Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Vacation till November

Yeah doesn't make me for a happy Liz. Heheheh. Our next day off is our three day vacation for Veteran's Day.

My friend Nora's birthday party was the best. We played The Beatles Rock Band, devoured pizza, and played some drama games. Best birthday party so far!

So back at school, started some choreography in dance, test in Chemistry, more Antigone in Advanced English 10 and of course the irritation of people who don't seem to care if they need to repeat Algebra 2 or Spanish 3.

Today was the first anime club meeting which I've been anxious for since school started. We did elections and began discussing what we'll do this year. I feel like this will be a great year for the anime club.

Tomorrow is Back to School night where the parents get to meet the teachers and find out what is being done in our classes. Will be a little crazy since my step dad will be too busy to help us divide and conquer so we'll just have to jump back and forth between me and my sister's classes with our mom. I feel like we'll go more to Marina's classes than mine since she's a senior and leaving once she's done with high school but then again I am staying here so my classes are just as important.

And today I went to the library and I finally got the book Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher. I heard it was a good book. It's about this boy named Clay as he listens to the tapes created by the late Hannah who committed suicide not too long ago and finds out the events that lead up to her death. I'm already almost halfway done and close to tears. It's a really really sad book but really great to read and opens people's eyes to some of the harassment that some people face and feel Hannah's pain. Definitely not a book you wanna read during school if it makes you really sad during class and makes you cry. I feel like that'll happen to me. Heheheh. But again, really awesome book. Check it out the next time you're at a library.


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