After a nice three day weekend, I had my first two finals. Geometry and English. Waaay too easy. Finished up to an hour and a half early. Now if that could just keep itself from biting back at me and showing a failing grade. Heheheheh.. Love only being in school for four hours and being home by lunch.
Geometry final went smoothly though I wish I could've gone through my English final in peace. I think the phrase "If you talk during an exam, you'll get an F" is foreign to most of the people in my English class. But whatever, they fail it's really their faults. Sorry that your bladder's the size of a penny and you can't hold in your pee for too long. I'm pretty sure everyone's had to hold it in during a long movie cause I know I have. So that was my day. Not much going on except watching Black Butler on Netflix.
Also I've made a new blog for anime reviews. If anyone's interested to get hooked on anime they haven't seen or wants to start watching it check out
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Whew wee
And the reward for the longest school week of the year goes to Academic Focus week. AKA the massive study week before finals.
Writing your own notes to study is pretty hard but it's worth it when you get a good grade in the end.
We had block schedule on Thursday and Friday because seniors take their finals in those days. Those days either you were watching a movie in your class or working on a study guide. Unless you have P.E then you just ran a mile and played softball. English and Spanish just so happened to be the classes I had a movie in. English: 1968 Romeo and Juliet. Spanish: Real Women have Curves.
I would've enjoyed Romeo and Juliet but a moron in my class kept commenting every time Romeo and Juliet would kiss. I mean really? You're too immature to see two people kiss when you've done that yourself? Just shut up. The teacher got annoyed with him and kicked him out of the classroom. Luckily I was able to find the movie on Netflix and watch it in peace. Almost cried at the end even though I knew that they would both commit suicide.
Real Women have Curves is an HBO movie from the early 2000's about a Mexican-American girl struggling to get into college and all this boring chick flick stuff. I got bored during it and thought it was stereotyping Mexican-American life in LA. I'm pretty sure it was. Go ahead and check it out if you want to bore yourself to sleep.
Art was free drawing since I was finished with a project and I got to take some artwork home. P.E, obvious boring and painful stuff that include running and getting a softball thrown unintentionally at your face. Hope we don't have to run miles for the final on Thursday on account of the people who never do anything and are failing an easy A class. Whatever, it's their faults they're failing.
And biology and geometry consisted of study guides galore. Sucks when you're done making one and you have nothing to do for another hour of class. I was about to lose my mind out of boredom.
Luckily the week's finally over and I get this time to relax.... and hopefully remember to study. Hahaha. I also need a new camera chip since mine kicked the bucket at the most random of times. Oh well.
Writing your own notes to study is pretty hard but it's worth it when you get a good grade in the end.
We had block schedule on Thursday and Friday because seniors take their finals in those days. Those days either you were watching a movie in your class or working on a study guide. Unless you have P.E then you just ran a mile and played softball. English and Spanish just so happened to be the classes I had a movie in. English: 1968 Romeo and Juliet. Spanish: Real Women have Curves.
I would've enjoyed Romeo and Juliet but a moron in my class kept commenting every time Romeo and Juliet would kiss. I mean really? You're too immature to see two people kiss when you've done that yourself? Just shut up. The teacher got annoyed with him and kicked him out of the classroom. Luckily I was able to find the movie on Netflix and watch it in peace. Almost cried at the end even though I knew that they would both commit suicide.
Real Women have Curves is an HBO movie from the early 2000's about a Mexican-American girl struggling to get into college and all this boring chick flick stuff. I got bored during it and thought it was stereotyping Mexican-American life in LA. I'm pretty sure it was. Go ahead and check it out if you want to bore yourself to sleep.
Art was free drawing since I was finished with a project and I got to take some artwork home. P.E, obvious boring and painful stuff that include running and getting a softball thrown unintentionally at your face. Hope we don't have to run miles for the final on Thursday on account of the people who never do anything and are failing an easy A class. Whatever, it's their faults they're failing.
And biology and geometry consisted of study guides galore. Sucks when you're done making one and you have nothing to do for another hour of class. I was about to lose my mind out of boredom.
Luckily the week's finally over and I get this time to relax.... and hopefully remember to study. Hahaha. I also need a new camera chip since mine kicked the bucket at the most random of times. Oh well.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wait, is it Monday or Tuesday?
With all the work I've been doing writing study notes I've been tired and it feels like a Monday. Oh well. God bless late start Wednesdays.
So in one week we have finals and then school's out for the summer! Can't believe it's been an entire school year. Feels like yesterday I didn't know anybody and I made a bunch of friends. This has been a great year. Still miss all my Indiana buds and wish I could've packed them in my suitcase with me like ten clowns in a small car and taken them with me. Really hope they can get a chance to come here cause it's just gorgeous.
I've finally gotten into a habit of writing notes to study from and hopefully during Memorial day weekend I'll get some time to study. Have so much to get through and I'm gonna be so happy when it's all over.
Our schedule's weird though. We have block schedule on Thursday and Friday though I can't complain much on those days. We get Monday off for Memorial Day and then we have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday loaded with finals galore. Plus we get half days so it's awesome.
Tuesday: Sixth and first period with a brunch in between
Wednesday: Second and third period with a brunch in between
Thursday: Fourth and zero period with a brunch in between.... This is where it gets weird cause zero period is ASB and very few kids have it so most people go home during or after brunch.
And Friday's fifth period and yearbook signing with entertainment stuff so people without yearbooks will probably go home.
Doesn't make sense on Thursday and Friday cause we're just in school for two hours if we don't have ASB or a yearbook.
Whatever. It's gonna be a crazy week.
So in one week we have finals and then school's out for the summer! Can't believe it's been an entire school year. Feels like yesterday I didn't know anybody and I made a bunch of friends. This has been a great year. Still miss all my Indiana buds and wish I could've packed them in my suitcase with me like ten clowns in a small car and taken them with me. Really hope they can get a chance to come here cause it's just gorgeous.
I've finally gotten into a habit of writing notes to study from and hopefully during Memorial day weekend I'll get some time to study. Have so much to get through and I'm gonna be so happy when it's all over.
Our schedule's weird though. We have block schedule on Thursday and Friday though I can't complain much on those days. We get Monday off for Memorial Day and then we have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday loaded with finals galore. Plus we get half days so it's awesome.
Tuesday: Sixth and first period with a brunch in between
Wednesday: Second and third period with a brunch in between
Thursday: Fourth and zero period with a brunch in between.... This is where it gets weird cause zero period is ASB and very few kids have it so most people go home during or after brunch.
And Friday's fifth period and yearbook signing with entertainment stuff so people without yearbooks will probably go home.
Doesn't make sense on Thursday and Friday cause we're just in school for two hours if we don't have ASB or a yearbook.
Whatever. It's gonna be a crazy week.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Hm. It's Sunday and we're all still here.
I feel pretty bad for people who actually bought Harold Camping's crap and lost money because of that. Hey, maybe karma will come at him and people will sue him for the money they lost because of his stupidity. But along with his stupid rapture prediction he says the world will end on October 21 this year.
"I know it's absolutely true, because the Bible is always absolutely true." - Harold Camping
Oh really? Is there any specific date in the bible of the world's end? No. Quit making up this crap so your radio show can become popular cause all your previous predictions have been wrong and you just want to be right when it's not gonna happen.
I still don't get why people are obsessed with the end of the world. Why do we worry about when we'll all die? And to the extent where we make up dates thinking we're gonna be right? Let's see all the made up dates where we'll die.
Year 500: Nothing happened
Year 1000: Nothing happened
Year 2000: Nothing happened
People have been making predictions for years when the world will end and all of them were wrong. Even the nine predictions the Jehovah's Witnesses made were wrong. Do people have nothing better to do with themselves? Can't people just count their blessings and be grateful for what they have instead of worrying about the world ending in like five seconds? I just get really annoyed by this.
Next thing you know next year people will be having panic attacks about 2012 which isn't happening. People just assume that because the Mayan calender is ending that means the world will end. When I have a calender and it's the new year, that doesn't mean the world will end now does it? People, get a flipping hobby and something better to do with yourself other than panicking about the world's end cause it won't happen any time soon.
I feel pretty bad for people who actually bought Harold Camping's crap and lost money because of that. Hey, maybe karma will come at him and people will sue him for the money they lost because of his stupidity. But along with his stupid rapture prediction he says the world will end on October 21 this year.
"I know it's absolutely true, because the Bible is always absolutely true." - Harold Camping
Oh really? Is there any specific date in the bible of the world's end? No. Quit making up this crap so your radio show can become popular cause all your previous predictions have been wrong and you just want to be right when it's not gonna happen.
I still don't get why people are obsessed with the end of the world. Why do we worry about when we'll all die? And to the extent where we make up dates thinking we're gonna be right? Let's see all the made up dates where we'll die.
Year 500: Nothing happened
Year 1000: Nothing happened
Year 2000: Nothing happened
People have been making predictions for years when the world will end and all of them were wrong. Even the nine predictions the Jehovah's Witnesses made were wrong. Do people have nothing better to do with themselves? Can't people just count their blessings and be grateful for what they have instead of worrying about the world ending in like five seconds? I just get really annoyed by this.
Next thing you know next year people will be having panic attacks about 2012 which isn't happening. People just assume that because the Mayan calender is ending that means the world will end. When I have a calender and it's the new year, that doesn't mean the world will end now does it? People, get a flipping hobby and something better to do with yourself other than panicking about the world's end cause it won't happen any time soon.
end of world,
Friday, May 20, 2011
Finally the week's over. Two more weeks of school and I'm out for the summer! This has been a quick year. I still remember the first day not knowing anybody. Now finals are coming up fast. I gotta start studying up.
So as for this week:
English: Finished reading Romeo and Juliet
Spanish: Oral Presentation of Spanish Yearbook
Art: Free draw
P.E: Running....
Biology: Took a test, watched Tarzan, and got a study guide
Geometry: Parallelograms
Yep. I got mad today cause I wanted to retake the test in biology I got a C on but the retakes were cancelled. Why you may ask? Some brain-dead morons decided to make cheat sheets. Ergh! This really ticks me off when people try to cheat! I think it's common knowledge that if you cheat in college you get kicked out and that's why you don't do it! You can't cheat through life cause if you do you'll lose a job and/or a life you really wanted. Good luck trying to do anything else after caught cheating. So thanks to some stupid people I lost my chance to retake a test because the teacher only allows one retake per test and if you don't retake it on a certain day then you won't be able to retake it any other time. I mean, I'm not getting a bad grade or anything. I just get paranoid whenever I get a C or lower on a test.
So that was my day.
So I hear all this stuff of the world ending tomorrow. I only heard about this today on the radio but it's enough to make me say, "Wow do you just have nothing better to do?" It seems that these days people will say anything to get attention and have people believe them. Thanks to this, this guy is asking Christians for their worldly possessions and another guy in New York wasted his life savings on billboards. So this is just sad.
People get with the program. The world's gonna end when the Sun explodes and when we're chilling with Jesus and God. Stop making up random dates when the world will end and live life like a normal person. I get annoyed with how much attention people in this world want and are willing to say or do anything for it.
I remember watching this show with my sister last summer about these three people who believe they're the second coming (second Jesus Christ for those who don't know). This one guy from the Philippines said he was the second coming and asked all these people for 10% of their income. Now he lives in a mansion, probably has six or more motorcycles, and a helicopter. I'm pretty sure not many people in a place like the Philippines have seen or know what a helicopter is. Just goes to show people will do anything for attention.
Sigh. Well that was my brain spill for the day.
So as for this week:
English: Finished reading Romeo and Juliet
Spanish: Oral Presentation of Spanish Yearbook
Art: Free draw
P.E: Running....
Biology: Took a test, watched Tarzan, and got a study guide
Geometry: Parallelograms
Yep. I got mad today cause I wanted to retake the test in biology I got a C on but the retakes were cancelled. Why you may ask? Some brain-dead morons decided to make cheat sheets. Ergh! This really ticks me off when people try to cheat! I think it's common knowledge that if you cheat in college you get kicked out and that's why you don't do it! You can't cheat through life cause if you do you'll lose a job and/or a life you really wanted. Good luck trying to do anything else after caught cheating. So thanks to some stupid people I lost my chance to retake a test because the teacher only allows one retake per test and if you don't retake it on a certain day then you won't be able to retake it any other time. I mean, I'm not getting a bad grade or anything. I just get paranoid whenever I get a C or lower on a test.
So that was my day.
So I hear all this stuff of the world ending tomorrow. I only heard about this today on the radio but it's enough to make me say, "Wow do you just have nothing better to do?" It seems that these days people will say anything to get attention and have people believe them. Thanks to this, this guy is asking Christians for their worldly possessions and another guy in New York wasted his life savings on billboards. So this is just sad.
People get with the program. The world's gonna end when the Sun explodes and when we're chilling with Jesus and God. Stop making up random dates when the world will end and live life like a normal person. I get annoyed with how much attention people in this world want and are willing to say or do anything for it.
I remember watching this show with my sister last summer about these three people who believe they're the second coming (second Jesus Christ for those who don't know). This one guy from the Philippines said he was the second coming and asked all these people for 10% of their income. Now he lives in a mansion, probably has six or more motorcycles, and a helicopter. I'm pretty sure not many people in a place like the Philippines have seen or know what a helicopter is. Just goes to show people will do anything for attention.
Sigh. Well that was my brain spill for the day.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Official birthday!
As of 2:20 this morning I am officially fifteen years old.
Had a pretty good day despite the depressing weather. Got to see a rainbow much later in the day. Had a lot of people wish me a happy birthday and I felt happy. A lucky day makes a happy Eliza. And for dinner I went out with my family to a Japanese steakhouse called Kyoto Palace. I love how when we go to a Japanese steakhouse for someone's birthday somewhere else in the restaurant someone else is having a birthday as well. It's really funny.
I've been coming up with an answer to an age old question: Mac or PC? Now I understand that Macs are useful for art and filming, but for everything else it's crap. I dunno why they had to make it so difficult to look for an application like Word Document. Plus the mouses look weird and you can't scroll or right click both of which are convenient. And why does the power button need to be in a weird place on a Mac desktop? Was someone not paying attention while making it? I dunno.
I just kinda came up with that mini debate cause I got upset at anime club when I couldn't play the anime I brought on a Mac. Sigh.. Wish the school had money for computers that worked but they spend their money in the stupidest of ways like throwing away 10,000 dollars (That they don't even have but get it from prom tickets costing 110 dollars!) to have prom on a boat in San Francisco. They even opened a junior/senior prom for freshmen and sophomores because they weren't selling enough tickets. Well no duh cause you made them 110 bucks! You think people have that kind of money besides the rich kids? It'd probably be easier to have prom in the gym with the tickets at 40 bucks. It may not be uber glamorous but at least you'll still have money to do other stuff and you'll actually have a lot more people go to a prom.
The school also wastes their money on posters. Now they keep saying they have paper shortages. So where do they get the money for the endless amount of book covers and the posters all over the campus? Hm, interesting. The book covers are pointless because they eventually start falling apart as the school year progresses and they don't even do anything anyway. And the posters, how many people actually look at them? They just get torn down, rained on, and trampled on so it's just a waste.
Sigh. School has a weird way of doing things. Oh well.
Had a pretty good day despite the depressing weather. Got to see a rainbow much later in the day. Had a lot of people wish me a happy birthday and I felt happy. A lucky day makes a happy Eliza. And for dinner I went out with my family to a Japanese steakhouse called Kyoto Palace. I love how when we go to a Japanese steakhouse for someone's birthday somewhere else in the restaurant someone else is having a birthday as well. It's really funny.
I've been coming up with an answer to an age old question: Mac or PC? Now I understand that Macs are useful for art and filming, but for everything else it's crap. I dunno why they had to make it so difficult to look for an application like Word Document. Plus the mouses look weird and you can't scroll or right click both of which are convenient. And why does the power button need to be in a weird place on a Mac desktop? Was someone not paying attention while making it? I dunno.
I just kinda came up with that mini debate cause I got upset at anime club when I couldn't play the anime I brought on a Mac. Sigh.. Wish the school had money for computers that worked but they spend their money in the stupidest of ways like throwing away 10,000 dollars (That they don't even have but get it from prom tickets costing 110 dollars!) to have prom on a boat in San Francisco. They even opened a junior/senior prom for freshmen and sophomores because they weren't selling enough tickets. Well no duh cause you made them 110 bucks! You think people have that kind of money besides the rich kids? It'd probably be easier to have prom in the gym with the tickets at 40 bucks. It may not be uber glamorous but at least you'll still have money to do other stuff and you'll actually have a lot more people go to a prom.
The school also wastes their money on posters. Now they keep saying they have paper shortages. So where do they get the money for the endless amount of book covers and the posters all over the campus? Hm, interesting. The book covers are pointless because they eventually start falling apart as the school year progresses and they don't even do anything anyway. And the posters, how many people actually look at them? They just get torn down, rained on, and trampled on so it's just a waste.
Sigh. School has a weird way of doing things. Oh well.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Had one insane party yesterday.
Nothing makes a girl happy then inviting all her friends to her house and partying like it's 1985 for four hours. Best night of my life! And my friend Andreas dyed his hair teal so it was hardcore.
We played a bit of violent ping pong which consists of the ball bouncing off the walls and ceiling and even getting stuck between the window blinds and is still spinning. And that's when Jamie takes a plushie and uses its head for a paddle and fails at it. Hahaha.
It was luckily a nice enough afternoon to have a fire and roast some marshmallows making smores. Sadly all the chocolate was gone in like five seconds so we were just stuck with two bags of marshmallows and a box of graham crackers. It was fun anyway.
I had an ice cream cake for my birthday cake like I usually do in recent years. And from Baskin Robbins too so it was awesome. I sadly didn't have much cause I was distracted and most of my slice melted. Had a little bit to get a taste so it was good.
So let's make a present list.
From Jamie: A gift certificate to a book store and two manga
From Akane: A ton of miso soup mix
From Andreas: An Invader Zim T-shirt and a GIR backpack
From Nora: Lots of Pocky and a Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood guide book in Japanese
From Jennifer: A hand drawn picture of Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach and some bath products
From Elizabeth: A box of tags and what not
From Vlada: A Jack Sparrow T-shirt
And from Charlotte: A Tobi poster
Whew! Can't believe I had to remember all the stuff I got. Hahahaha.
So let's see. After that we danced to a music station and then watched Eddie Izzard and Robin Hood: Men in Tights till everyone went home. And I passed out around 10 at night. So that was fun.
And here I am now watching Clannad and eating Pocky. Fun stuff.
Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Daikazoku,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
*sigh* School, school, and more school

With finals coming up these days at school are getting a little busier. I probably should get into some study habits since I somewhat didn't do so hot on a couple of my final exams. I did get a passing grade for the semester so it wasn't that bad.
So here's a little mini record of this week.
English: Reading Romeo and Juliet
Spanish: Spanish speaking country poster (almost done)
Art: Color collage painting (done)
P.E: Official nap class since teacher went home to take care of his wife and newborn baby and sub does nothing
Biology: Bacteria and viruses galore!
Geometry: Volume!
So since I'm gonna have nothing to do in second and third period, I plan to start carrying my sketchbook with me and draw a little. Then I'll probably post a few pictures on here.
Bright sides:
Late start tomorrow
Anticipation of this Saturday's birthday party
And being able to release all my crazed energy in anime club
So it's all gonna be good.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Go to and watch.
Quick first week back at school. My English class is reading Romeo and Juliet, I'm doing a speaking final and starting a poster project in Spanish, painting a collage in Art, doing nothing in P.E, working with bacteria in Biology, and working with surface area and volume in Geometry. Very, very hectic first week back.
Bright side is that it's Friday and that means weekend time to relax. My family's going to a friend's house later tonight for a (belated) Cinco de Mayo party. It's a bit crazy how a lot of people in California make a big deal about it compared to Indiana who's like, "Whatever". Heh..
I think this weekend I'll be doing what I normally do: draw, write, text friends, and watch T.V. Oh, and add on thinking of ideas for summer. My friend, Jamie, will be gone all summer doing job stuff and going to her sister's wedding so I'll be left here with everyone else and I'm still thinking of ideas and stuff cause other than going to Yosemite and my uncle coming over I'm doing nothing else. Sigh.. Oh well. Still got a few weeks. And I have another week till my birthday party which will be the most insane birthday party ever. Hahahaha.
Quick first week back at school. My English class is reading Romeo and Juliet, I'm doing a speaking final and starting a poster project in Spanish, painting a collage in Art, doing nothing in P.E, working with bacteria in Biology, and working with surface area and volume in Geometry. Very, very hectic first week back.
Bright side is that it's Friday and that means weekend time to relax. My family's going to a friend's house later tonight for a (belated) Cinco de Mayo party. It's a bit crazy how a lot of people in California make a big deal about it compared to Indiana who's like, "Whatever". Heh..
I think this weekend I'll be doing what I normally do: draw, write, text friends, and watch T.V. Oh, and add on thinking of ideas for summer. My friend, Jamie, will be gone all summer doing job stuff and going to her sister's wedding so I'll be left here with everyone else and I'm still thinking of ideas and stuff cause other than going to Yosemite and my uncle coming over I'm doing nothing else. Sigh.. Oh well. Still got a few weeks. And I have another week till my birthday party which will be the most insane birthday party ever. Hahahaha.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Going overboard
I was shocked by that too when a new episode of AFV was interrupted. So sudden and just plain out of no where. After almost ten years and Bam! they found and caught him in raid.
Funny thing is apparently we gave money to the Taliban and unintentionally put al-Qaida in some sort of power and they declared war on us and caused 9/11. Kinda funny how the world works, eh? But hey, al-Qaida had their chance to do something big after 9/11 and they didn't so thank God they didn't do anything major like blow up a major city or something.
I find it kinda creepy though cause they matched Osama's DNA with a part of his deceased sister's brain and then threw his body into the ocean...? Because that doesn't scare you just a bit.
I'm kinda disgusted though with the people cheering over his death. Okay, he did destroy the Twin Towers and all this insanity that took many lives, but cheering? That's just... what's the word? Barbaric? Unnecessary? I think both. I know he's finally dead and he got what was coming to him, but that's totally stupid. Sorry if you had family and friends you lost in 9/11 but just because the guy who caused it was killed in a raid, it doesn't mean they're gonna come back. It's been almost ten years so get over yourselves.
The only downside about Osama's death is that the war's not over. Al-Qaida is still here thanks to bin Laden's successor. So until al-Qaida is officially gone, we still got a war to finish (And oil to save. The only other reason why we're there.). So hopefully before 2012 we can get all our troops out of that large sandbox. Hopefully.
Funny thing is apparently we gave money to the Taliban and unintentionally put al-Qaida in some sort of power and they declared war on us and caused 9/11. Kinda funny how the world works, eh? But hey, al-Qaida had their chance to do something big after 9/11 and they didn't so thank God they didn't do anything major like blow up a major city or something.
I find it kinda creepy though cause they matched Osama's DNA with a part of his deceased sister's brain and then threw his body into the ocean...? Because that doesn't scare you just a bit.
I'm kinda disgusted though with the people cheering over his death. Okay, he did destroy the Twin Towers and all this insanity that took many lives, but cheering? That's just... what's the word? Barbaric? Unnecessary? I think both. I know he's finally dead and he got what was coming to him, but that's totally stupid. Sorry if you had family and friends you lost in 9/11 but just because the guy who caused it was killed in a raid, it doesn't mean they're gonna come back. It's been almost ten years so get over yourselves.
The only downside about Osama's death is that the war's not over. Al-Qaida is still here thanks to bin Laden's successor. So until al-Qaida is officially gone, we still got a war to finish (And oil to save. The only other reason why we're there.). So hopefully before 2012 we can get all our troops out of that large sandbox. Hopefully.
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