Recently, I watched a documentary called The Anatomy of Hate. Of course, it was about people hating. White supremacists, Westboro Baptist church protesters, suicide bombers, and just people in the Middle East who carry guns with them everywhere until they find a cafe to blow up. I'm not sure I should say if it was good or bad, but in fact very interesting. It really makes you think how many ignorant and unintelligent people there are in the world.
White supremacists are Caucasians who think they're superior to any other race. They're mainly against black people and think they're demons on Earth. The most well known supremacist group is the KKK(Ku Klux Klan). I'm not the only one thinking that this is an argument that's as old as before the Civil War, right? People really should get over themselves and get a serious reality check. For those kind of people: You aren't any better than anyone else in the world; you're just another human being like all the other six billion people on the planet no matter what race you are. You're just like millions of other people in the world, so what makes you think being Caucasian is oh so special? And knock off the stereotyping too. Your kids are going to be fine because not every black man you run into is a rapist.
Religious protesters. We all know how much fun they are. This documentary focused on one group of people who do it all the time. The Westboro Baptist Church. I'm sure we all know how nuts these people are. They always protest at wherever for whatever stupid reason they have. They're mainly against homosexuality and gay troops in the army. I don't like these kinds of people because they have to make huge deals over nothing. We get it you're against homosexuality. Tell it to someone who's going to care and not trying to start riots with you guys. Get over yourselves.
Here's another plus: They have children protesting with their parents. This one kid can't be older than six or seven, and he's singing a rendition of "God Bless America" with his mother which basically says "God hates fags." How many six year olds do you know know what the word fag even means? None I hope. How a woman like that lives with herself and a family of six children I have no idea.
What is wrong with church these days? All these people rant away with "God hates this", "God hates that", and "You're going to burn in hell if you don't do this". Do these people even understand what the bible's saying? As far as they think, God is apparently some mean being trying to make our lives miserable. People only see what they want to see. But they don't really understand what the bible's really saying.
(If you're an atheist, you can skip this paragraph if you want.)God is a loving person. Everything he does, he does because he loves us. People seem to blame him for all of their problems. Westboro Baptist Church says that he hates America and he cause 9/11 and we're going to burn in hell sometime soon. All of that stuff they say is untrue. (You can go back to reading the rest of blog now if you skipped this part)
That's a bit why I haven't taken any interest in going to church for about five years. I get really bored, and no one really explains what anyone's saying. They just toss around quotes from the bible and leave it to us to try to understand what they're saying. It's like trying to take a test that counts as a part of your grade, and the teacher hasn't taught you anything. People should really try to learn what's coming out of their mouths before they begin to blabber away.
While I'm on the topic of religion, why are people obsessed with the end of the world? People always say that one day the entire human race will die out. We always wonder when. People just keep giving out random dates when we'll die. Year 1000, year 2000, June 6, 2006, and the ever popular December 21, 2012. From my point of view, I think the world will end in a few million years, the Sun will blow up, and destroy the Earth. So really, I don't think we'll die anytime soon. I just live my life the carefree person I am. People should stop worrying when we die and just live with what life has to offer for us.
How many people have wished for world peace when they were little? A lot. I know I've prayed and wished for it a couple times before I went to bed. We always think of an ideal world for everyone to live in. No homeless on the streets. Everyone loves each other for who they are. People put down their guns and come to agreements where everyone's happy. We stop global warming and the extinction of many animals. All the troops would be home to never miss another Christmas or birthday. Any of this sound familiar?
We all think and talk about a world like that, but how many of us act? If everyone could do something, even the tiniest act, to help the world, then wouldn't the planet become a better place to live in? It's just my opinion. Maybe if people could stop making ignorant and stupid choices, we wouldn't have these problems today. Maybe one day we can live without fear and hate.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday Check-up
This week's been pretty good. I've been writing haikus all week in my journal so that's been fun. I'm actually almost done editing a story that I've been working on for a few months. I actually showed some haikus to my English teacher and he gave me a sticky note to see a teacher cause she does some work for a literary magazine or something. Haven't checked it out yet, but will next week.
My art class has been fun. I finished my pointillism project on Monday and have been working on sketches for our next project. We're gonna draw a Jabberwocky from the Lewis Carroll poem and what we see the Jabberwocky as. Then we're gonna take coffee and/or tea and make our picture look old. Gonna have so much fun with that.
Oh, and earlier this week I watched a documentary called The Anatomy of Hate. I'll do a separate post about that cause I got bored and wrote another opinions of the world thing. So my next post will be like the one I did about MTV.
Gonna have friends over tonight for dinner. Not much else going on for the weekend as far as I know.
My art class has been fun. I finished my pointillism project on Monday and have been working on sketches for our next project. We're gonna draw a Jabberwocky from the Lewis Carroll poem and what we see the Jabberwocky as. Then we're gonna take coffee and/or tea and make our picture look old. Gonna have so much fun with that.
Oh, and earlier this week I watched a documentary called The Anatomy of Hate. I'll do a separate post about that cause I got bored and wrote another opinions of the world thing. So my next post will be like the one I did about MTV.
Gonna have friends over tonight for dinner. Not much else going on for the weekend as far as I know.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Mad Writer
For those who don't know I do write outside of blogging. I write my own original stories and I write haikus. I find haikus easier to write than regular poetry. I really can't rhyme at all, so I like doing haikus. I thought I'd share what I'm writing so enjoy!
Love is confusing,
Love is rippling with pain,
Love is wonderful
Humans cry and hate,
We scream in pain and bring pain,
And yet life goes on
Make up, jewelry,
And plastic surgery hide,
Real beauty within
Strong storms, melting ice,
And warmer temperatures,
Caused by selfishness
I love and I hate,
I'm happy and I'm angry,
I am a human
I grow and blossom,
And one day I fall and die,
But just what am I?
What is perfection?
Why does everyone want it?
What makes it so great?
I don't care for wealth,
Money won't make me happy,
Love makes me happy
Humans speak of change,
A world without poverty,
We speak, but don't act
The great endless blue,
Stretches miles and miles,
All around the world
A world without love,
And creativity is,
A black and white world
What does it matter,
If someone is black or white,
We are all the same
I walk on the streets,
And yet no one can see me,
'Cause I'm not alive
People say forgive,
It sounds easy, but it's hard,
People forgot how
Love is confusing,
Love is rippling with pain,
Love is wonderful
Humans cry and hate,
We scream in pain and bring pain,
And yet life goes on
Make up, jewelry,
And plastic surgery hide,
Real beauty within
Strong storms, melting ice,
And warmer temperatures,
Caused by selfishness
I love and I hate,
I'm happy and I'm angry,
I am a human
I grow and blossom,
And one day I fall and die,
But just what am I?
What is perfection?
Why does everyone want it?
What makes it so great?
I don't care for wealth,
Money won't make me happy,
Love makes me happy
Humans speak of change,
A world without poverty,
We speak, but don't act
The great endless blue,
Stretches miles and miles,
All around the world
A world without love,
And creativity is,
A black and white world
What does it matter,
If someone is black or white,
We are all the same
I walk on the streets,
And yet no one can see me,
'Cause I'm not alive
People say forgive,
It sounds easy, but it's hard,
People forgot how
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bon Appetit!
I watched Julie and Julia today so hence the title. Love that movie. Amy Adams is just so adorable.
So I've been having a good January. Mainly school stuff. I've been so obsessed with my art class because we're doing a dot paint project. I think it's called pointillism... Yeah that's it. Hahaha. My school had its food fair which is just a way for clubs to raise money by selling food like Jamba Juice and what not. Of course Anime club participated in said event and we sold Pocky. Both chocolate and strawberry. And we sold it all. It was gone in about ten minutes after lunch started. Food Fair is like Black Friday with food. You don't come in time you're not gonna get food.
Weekend's good. Hung out at home yesterday and did the same today. Bit disappointed that da Bears aren't going to the Super Bowl but oh well. Got the Packers. Can't wait for Febuary 6th. My family's hosting a Super Bowl party and my friend and her family broke the thirty mark of how many people are coming. Hahaha.
So I've been having a good January. Mainly school stuff. I've been so obsessed with my art class because we're doing a dot paint project. I think it's called pointillism... Yeah that's it. Hahaha. My school had its food fair which is just a way for clubs to raise money by selling food like Jamba Juice and what not. Of course Anime club participated in said event and we sold Pocky. Both chocolate and strawberry. And we sold it all. It was gone in about ten minutes after lunch started. Food Fair is like Black Friday with food. You don't come in time you're not gonna get food.
Weekend's good. Hung out at home yesterday and did the same today. Bit disappointed that da Bears aren't going to the Super Bowl but oh well. Got the Packers. Can't wait for Febuary 6th. My family's hosting a Super Bowl party and my friend and her family broke the thirty mark of how many people are coming. Hahaha.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Because I have nothing better to do with myself
I kinda decided to make a more serious post to share my feelings about some stuff.
So I saw a thing on the FOX News site about a big dilemma with a new MTV show called 'Skins' and it has child pornography, illegal drug use and what not. All I'm thinking is this: What is wrong with you MTV? I wish it could've gone back to having music instead of this 16 and Pregnant and Jersey Shore stuff. I can't believe people watch that. In my opinion, to be blunt, it's crap. All of it. Okay, it was fine back in the early 2000's with Ozzy Osbourne. That was actually cool and funny to watch. Now MTV is full of horrible shows. Where's the music? Oh that's right. It's on VH1. MTV just shows a bunch of over dramatic and whiny teenagers.
This is from MTV defended its show in a statement released Thursday: "'Skins' is a show that addresses real-world issues confronting teens in a frank way.
Okay. Not every person I know is getting high, drunk, or having sex. I think we're old enough to know not to take illegal drugs and not to drink. Schools everywhere are trying to tell kids to stay drug free, abstain from sex, and all that stuff. Even T.V advertisements and billboards have the Above the Influence, A Message from a Foundation for a Better Life and even Over the Limit, Under Arrest. People are trying to keep us in school and to stay smart so we can have good lives later on. So what message is MTV sending to children and teenagers? It's okay to do drugs, alcohol and get yourself pregnant 'cause everyone's doing it? Sounding like that to me. Not everyone's life is like that. Me and my friends never fight and if it is it's over food 'cause there are some people who don't bring lunch. Ever heard the phrase that the future's in the hands of our children? Then what kind of hands are you putting the future into if their heads are filled with the wrong choices?
Oh, and another note on most of MTV shows. It's all fake. I don't know if people know this, but the camera men are right there telling people what to do, say and how to act so they can have something good to put on T.V. I know this because I was right there. Back in Indiana, my sister's friend, who I'll call M to keep identities safe, was gonna be on an MTV show called Made. It didn't get aired because their lives weren't dramatic enough to put on T.V. That's what they want. They want people to argue among their friends and do stupid choices so they can be on T.V. A couple months after MTV was gone M turned into, well let's just say she got a bit cranky and keep it at that.
MTV also argued that their show Skins was rated TV-MA. How many kids in America do you think pay attention to those ratings? I can't watch a TV-MA show or an R rated film without my parents' consent or if they're in the same room. Most people I know have seen an R rated film of the 21st century. So of course there are going to be teenagers watching that because they like MTV and see what new show they got.
To summarize all that was written, MTV isn't a good influence on children and teenagers of today. And they really should think about what they put on T.V and who's going to watch it.
So I saw a thing on the FOX News site about a big dilemma with a new MTV show called 'Skins' and it has child pornography, illegal drug use and what not. All I'm thinking is this: What is wrong with you MTV? I wish it could've gone back to having music instead of this 16 and Pregnant and Jersey Shore stuff. I can't believe people watch that. In my opinion, to be blunt, it's crap. All of it. Okay, it was fine back in the early 2000's with Ozzy Osbourne. That was actually cool and funny to watch. Now MTV is full of horrible shows. Where's the music? Oh that's right. It's on VH1. MTV just shows a bunch of over dramatic and whiny teenagers.
This is from MTV defended its show in a statement released Thursday: "'Skins' is a show that addresses real-world issues confronting teens in a frank way.
Okay. Not every person I know is getting high, drunk, or having sex. I think we're old enough to know not to take illegal drugs and not to drink. Schools everywhere are trying to tell kids to stay drug free, abstain from sex, and all that stuff. Even T.V advertisements and billboards have the Above the Influence, A Message from a Foundation for a Better Life and even Over the Limit, Under Arrest. People are trying to keep us in school and to stay smart so we can have good lives later on. So what message is MTV sending to children and teenagers? It's okay to do drugs, alcohol and get yourself pregnant 'cause everyone's doing it? Sounding like that to me. Not everyone's life is like that. Me and my friends never fight and if it is it's over food 'cause there are some people who don't bring lunch. Ever heard the phrase that the future's in the hands of our children? Then what kind of hands are you putting the future into if their heads are filled with the wrong choices?
Oh, and another note on most of MTV shows. It's all fake. I don't know if people know this, but the camera men are right there telling people what to do, say and how to act so they can have something good to put on T.V. I know this because I was right there. Back in Indiana, my sister's friend, who I'll call M to keep identities safe, was gonna be on an MTV show called Made. It didn't get aired because their lives weren't dramatic enough to put on T.V. That's what they want. They want people to argue among their friends and do stupid choices so they can be on T.V. A couple months after MTV was gone M turned into, well let's just say she got a bit cranky and keep it at that.
MTV also argued that their show Skins was rated TV-MA. How many kids in America do you think pay attention to those ratings? I can't watch a TV-MA show or an R rated film without my parents' consent or if they're in the same room. Most people I know have seen an R rated film of the 21st century. So of course there are going to be teenagers watching that because they like MTV and see what new show they got.
To summarize all that was written, MTV isn't a good influence on children and teenagers of today. And they really should think about what they put on T.V and who's going to watch it.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Omigod. Ten days with no new post? I've turned into such a lazy bum.
So in that nice ten day span, not much has been going on. Mainly school and what not. Me and my sister have been getting rides from our mom in the morning and walking home in the afternoon. We don't do carpool anymore since he decided to pull something really stupid and get his parking permit taken away. And he's a bit of a reckless driver for that matter. We don't really feel safe with him after the two accidents near the school that happened in less than a week. Yeah I don't feel like dying cause my carpool's a maniac. So that was a nice little highlight of last week.
Last Friday was my uncle Billy's wedding. Got pulled out of school early so that was a plus. And we got Micky D's for a late lunch. So unhealthy but so good. Billy got married at a courthouse and then we went out to this really awesome Italian place for dinner. Oh God. Best chocolate cake ever!! I scarfed it down it was so good.
And there was MLKJ weekend. Not much eventful other than me being a clutz and hurting myself via hitting my hand against a wall. On Monday Jamie came over and we did some stuff for cosplay club and I showed her an anime that she really loves now. Yes you can love an anime in a span of less than an hour.
School. Anime club day. We're gonna be in the school's Food Fair selling Pocky. So that's gonna be a nice nightmare scenario. Hahahaha. We made posters and they look like messes. And messes as in drawings just everywhere. That's what happens when you give psycho teenage girls two pieces of poster paper and a dozen Sharpies. We go berserk. So that's as eventful as my day gets being back in school. See you peeps later!
So in that nice ten day span, not much has been going on. Mainly school and what not. Me and my sister have been getting rides from our mom in the morning and walking home in the afternoon. We don't do carpool anymore since he decided to pull something really stupid and get his parking permit taken away. And he's a bit of a reckless driver for that matter. We don't really feel safe with him after the two accidents near the school that happened in less than a week. Yeah I don't feel like dying cause my carpool's a maniac. So that was a nice little highlight of last week.
Last Friday was my uncle Billy's wedding. Got pulled out of school early so that was a plus. And we got Micky D's for a late lunch. So unhealthy but so good. Billy got married at a courthouse and then we went out to this really awesome Italian place for dinner. Oh God. Best chocolate cake ever!! I scarfed it down it was so good.
And there was MLKJ weekend. Not much eventful other than me being a clutz and hurting myself via hitting my hand against a wall. On Monday Jamie came over and we did some stuff for cosplay club and I showed her an anime that she really loves now. Yes you can love an anime in a span of less than an hour.
School. Anime club day. We're gonna be in the school's Food Fair selling Pocky. So that's gonna be a nice nightmare scenario. Hahahaha. We made posters and they look like messes. And messes as in drawings just everywhere. That's what happens when you give psycho teenage girls two pieces of poster paper and a dozen Sharpies. We go berserk. So that's as eventful as my day gets being back in school. See you peeps later!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Go Colts!
I'm watching the Jets and Colts Wildcard game on NBC. Really hope they go to the Superbowl again this year.
This week has been a bit iffy. Kinda okay cause I was back in school and hung out with my friends. Kinda sucky cause, of course, stupid cold and flu season. Every other person I know is sick, on the verge of being sick, healthy, or just gotten over a cold. As of now I'm starting to get over being sick. My throat's never felt any better. So glad I'm feeling better.
Just a normal school week other than being sick. P.E's been really boring me lately. I'd rather run half-miles than be in the weight room. I don't really do anything in that room. Just walk around in circles playing songs in my head. Sooner it's over the better. Been getting lots of easy homework in my other classes and we're starting on a project in Studio Art. So everything's going good.
On Wednesday in my Advisory, some boys sitting behind me were throwing stuff at me. Pen caps, gum wrappers, that kinda stuff. Wasn't really a big deal or anything but I did get a bit annoyed so I told the teacher and he moved them. My opinion on this: Those boys TOTALLY have crushes on me. Why are boys at age fourteen so immature? I dunno. This is probably why I don't date them and I have few guy friends. Hahaha.
So I don't think much happening this weekend. Just watching Colts try to win their Wildcard game. Go Colts!
This week has been a bit iffy. Kinda okay cause I was back in school and hung out with my friends. Kinda sucky cause, of course, stupid cold and flu season. Every other person I know is sick, on the verge of being sick, healthy, or just gotten over a cold. As of now I'm starting to get over being sick. My throat's never felt any better. So glad I'm feeling better.
Just a normal school week other than being sick. P.E's been really boring me lately. I'd rather run half-miles than be in the weight room. I don't really do anything in that room. Just walk around in circles playing songs in my head. Sooner it's over the better. Been getting lots of easy homework in my other classes and we're starting on a project in Studio Art. So everything's going good.
On Wednesday in my Advisory, some boys sitting behind me were throwing stuff at me. Pen caps, gum wrappers, that kinda stuff. Wasn't really a big deal or anything but I did get a bit annoyed so I told the teacher and he moved them. My opinion on this: Those boys TOTALLY have crushes on me. Why are boys at age fourteen so immature? I dunno. This is probably why I don't date them and I have few guy friends. Hahaha.
So I don't think much happening this weekend. Just watching Colts try to win their Wildcard game. Go Colts!
Monday, January 3, 2011
I really wish I didn't have to be back in school
Title will explain itself.
So I went up flying with my step dad yesterday. He's working to get his pilot's license so we can get our own private plane to go to places like Catalina Island. Took some good pics from up in the air. I was really tired and I tried to fall asleep. And when we landed I got a MASSIVE toothache. Was no fun AT ALL. Stupid sinuses...

Finally after two weeks of vacation, me and Marina are back in school. I'm soooo messed up in my brain. I'm about close to falling asleep in my classes and I still have a headache and still on the verge of getting my mom's cold. I love you Mom but I hate the cold. I really hope I feel better tomorrow and I get to be able to go to school.
So today was me and my sister's dentist appointment. Just another six month check up and cleaning no biggie. I did find out that one of my molars is growing a lot slowly than it should be and it's causing some pain so there is a possibility for braces! Happy, happy, joy, joy. I really hope I don't get braces. It's either that or I get a tooth pulled out. I really really hoped my toothache was from a wisdom tooth growing in super early...Oh well. Won't know what I'll need until I see a specialist.
So I went up flying with my step dad yesterday. He's working to get his pilot's license so we can get our own private plane to go to places like Catalina Island. Took some good pics from up in the air. I was really tired and I tried to fall asleep. And when we landed I got a MASSIVE toothache. Was no fun AT ALL. Stupid sinuses...
Finally after two weeks of vacation, me and Marina are back in school. I'm soooo messed up in my brain. I'm about close to falling asleep in my classes and I still have a headache and still on the verge of getting my mom's cold. I love you Mom but I hate the cold. I really hope I feel better tomorrow and I get to be able to go to school.
So today was me and my sister's dentist appointment. Just another six month check up and cleaning no biggie. I did find out that one of my molars is growing a lot slowly than it should be and it's causing some pain so there is a possibility for braces! Happy, happy, joy, joy. I really hope I don't get braces. It's either that or I get a tooth pulled out. I really really hoped my toothache was from a wisdom tooth growing in super early...Oh well. Won't know what I'll need until I see a specialist.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
(Insert Zombie Sounds Here)
New Year's Eve was good. Went to a friend's house for a party. Marina drove us there actually. She got her permit the other day so she wanted to drive us there. She's a pretty awesome driver I should point out. She says that she could get her license before May's out. So anyway. Back to New Year's Eve...
Marina threw her back out in a game where you have to get bells out of a tissue box tied around your back with a belt. She tried to do a back bend and it didn't go well. She's okay now and doing better than in that moment. Hahaha.
Our friends had a pool table and they set up a tournament. I, of course, was a part of this tournament and I had no idea how to play nine ball. I learned along the way and found pool to be very fun. Me and my teammate lost our game and didn't go any farther. But it was fun to play anyway.
Confetti exploded and people drank sparkling juice once the clock struck midnight for the new year. Funny how it's 2011 and most of us think we'd have more technology than we do now. So many movies set in the future with flying cars, hovering skateboards, all of that and we're stuck here in the year 2011 and we have NONE of that. We are trying with energy efficient cars and little stuff that really we could SO do without. Oh well. As long as the world isn't coming to the end as we know it I'm just okay with the world as it is.
Okay so I went to bed at around 30 minutes past midnight and I woke up this morning cause my mom came in and I fell back asleep. Woke up again and looked at my clock and went, "Holy shiz! It's already noon?!" Not literally but that's what I was thinking.
So now I'm starting to catch my mom's cold that she's had for the past few days. Just great. Just when I'm gonna be going back to school on Monday I gotta catch a cold. As of now I have a headache which I took some Excedrin for and my body feels tingly and I had a coughing fit earlier which I had to take some Delsym for. Not the most pleasant form of medicine. Always hate medicine with taste. Blah.
So my day has been spent at home watching the Three Stooges on AMC. As of now I'm watching Juno. Love this movie so much. Ellen Page is just awesome. I actually was watching an episode of 20/20 the other day with my sister about teenage pregnancy and there was this one girl who was going to have triplets but one died in the womb and the other two were born seven weeks premature. Twelve days later one baby died and nine weeks later the other baby died. I know, really depressing. Her entire senior year wasted only to have her children die. She's lucky that she was able to graduate.
So that's all over and done with. I'm gonna go back to watching Juno and talking to friends. Everyone have a wonderful time!
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