Finals were SO easy. Almost all of them were multiple choice and I knew most of the answers. It was pretty rare that I had to actually guess on any questions. Only happened once or twice. My Studio Art final wasn't oh so easy cause we actually had to write, do a critic process thing, and stuff like that. That one took me the most time out of everything else cause I had to think. Yes the horrors of thinking. So horrid. My P.E final was a pain too. You had to run a mile (four laps around the school's track) and play volleyball. The mile part was the worst of my problems but I got it done. So other than Art and P.E everything else was super easy. I got done with my finals and hour before we were supposed to get done. I didn't even study, that's the funny part. I told that to a guy in my biology class and he didn't believe me. He kept thinking I was lying. I just don't study for this stuff because I know a lot of the material and I remember it. So I'm pretty confident that I did well on my finals.
I saw something really interesting on T.V yesterday. It was this show called Strange Addiction. It obviously shows four people who have some weird addictions. Like eating chalk. Yeah, they showed that one. There was this one girl on there who had a tanning addiction. She said she was doing it because when she was a teen she was told she was ugly. And she is almost orange and has bleach blonde hair. She even said, and I quote, "I don't care if I die, as long as I look hot." Okay, if looking hot means tanning yourself until you look like an Oompa-Loompa, dying your hair and almost white blonde, and as a plus adding mascara and eye liner until you look like a hooker from Las Vegas is considered "hot", then I don't wanna look "hot". You don't need to do much to be pretty. I mean isn't it what's inside that counts? I guess natural beauty's dead today. It's hidden behind mass make-up, hair-dye, and plastic surgery.
So I guess this has been a more serious blog post with the last paragraph. Hahaha. Just thought I'd change it up a bit.
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