Friday, November 26, 2010


Thanksgiving was really good. We had about thirty friends and family come over. Lots of food too. Turkey, ham, stuffing, pie galore, the works. Gotta love Thanksgiving. It's one of the many reasons I don't go anorexic. Food's just too good. That and if I don't eat my stomach's yelling at me which gets annoying and it kinda hurts. Hahaha. I also had my adult friend Sharon teach me how to knit and now I'm hoping to make a beret. So excited!

I am one of the sane Americans that stayed home during the Black Friday madness. I don't really understand it. Stores only sell limited amounts of items. You have to be there at like 3 in the morning which in a teenager's point of view I'm asleep. That and there are people that get KILLED during that. I like to go shopping, get what I came for, and get back home alive. Not be stuck in a war zone. Just from my perspective as a fourteen year old girl.

So I'm spending the rest of the day in my house watching T.V and knitting. Possibly drawing and reading. Oh, and my mom straightened my hair. Hahaha.


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