Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's all going good

So as of now, I've been going to school for a short time, but everything's starting to smooth out. Got lucky today with less homework than what I've been getting the previous three days. Though I am slowly realizing what my least favorite classes are though.

I don't like chemistry because everything's a bit disoriented, people are disruptive, and the teacher's too soft-spoken. We've been getting assignments to do lab reports but he doesn't give us any templates on how to do them, but he's fine with whatever we turn in. I was able to take notes on the periodic table so it's not a total loss. Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need to repeat it in case my grade starts to drop.

I also don't like Algebra 2 and Spanish 3 because I have juniors and seniors in those classes and for whatever reason, they decide to act like their four years old. Actually it's not just juniors and seniors; it's all people who don't take their education seriously. It really ticks me off when I'm trying to learn in a class of people who having nothing planned for their future and completely slack off in their classes. It's even more irritating when the teacher has to resort to yelling to gain a class's attention and then nothing gets done. Do any of these kids really want a future career and a family to support? I guess not.

The other day I was watching Freakanomics and there was one segment where they tested 900 students if they would get better grades by being bribed to be payed by getting good grades. I'm just thinking, "Really? You need to bribe kids to make them pass the ninth grade?" There was one kid failing all of his classes who was complaining that his parents were being strict and asking where he would be going and stuff and it's like, "Dude, they're parents. They're just doing their job they promised to do when you were born." My parents are the same way: they're trying to make sure I don't live a crappy life when I'm out on my own. It's what all parents do, so just deal with it.

I just hate hearing people my age complain how their lives suck cause they're failing their classes and all this other stupid crap when they do that to themselves because they have no motivation for school. You people should seriously be lucky you have an education cause there are kids in China who don't have an education and are making your Nike shoes because their country's never heard of child labor laws. Heck, even girls are treated like crap because they're only seen as tools for making babies. These kids want to be doctors but they can't because they have no access to an education because of the little money their families or they believe that women shouldn't have educations to be lawyers or doctors. How'd you like to be in their position if you plan to waste a perfectly good education? You're given an opportunity to do something great and those kids really deserve that education if you're just gonna waste it. So that just makes me mad that those kids in places like Africa and China are less unfortunate than people here.

So there's my little spiel of what's on my mind.

As for the rest of my life, going to a dance on Friday and hoping it goes better than the last school dance I went to.


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