Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vampire Fish People

Doctor Who just gets more interesting with every new alien.

Friday, as the pictures show, was the homecoming parade. Obviously Anime and Manga club and GSA was in it so it was fun. I still laugh a little seeing the Proud 2 "bee" LGBT poster we made. C'mon you gotta admit it's cute, right? It would've been better if I wasn't getting hot and I didn't become exhausted afterwards. Wasn't my day when I didn't feel like doing anything in Algebra 2 or Spanish 3.

Best part was that a little later I finally got to see Steven when we picked him up from the airport! I'm so happy to finally see him. Stayed up with him last night watching part of the fifth season of Dexter which was awesome! I've never fully payed attention to the other seasons but I know enough from Wikipedia and I remember some parts of the last season. After that I was somehow pulled into adding horror movies he wanted to watch so he told me to add, of all things, The Human Centipede.

For anyone wondering what it is, don't even think about it. It is one of the most disturbing movies in the universe and I curse myself for looking up trailers to that when someone told me to. Ugh.. Just makes me shudder thinking about it.

I only stayed up to see the first thirty minutes which really began like a stereotypical horror film: Go out to see friends, get a flat tire, don't know how to change or fix it or you don't have the necessary tools, in the middle of nowhere (depending when it's taking place: no cell reception), go out to look for help, end up in a creepy person's home, story goes off on its own from there.

After that I passed out and went to bed before it got really messed up. So here's some morals for horror films:

1. Know how to fix a tire or how to change one
2. If you try to get help in a foreign country, know some basic phrases so you actually get help.
3. If you do seek for help nearby, do not go into a person's house to use their phone unless they look perfectly sane.

And that's all I have to say on that subject.

So now I'm back to my normal school week tomorrow. I seriously need to get some fabric selected for my Mad Hatter costume. God bless my mother have giant plastic tubs of assorted fabric.


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