince: Thor and Loki... Cause Marvel owned by Disney so technically they are Disney princes XD 
This is what my computer screen looks like every time I turn it on XD My sister's obsessed with Tom Hiddleston

But if I had to choose an actual legitimate Disney prince, it'd have to be Beast
This scene used to scare the crap out of my as a kid.. it still does kinda.. But Beast is still the best prince
Disney Princess that Looks Most Like Me: Belle :D
The only Disney nonparty character that can fight for herself.. :D

Favorite Fan Comic: Don't read fan comics unfortunately... ^^;

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Try to remember the last time a children's movie made you cry

That's how I felt when I saw the new Pixar film, Brave. As of now, Brave is by far what I'd like to call a masterpiece by Pixar Animation Studios. The animation: Stunning and beautiful. Story: Amazing, touching, dramatic, and comedic at the same time. Characters: Also amazing and at a lot of times, hilarious.

Brave focuses on Pixar's first princess, Merida. She's a wild Scottish teenage girl who loves nothing more than just to be the free spirit that she is. Yet she's constantly pushed by her mother to be a proper princess. It doesn't exactly help that she's now pressured to pick a prince from three other clans to take her hand in marriage. Obviously, Merida wants absolutely nothing to do with marriage and just wants to be free. So she runs off to find some way to change her fate, yet little does she know that her desire for freedom could put her family in danger.

Now I won't give too much of the plot away, but trust me when I say it's nothing like I've ever seen in a kids' film before. It has the best visuals Pixar's had in its movies yet and a story that brought me to tears at the end. And I can't remember the last time a movie for kids made me do that. Of course it has a lot of humor that kids will enjoy too (Now if only parents would learn to keep them quiet in movie theaters..).

And of course with a new Pixar film there is a new Pixar short. This one is the best I've ever seen. It's titled La Luna and it follows a trio of (stereotypical) Italians on a boat ride in the middle of an ocean. The trio is a little boy with his father and grandfather, and they ascend up to the moon to sweep the stars that have fallen on the moon that gives off its light. Again, won't say how it ends but trust me when I say it's beautifully done and really cute.

So if you haven't seen it yet, go see Brave!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I'm Baman. I'm Piderman!

I just saw The Amazing Spider-man last night. AND IT WAS WORTH BEING UP UNTIL ONE IN THE MORNING!

It is truly better than the original by a thousand times and that's no exaggeration. Everything about it was great. A fantastic mix of comedy, drama and action along with probably the best imagery I've seen in a film so far. It follows the original comics with a fantastic story line that makes you laugh but also brings so much emotion and suspense when it needs to be serious. Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-man was, of course, amazing and better than Tobey Maguire could ever do. I usually don't like Emma Stone with some of the roles she's picked in movies, but Gwen Stacy was perfect for her. She could totally use more serious roles like that and she looks so much better as a blonde. Oh, and The Amazing Spider-man has the best Stan Lee cameo ever. I won't spoil it but trust me when I say that it's freaking hilarious. Overall, one of the best films of 2012 and I can't wait to see it come out on DVD. Oh, and avoid 3D if at all possible. We had to change shows cause it was really hurting our eyes.

For the next big movie to come out is of course, Dark Knight Rising. Our movie theater is doing an event the night it opens where you see (in order) Batman Begins, Dark Knight and finally, Dark Knight Rising. Three two-hour movies for twenty dollars is actually a good deal. Now if only I could have the stamina to endure 6 hours of Batman. I know my sister's gonna attempt that so... lol. I still haven't seen Batman Begins and I feel slightly ashamed of myself because I've seen Dark Knight a million times.

God, superheroes are just the obsession right now in my household lol

So in celebration of the new Spider-man movie, one episode of a series of flash videos called Baman Piderman. It's about... I really don't know how to explain but it's freaking hilarious. Just watch.