Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forgetful Lucy

Yeah was watching 50 First Dates yesterday.

Weekend time again where I chill, do my homework, re-watch movies on my DVR, and Sunday football.

The week ended a little tiring but good... and slightly frustrating.

I got really upset when I got a sixty percent on my last Algebra 2 quiz. And I'm at the state of paranoia where my grade in that class is an eighty percent and a single grade in anything could mess it up badly for me. It doesn't help that I ended the eighth grade with a C minus in Algebra 1 either...

My thing with math is that I know how to do the problems, but it's the tiny mistakes that really screw with my grade. Like subtracting something when I really should have added something or making a number that isn't the original equation, and I look it over and assume it's correct so I think nothing else about it. It's a terrible habit to have and I really, really need to fix it this year.

What made it worse is that when the teacher said there were make ups I didn't hear the part that they were only for people who weren't even there. I find that really unfair because I actually want to do good unlike people who probably could care less about their grade.

Whatever... Now I just gotta fix my test taking habits and hope that the next test doesn't bring down my grade.

On the bright side, Friday was also Club Day where everyone signs up for clubs they want to join. Anime Club went off with a hit and we had 24 people sign up which was awesome! Really great day for anime club. We cosplayed, played some music and had an awesome table of anime and manga stuff. I say great success.

I signed up for the Drama Club along with like 70 other people cause my sister wanted me to join and I was interested. Funny thing is the first play only has ten roles and a likely chance that most of those people are going to want to audition. Luckily I plan to do tech since I haven't acted since I was..... When was my dance class's production of Alice in Wonderland? .... Well it's been a while so I kinda have some stage fright with acting and stuff. Will stick with techy thing-a-mabobs.

And this weekend is like the same before: Relaxation and homework... And Sunday football.


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