Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ghouls, Goblins and Ghosts! Oh my!

Happy Halloween everyone! Or not if you don't celebrate it.

I'm going trick-or-treating with Jamie and Akane which will be pretty cool, especially with this being Akane's first time trick-or-treating. I don't know who thought of trick-or-treating on a school night but okay. Not gonna be my fault if I have a candy hangover or I'm on a sugar high all day. Oh well. Can't believe tomorrow is gonna be November! I can only imagine what Thanksgiving is gonna be like in my house: Possibly loaded with everyone and their mother and surplus amounts of food. Next thing I know, it's gonna be December faster than I can count. Hahaha.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Scrolling Potato

If you don't get the reference look up the Shinra Files on YouTube.

Week's gone pretty good. On Monday, I forgot my the microwave.Hahaha... and my mom did an improvised Giants cheer with a cartwheel and the splits and got two tickets to see Wednesday's World Series Game. Went out to the Cheesecake Factory that night. Tuesday was anime club day. We watched the Halloween episode of Ouran High School Host Club and ate Oreo cookies.

Wednesday was late start day. We watched a video in Advisory with a reenactment that showed a drunk driving scene...Bit depressing and VERY realistic. Well, minus that everyone can see the Grim Reaper in plain sight..Hahaha..

Thursday, nothing. Friday, everyone was dressed up in Halloween costumes which was pretty fun. Saw a lot of girls dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Saw two guys dressed up as Goku. Even an Ash and a Pikachu. There was even another guy wearing the same Akatsuki cloak Jamie had on. I have to say the most epic costume I saw was two guys dressed up as Patsy and King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Loved that movie so much and I miss Graham Chapman!

So this weekend will be involving madness with sugar. Jamie's birthday party tomorrow and trick-or-treating on Sunday...which is a bit of an unusual day for trick-or-treating...oh well.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whole World Has Fallen To Ruins

And poor Chessur's off his tea..Hahaha..Sorry if the title made it seem like I was sad or something. Don't worry. I'm as happy as can be!

School week was a bit boring. Not much new happening. Jamie created a cosplay group and we hope to do all sorts of crazy stuff.

Me and Marina had our Halloween party yesterday which was a great success. Ate some good food, danced like monkeys and watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Had a great time with my friends.

Nothing new I think is happening this week. Day of the Dead project in Spanish and usual stuff in all my other classes..Oh! It's also Jamie's birthday tomorrow. She's gonna have a party on Saturday. I'm making her a birthday card with a few anime characters on it. Then Sunday is Halloween which is also Trick-or-Treating night. Yes I am going to do that cause it's free candy every year. I'm gonna be a ghost. Not the most original but hey, I'm poor. Hahaha


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm talking about Taylor Swift. My Biology teacher decided to use a Taylor Swift CD as a device of torture to get us to work. Not so fun for my brain that's half destroyed now. The scary part was all a few guys singing along with the song You Belong With Me. Now I'm glad that I drained out her music with the Sitar Song.

I really don't like Taylor Swift that much. Her music is basically the same thing with different lyrics. A girl crying because she can't be with this one guy. I liked Teardrops on My Guitar before I found out what the song meant. Now it's just kinda..blah whatever.

Anyway now that my part of silliness is over..

It's Breast Cancer Awareness week here which means another week of dressing up all ridiculous and no one questioning it. It's all mainly wear pink so it's not as interesting as homecoming week but whatever. Homecoming dance this week since last week the football players and people like that wouldn't have had the chance to go. I won't go cause it's a casual dance like the Back to School that probably means it'll look like an orgy again. Not exactly fun for people who want to actually dance. But hey, me and my sister are having a party on Saturday so it doesn't really matter.

So that's all for this mini update. Stay cool everyone!


Sunday, October 17, 2010


Finally David Bowie answers my prayers for rain! Being from Indiana, I'm used to it raining about every other day. Being in California, now I'm limited to rain at a certain time of year. Well today was the day it has decided to actually rain and not sprinkle. So I'm very happy for that.

Last week in school, it was the school's homecoming week which was pretty cool. The only interesting days were twin day, camouflage day, and mismatch day. The other days were represent your class and school colors so..yeah. Mismatch day was a lot of fun cause it gives you a reason to dress ridiculous and no one questions it. I got to wear knee high rainbow socks with blue converse which made me really happy.

Had a field trip to a wetland place of sorts (don't remember name hahaha..). It was really cool other than seeing a decapitated rat in the middle of a trail. Dissected an owl pellet (sorta) and got to see some freaky stuff through a microscope. Loved that so much more than I probably would have back at school. It was the day of the homecoming parade which I heard wasn't any good and everyone was forced to watch it. Guess it's a good thing I went on that field trip. Didn't go to the homecoming game cause I have no attention span for high school football. That and if you boo you get in trouble and if the entire crowd boos the entire team forfeits..which is a really pointless rule. Also I went to a birthday party.

Birthday party was for our friend Jenn's sister, Giselle. Me and my mom brought salsa, mango salsa, and guacamole...all magically disappeared probably within the first hour we came in with it. The cake was chocolate with raspberry sauce and it was awesome. Got to meet this two adorable kids named Kuliano and Nyala...and yes those are their names..Kuliano's a boy and Nyala's a girl...Now I regret not kidnapping them cause they were so cute!!

Aah..nothing like spending your Sunday inside watching the rain fall and watching football...that is unless you're like my friend Raven who's ticked cause she can't watch the Simpsons. Saw the Eagles game and the 49ers game and am about to watch the Colts game. WOOT!


Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Todd Now...Sweeney Todd

So just last night I watched, obviously as the title states, the 2007 version of Sweeney Todd for the first time ever. Why? Cause nothing else is on Thursday nights and my sister pointed it out for me to see. I have to say other than a very sad ending, it was a very good movie. Johnny Depp makes a very handsome, singing, psycho barber from Fleet Street. Tim Burton never ceases to amaze.

Today was very boring at school. I blame the fact that Jamie wasn't here today and she has to be at the New York Comic Con as an early birthday present. But the bright side is that she's gonna try to get autographs from M. Night Shyamalan, Cary Elwes and Yuri Lowenthal.

These October days have been pretty cold lately. I don't think Halloween's gonna be real fun on trick-or-treating night. And yes, at age fourteen I still go trick-or-treating, cause it's free candy every year and I love candy! Going as a ghost and yes that means I'm getting a bed sheet with holes in it and throwing over my head...cause I can and I will.

I have to say the only bad part about October is that nothing good is on T.V or in the movie theaters. Horror's not really my style with the exception of some stuff like M. Night Shyamalan films and, of course, Tim Burton. But other than their movies everything else is just crap in my opinion. And plus my mom doesn't like me seeing that crap anyway so...yeah...heheheh...

School's been a little blah...the only class I don't like is my Geometry class...only cause very little people pay attention and choose to not care about their education. Then again it's like that in my English class. It's the only thing I can't stand about school is those who choose to act like morons and not care about their future lives. It's distracting and no one gets anything done which ticks me off cause I actually want to learn. Oh well, still able to get good grades in all of my classes so nothing bad is going on.

Homecoming week next week...blah once more...I'm not much into school spirit for whatever reason...I think it's cause high school football bores me to sleep. I only have attention span for football if it's on T.V. and I'm in the comfort of either my or a friend's house..I dunno what it is but football live doesn't do well with me..anyway...I may do some days if they're fun for me...laaa..


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breakfast for Dinner, Sushi and Apple Pie

We had a breakfast for dinner party on Friday. About twenty or twenty-one people came. Including a dog and an unborn baby finishing the first-trimester. It was all good breakfast food: bacon, fruit, biscuits and gravy, the works. We also got out the cards and played a game of spoons. And as usual, there was blood. Most violent card game in existence. And we still have the marks on our table to prove it.

Saturday was a festival in Japan Town in San Jose. Spent some time with Jamie and Akane. Saw and got pictures of some cosplayers and some girls wearing lolita outfits. That was a fun time for me. We got a whole bunch of sushi and some dango for lunch. Rest of the day was spent watching the fifth season of Dexter.

As for today..not much. My mom made the best apple pie in existence which is great with vanilla ice cream. Marina's friends coming over and we're watching the Colts against the Jaguars...SAINTS ARE CHEATERS! Hahahaha..Just thought I'd throw that out there cause it's sadly true.
