Saturday, January 8, 2011

Go Colts!

I'm watching the Jets and Colts Wildcard game on NBC. Really hope they go to the Superbowl again this year.

This week has been a bit iffy. Kinda okay cause I was back in school and hung out with my friends. Kinda sucky cause, of course, stupid cold and flu season. Every other person I know is sick, on the verge of being sick, healthy, or just gotten over a cold. As of now I'm starting to get over being sick. My throat's never felt any better. So glad I'm feeling better.

Just a normal school week other than being sick. P.E's been really boring me lately. I'd rather run half-miles than be in the weight room. I don't really do anything in that room. Just walk around in circles playing songs in my head. Sooner it's over the better. Been getting lots of easy homework in my other classes and we're starting on a project in Studio Art. So everything's going good.

On Wednesday in my Advisory, some boys sitting behind me were throwing stuff at me. Pen caps, gum wrappers, that kinda stuff. Wasn't really a big deal or anything but I did get a bit annoyed so I told the teacher and he moved them. My opinion on this: Those boys TOTALLY have crushes on me. Why are boys at age fourteen so immature? I dunno. This is probably why I don't date them and I have few guy friends. Hahaha.

So I don't think much happening this weekend. Just watching Colts try to win their Wildcard game. Go Colts!


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