Monday, December 26, 2011


Okay so for sure for sure this will be my last post before Costa Rica. Hahaha!

So today with nothing else to really do I went out with my friend Jamie and her dad to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie and go out to FroYo afterwards. And let me just say that it is amazing!! I haven't seen the first one due to complications involving crappy DVDs from Netflix, but the second is just... too amazing for words. Full of action, drama, and comedy rolled into a great two hour film. And let me just say that Robert just looks hilarious in drag. Nuff said.

The previews were quite interesting which included previews of Joyful Noise and Rock of Ages. Both of which I really want to see now cause they look hilarious and funny. Rock of Ages is really interesting cause of the plot line you can pick up straight from the previews. That and Tom Cruise has beautiful long hair in the film being a rock star. Hahaha!

My only real complaint about the whole thing was the morons who don't have any common decency to shut off their phones. I mean is it that hard to do so? It shouldn't! But no. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one girl a couple rows in front pull out her iPhone for a moment and then put it away. The BIG problem was this one person who DIDN'T silence their phone and everyone heard their stupid annoying ringtone. TWICE. Seriously?! If you're not gonna have any decency to silence or shut off your phone then why did you waste your money to come to a movie theater?? If you do intend on using your phone, silence it, turn the light down low, and sit in the back where no one has to see you and get annoyed. I know I like to use my phone being a teenager with friends who live on the East coast, but at least I have the common sense to put it away when I'm in a theater because it's basic common knowledge to shut it off because it's rude! Ugh, well done people. Just great job for being totally rude.

Whew glad I got that fish rage out of me.

So for sure this will be the last post I'll have before going to Costa Rica. Till the new year, Addio!


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy ________!

Just insert the holiday you celebrate cause I know there are people of different religions and I'm too lazy to say Happy Holidays. Hahaha.

So far vacation's been kinda lazy. Had a party with the drama club after finals which was really long but really fun. Just singing, dancing and screaming galore by a bunch of high schoolers and the old alumni that have gone to college but were able to make it. My sister totally rocks at Just Dance and beat everyone who challenged her.

So Christmas Eve yesterday we decided to open our presents early due to the fact that my darling cat Kline decided to open them himself with his teeth. Afterwards we went to a friend's house for a Christmas dinner and gift exchange. In the end I got a stress toy and MP3 player. So in all I got:

1. Footie PJs (But with no pockets or butt flap!)
2. Journals galore!
3. A tiny sketchbook
4. A mug with cocoa
5. 50 bucks
6. And of course the family trip to Costa Rica

Which by the way we are starting to pack for our trip. The best part is that Costa Rica is having their summer right now so it's gonna be warm! We're gonna be in the jungle for a few days and do other stuff that I can't remember now but I know one of them involves fishing since my stepdad got some fishing gear for Christmas. It reminds me when we used to go fishing with my Grandpa Andy and my sister one time caught a catfish.

Anyway, Wednesday we'll be going to Denver and the next day we're flying out to Costa Rica. Till we get back, bye!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Vacation my love! It's been too long!

So finals week is over and thus Christmas Vacation has begun!

All my finals were ridiculously easy which I find quite surprising seeing as how I thought they would be a challenge. Out of boredom and curiosity I looked up the finals that were posted online. English I got an 85% on which kinda surprises me cause I thought I did a bit better. Think I'll go into regular English for next year since this is the only class I get a B on and it's a bit challenging. Anyway, I got a 94% in Algebra 2 which I only think I got some wrong with definitions that I were totally clueless on but I'm glad I aced that final. Spanish was an 86% though I really thought I did better on it. Probably had some difficulty on the listening part... ugh.. Hate stupid CDs I can't understand to save my life. And a 90% in Dance for performing a tap dance with a group to a rap about the play Othello. Weirdest song in the universe.

Good news is this is MUCH better than last year's finals which I got C's on that I wasn't too proud of. Hopefully my Chemistry and World History Finals get good results too.

So now it's vacation. Other than the New Year's trip to Costa Rica and a get together with friends not much else is happening. Drama club's planned a Christmas party tonight and it'll be nice to hang out with friends before going into the jungle for a few days.

I got a package from my dad today with presents for me and my sister. Marina got a book by Terry Pratchett and I got two journals for writing. Y'know it's kinda funny who I'm so passionate at writing but when people ask what I write I instantly get shy about it. I don't know why that is. I've been writing since the eighth grade and only shared my works with few people. I dunno, I just wish I could be more comfortable with telling people about my passion without feeling like an idiot when telling the plot of the story I'm writing.

Well anyway that's that. Think I'll end this post with some quotes that are on the journals I received.

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." ~ Edgar Allan Poe
"Peace is always beautiful." ~ Walt Whitman

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unexpected Weekend

Whoa how long was I gone from Blogger? This new posting stuff looks funny... Well whatever.

Hell week has passed with long days of studying and NEW material being covered BEFORE Finals. Talk about disorganization huh? Luckily I got all my studying stuff and have been going over a little bit before tomorrow. We get half days so for the first time in six months I have to sit still in my classes for two whole hours. Luckily we get a brunch in between and by 12:30 it's lunch and we get to leave. Only have to deal with three days of mayhem and testing and then we're on break for a couple weeks.

For this Christmas vacation, likely chance says we're going to a friend's house again for a Christmas party. And come New Year's the family's going down to Costa Rica and we'll be spending a few days surrounded by jungle. Sadly the status of my step brother, Steven, coming is kinda low seeing as how he's been having trouble with his passport. But hopefully that'll get fixed and he'll be able to come. Nothing like spending a week surrounded by nature. It'll be a photographer's paradise.

So this has been a rather unusual weekend.

For starters my step dad found a kitten chilling at our house and fed it and eventually brought her into the house. He wanted to keep it and named her Butter. Why? I really have no clue. My step dad loves cats ever since we reunited with our cat Chip and he also is allergic. Not quite sure how that works. But now we have a new addition to the family who has given mixed feelings to our other four animals. Maggie wants to be friends but fails to remember that she's 140 pounds compared to a tiny kitten who's a few months old by our educated guess. Stella is ecstatic about a new friend and Butter seems pretty mellow around her. Chip has no clue she exists (poor old man), but Butter hissed at him so she doesn't like him. And as for the used to be baby of the bunch, Kline, is losing his mind. It's actually the first time anyone's heard him make a hiss. Butter appears healthy despite some fleas which we gave medication for and she loves everyone.

And another unexpected event happens to be the death of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il. How's that for shocking? A reporter apparently claimed that he died from "overwork" after "dedicating his life to the people" AKA a possibly stress-induced heart attack. Nothing like falling out of power via heart attack, eh? So from what I saw South Korea placed an "emergency alert" and now that Kim's dead who knows what'll happen? Let's just keep our fingers crossed that North Korea will be one less power crazed country to worry about.

Well time to get back to reading Homestuck. Best comic ever!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hot Showers = Greatest invention ever!

Another week down and another week closer to finals. Time to start studying like a maniac along with managing the crazy homework teachers still give us.

Had to take off on Monday since I was still sick and just spent the day watching anime. Next day: Too much work! Well at least I got sick before finals and academic focus week. Bunch of easy work in all my classes.... Well I do have a research paper to do in English which the rough draft is due Monday and I luckily got a head start on it. And I need to memorize a script I made for a speaking final in Spanish and I have to perform a tap dance with a group of people and all other crazy stuff.

Friday was my best day out of every other day this week. I performed my choreography final in Dance first since my mom had to go somewhere today and I did amazing. I danced to a piano version of an opening to one of my favorite animes: Air TV. A lot of people thought I was beautiful and I even almost made people cry, including my teacher. I was so nervous having to be the first one to perform. But I went at it and I did amazing!

Adding on to that, the formal was also last night! I went with my sister and her boyfriend and met up with friends at the dance. The red dress I'm wearing was in fact my mom's dress that SHE wore in high school. Same size and everything! I was so happy I got to wear it. We even have her prom dress but I don't think that'll fit either me or Marina any time soon. My mother was a tiny woman when she was in high school. Anyway, had a lot of fun with my friends dancing and acting like morons (in a good way). And I wish they made formal shoes for these dances that don't kill your feet. Flats hurt so much. Well anyway it was a great night. Other than Adele playing twice in a row. It's not that she can't sing it's just her music is on ALL THE TIME. Nothing like coming home tired of having a good time.

Lemme see... Going to a friend's birthday party today and trying to finish homework... Yep that's gonna be my weekend. And then it's Hell Week AKA Academic Focus week where we spend the time preparing for finals. Ugh... I just wanna be in Costa Rica already...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hooray for feeling like total crap

Feels like forever since I was last on here.

School's been a bit hectic with finals coming in two weeks. The teachers are rushing to make sure we've learned everything we're supposed to by the time finals come. All it is is just pure insanity. Just a lot of work in most of my classes including English which involves researching for a paper where I'm supposed to argue on a current issue. I signed up to perform my final dance this upcoming Friday so I'm pretty anxious to perform. I've been working on my solo for a little over two months now so I feel like this is gonna go great. Crap... I just remembered I need to have a speaking final to do for Spanish. Sheesh... This is what I get for signing up for the Honors class. Well I kinda have to finish two years of a language as a requirement.

Nothing else big and eventful going on as far as my knowledge goes. Well then again I'm starting to feel sick which is kinda ruining my ability to think straight. Such as saying thanks for making pancakes when I was being made waffles. I'm just not working. In fact I haven't been all weekend. Sore throat and nasal congestion is no fun at all. I'm amazed I was able to go to my friend's birthday party last night at all. Was worth it teaching people how to play improv games and the awesome chocolate cake. Spent most of my day today watching Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family and seeing the sixth HP movie; not really one of my favorite movies from the series due to the raging hormones part distracting from what's really important.

Should take a Nyquil soon so I could possibly consider going to school tomorrow. If not, well I'm in some crap..
