Friday, May 20, 2011


Finally the week's over. Two more weeks of school and I'm out for the summer! This has been a quick year. I still remember the first day not knowing anybody. Now finals are coming up fast. I gotta start studying up.

So as for this week:

English: Finished reading Romeo and Juliet
Spanish: Oral Presentation of Spanish Yearbook
Art: Free draw
P.E: Running....
Biology: Took a test, watched Tarzan, and got a study guide
Geometry: Parallelograms

Yep. I got mad today cause I wanted to retake the test in biology I got a C on but the retakes were cancelled. Why you may ask? Some brain-dead morons decided to make cheat sheets. Ergh! This really ticks me off when people try to cheat! I think it's common knowledge that if you cheat in college you get kicked out and that's why you don't do it! You can't cheat through life cause if you do you'll lose a job and/or a life you really wanted. Good luck trying to do anything else after caught cheating. So thanks to some stupid people I lost my chance to retake a test because the teacher only allows one retake per test and if you don't retake it on a certain day then you won't be able to retake it any other time. I mean, I'm not getting a bad grade or anything. I just get paranoid whenever I get a C or lower on a test.

So that was my day.

So I hear all this stuff of the world ending tomorrow. I only heard about this today on the radio but it's enough to make me say, "Wow do you just have nothing better to do?" It seems that these days people will say anything to get attention and have people believe them. Thanks to this, this guy is asking Christians for their worldly possessions and another guy in New York wasted his life savings on billboards. So this is just sad.

People get with the program. The world's gonna end when the Sun explodes and when we're chilling with Jesus and God. Stop making up random dates when the world will end and live life like a normal person. I get annoyed with how much attention people in this world want and are willing to say or do anything for it.

I remember watching this show with my sister last summer about these three people who believe they're the second coming (second Jesus Christ for those who don't know). This one guy from the Philippines said he was the second coming and asked all these people for 10% of their income. Now he lives in a mansion, probably has six or more motorcycles, and a helicopter. I'm pretty sure not many people in a place like the Philippines have seen or know what a helicopter is. Just goes to show people will do anything for attention.

Sigh. Well that was my brain spill for the day.


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