Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Official birthday!

As of 2:20 this morning I am officially fifteen years old.

Had a pretty good day despite the depressing weather. Got to see a rainbow much later in the day. Had a lot of people wish me a happy birthday and I felt happy. A lucky day makes a happy Eliza. And for dinner I went out with my family to a Japanese steakhouse called Kyoto Palace. I love how when we go to a Japanese steakhouse for someone's birthday somewhere else in the restaurant someone else is having a birthday as well. It's really funny.

I've been coming up with an answer to an age old question: Mac or PC? Now I understand that Macs are useful for art and filming, but for everything else it's crap. I dunno why they had to make it so difficult to look for an application like Word Document. Plus the mouses look weird and you can't scroll or right click both of which are convenient. And why does the power button need to be in a weird place on a Mac desktop? Was someone not paying attention while making it? I dunno.

I just kinda came up with that mini debate cause I got upset at anime club when I couldn't play the anime I brought on a Mac. Sigh.. Wish the school had money for computers that worked but they spend their money in the stupidest of ways like throwing away 10,000 dollars (That they don't even have but get it from prom tickets costing 110 dollars!) to have prom on a boat in San Francisco. They even opened a junior/senior prom for freshmen and sophomores because they weren't selling enough tickets. Well no duh cause you made them 110 bucks! You think people have that kind of money besides the rich kids? It'd probably be easier to have prom in the gym with the tickets at 40 bucks. It may not be uber glamorous but at least you'll still have money to do other stuff and you'll actually have a lot more people go to a prom.

The school also wastes their money on posters. Now they keep saying they have paper shortages. So where do they get the money for the endless amount of book covers and the posters all over the campus? Hm, interesting. The book covers are pointless because they eventually start falling apart as the school year progresses and they don't even do anything anyway. And the posters, how many people actually look at them? They just get torn down, rained on, and trampled on so it's just a waste.

Sigh. School has a weird way of doing things. Oh well.


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