Monday, November 8, 2010

Back up. Put the gun down.

And give me a pack of Fruit Bubbilicous. And some Skittles.

I have no idea what that's from. I just thought of that as a random title..Hahaha.

Ugh..I hate Daylight Savings Time so much. I have no idea what the point of it is but whoever came up with it should have been shot in the left foot. Why the left foot? I have no idea. I just randomly chose a foot and it was the left one.

So thanks to Daylight Savings Time, my mind's messed up. And I hate that less than two hours after me and my sister get home it's pitch black outside. Back in Indiana, because school's indoor and the windows are shut most of the time we get lucky to see sunlight at all unlike here where it's sunlight and clouds all the time. Still can't believe it's November. It rains every now and then, but mostly on the weekends. Can't wait to see the green hills. It's gonna look awesome!

For this week, not much going on in school. Anime club tomorrow and I hope to talk to the president about getting Marina to teach us Japanese because that'd be really cool. Thursday, we get that day off for Veteran's day but that day is also Pocky Day so..Hahaha. Friday's gonna be weird cause we had a day off in the middle of the week and going back for one more day. Oh well..Wish it was the weekend already.


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