Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy ________!

Just insert the holiday you celebrate cause I know there are people of different religions and I'm too lazy to say Happy Holidays. Hahaha.

So far vacation's been kinda lazy. Had a party with the drama club after finals which was really long but really fun. Just singing, dancing and screaming galore by a bunch of high schoolers and the old alumni that have gone to college but were able to make it. My sister totally rocks at Just Dance and beat everyone who challenged her.

So Christmas Eve yesterday we decided to open our presents early due to the fact that my darling cat Kline decided to open them himself with his teeth. Afterwards we went to a friend's house for a Christmas dinner and gift exchange. In the end I got a stress toy and MP3 player. So in all I got:

1. Footie PJs (But with no pockets or butt flap!)
2. Journals galore!
3. A tiny sketchbook
4. A mug with cocoa
5. 50 bucks
6. And of course the family trip to Costa Rica

Which by the way we are starting to pack for our trip. The best part is that Costa Rica is having their summer right now so it's gonna be warm! We're gonna be in the jungle for a few days and do other stuff that I can't remember now but I know one of them involves fishing since my stepdad got some fishing gear for Christmas. It reminds me when we used to go fishing with my Grandpa Andy and my sister one time caught a catfish.

Anyway, Wednesday we'll be going to Denver and the next day we're flying out to Costa Rica. Till we get back, bye!


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