Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hm. It's Sunday and we're all still here.

I feel pretty bad for people who actually bought Harold Camping's crap and lost money because of that. Hey, maybe karma will come at him and people will sue him for the money they lost because of his stupidity. But along with his stupid rapture prediction he says the world will end on October 21 this year.

"I know it's absolutely true, because the Bible is always absolutely true." - Harold Camping

Oh really? Is there any specific date in the bible of the world's end? No. Quit making up this crap so your radio show can become popular cause all your previous predictions have been wrong and you just want to be right when it's not gonna happen.

I still don't get why people are obsessed with the end of the world. Why do we worry about when we'll all die? And to the extent where we make up dates thinking we're gonna be right? Let's see all the made up dates where we'll die.

Year 500: Nothing happened
Year 1000: Nothing happened
Year 2000: Nothing happened

People have been making predictions for years when the world will end and all of them were wrong. Even the nine predictions the Jehovah's Witnesses made were wrong. Do people have nothing better to do with themselves? Can't people just count their blessings and be grateful for what they have instead of worrying about the world ending in like five seconds? I just get really annoyed by this.

Next thing you know next year people will be having panic attacks about 2012 which isn't happening. People just assume that because the Mayan calender is ending that means the world will end. When I have a calender and it's the new year, that doesn't mean the world will end now does it? People, get a flipping hobby and something better to do with yourself other than panicking about the world's end cause it won't happen any time soon.


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