New Year's Eve was good. Went to a friend's house for a party. Marina drove us there actually. She got her permit the other day so she wanted to drive us there. She's a pretty awesome driver I should point out. She says that she could get her license before May's out. So anyway. Back to New Year's Eve...
Marina threw her back out in a game where you have to get bells out of a tissue box tied around your back with a belt. She tried to do a back bend and it didn't go well. She's okay now and doing better than in that moment. Hahaha.
Our friends had a pool table and they set up a tournament. I, of course, was a part of this tournament and I had no idea how to play nine ball. I learned along the way and found pool to be very fun. Me and my teammate lost our game and didn't go any farther. But it was fun to play anyway.
Confetti exploded and people drank sparkling juice once the clock struck midnight for the new year. Funny how it's 2011 and most of us think we'd have more technology than we do now. So many movies set in the future with flying cars, hovering skateboards, all of that and we're stuck here in the year 2011 and we have NONE of that. We are trying with energy efficient cars and little stuff that really we could SO do without. Oh well. As long as the world isn't coming to the end as we know it I'm just okay with the world as it is.
Okay so I went to bed at around 30 minutes past midnight and I woke up this morning cause my mom came in and I fell back asleep. Woke up again and looked at my clock and went, "Holy shiz! It's already noon?!" Not literally but that's what I was thinking.
So now I'm starting to catch my mom's cold that she's had for the past few days. Just great. Just when I'm gonna be going back to school on Monday I gotta catch a cold. As of now I have a headache which I took some Excedrin for and my body feels tingly and I had a coughing fit earlier which I had to take some Delsym for. Not the most pleasant form of medicine. Always hate medicine with taste. Blah.
So my day has been spent at home watching the Three Stooges on AMC. As of now I'm watching Juno. Love this movie so much. Ellen Page is just awesome. I actually was watching an episode of 20/20 the other day with my sister about teenage pregnancy and there was this one girl who was going to have triplets but one died in the womb and the other two were born seven weeks premature. Twelve days later one baby died and nine weeks later the other baby died. I know, really depressing. Her entire senior year wasted only to have her children die. She's lucky that she was able to graduate.
So that's all over and done with. I'm gonna go back to watching Juno and talking to friends. Everyone have a wonderful time!
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