Happy New Year's everyone!
I went with Jamie to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader today. Pretty awesome movie. Sadly I still haven't seen Prince Caspian. So now I hope to record it on DirecTV or go to Blockbuster.
So 2010's drawing to a close. This has been a roller-coaster of a year. Finishing 8th grade, moving across the country, starting high school, making new friends, the whole she-bang. Bit of an emotional roller-coaster I should add. At least the world isn't falling to total ruins and it feels like 2012's gonna happen. Hahahaha.
So I think I should come up with a list of resolutions for 2011.
1. Catch up with Maximum Ride books before Valentine's Day.
2. Finish writing and uploading stories and share with friends.
3. Go to Fanime
4. Raise money for a laptop
5. Become cosplayer extraordinaire
Okay, not exactly the biggest resolution list but it's what I got. Gonna go to a party in less than 2 hours. Have a great new year everyone!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I get a thousand hugs from 10 thousand lightning bugs
A few days ago me and my family went out on a little adventure. Mostly consisting of going out to wineries. Actually all of it consisted of going out to wineries. It was a really good time for me and Marina. Crazy photographers we are. Just love how beautiful it is. So this blog is more of a photography sharing blog post.

Yeah, my vacation days have been sleeping until ten in the morning and watching T.V and what not. Tomorrow we're going to a friend's house for a New Year's party. Argh, I'm so tired..I don't even stay up that late...that is unless midnight is considered late. Well I'm gonna go back to talking to people, watching Scrubs, and then passing out in my bed.
Yeah, my vacation days have been sleeping until ten in the morning and watching T.V and what not. Tomorrow we're going to a friend's house for a New Year's party. Argh, I'm so tired..I don't even stay up that late...that is unless midnight is considered late. Well I'm gonna go back to talking to people, watching Scrubs, and then passing out in my bed.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
She's Livin' La Vida Loca
Day after Christmas. We decided to go out shopping with our Christmas money. Not exactly the best game plan in the universe but it's better than Black Friday. Right? I dunno...
We went out to the mall and getting in and finding a place to park was such a pain. We got stuck behind these guys in a red Volkswagen who have stopped in the middle of the road for no reason. So my mom honks the horn and the guy in the back seat flips her off. We eventually found a spot close to a handicapped place in front of Macy's.
Man, was the mall busy today. Lines, people crowded in front of Jamba Juice, just plain madness period. This is probably another reason why my mom gives me and Marina money for Christmas: So we don't have to get stuck in the return lines because something doesn't fit or isn't the right color. Me and Marina wandered off on our own. We went to Hot Topic and they now have some pretty cool hats. I loved the bunny hat with floppy ears and the Shadow Heartless hat. So cute!
We also went to Pac Sun because Marina needed some jeans. Which took forever to find the right size. I got a purple beret from Pac Sun. I loved the color and it looked so cute on me. We met up with our mom and went to a sandwich place for lunch. I got a roast beef sandwich but it didn't suit my tastes. Horseradish isn't exactly my favorite.
We took a brief stop at Border's and I got Maximum Ride: The Final Warning and the first Maximum Ride manga. It's by far my favorite book series. James Patterson rocks! I definently recommend the Maximum Ride series for anyone.
We went out to the mall and getting in and finding a place to park was such a pain. We got stuck behind these guys in a red Volkswagen who have stopped in the middle of the road for no reason. So my mom honks the horn and the guy in the back seat flips her off. We eventually found a spot close to a handicapped place in front of Macy's.
Man, was the mall busy today. Lines, people crowded in front of Jamba Juice, just plain madness period. This is probably another reason why my mom gives me and Marina money for Christmas: So we don't have to get stuck in the return lines because something doesn't fit or isn't the right color. Me and Marina wandered off on our own. We went to Hot Topic and they now have some pretty cool hats. I loved the bunny hat with floppy ears and the Shadow Heartless hat. So cute!
We also went to Pac Sun because Marina needed some jeans. Which took forever to find the right size. I got a purple beret from Pac Sun. I loved the color and it looked so cute on me. We met up with our mom and went to a sandwich place for lunch. I got a roast beef sandwich but it didn't suit my tastes. Horseradish isn't exactly my favorite.
We took a brief stop at Border's and I got Maximum Ride: The Final Warning and the first Maximum Ride manga. It's by far my favorite book series. James Patterson rocks! I definently recommend the Maximum Ride series for anyone.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy whatever it is you celebrate in the month of December.
Most of my Christmas was celebrated yesterday. I got a pair of socks and a journal. Marina got socks as well along with a gun. A gun for baking that is. You can put cookie dough in this tube and make cookies with it. Or you can use it for icing to decorate cakes. It was pretty funny. My mom also gave us some money so we can go out shopping. We usually do stuff like that in the recent years. We just get some money for shopping so we can get what we want and we don't have to stand in the return line. It's not fun to be stuck in one of those after Christmas.
We also went to a Christmas party yesterday. Saw a lot of friends, old and new. God, such yummy turkey and ham. We did some dancing and I played with the kids. Gah, they're all so cute! Had a really awesome time. Passed out a little after midnight when we got home.
Not doing much today. Watching 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TBS. Gonna go to the movies later. Yes it is one of the few places open on Christmas Day. Going to see Little Fockers. And that's pretty much my Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Does he have a tampon in his mouth?
Explanation of post title: My mom was cleaning the garage today and the cat went in the garage and came inside with a unused tampon in his mouth like it was a cigar.
My family hosted our second breakfast for dinner party. We had about 40-ish people in the house. Lots of kids. I met a girl named Aubrey who loves Pokémon. Made me super happy. Played with the kids a lot. Mainly the tickle monster which involves covering yourself with a blanket and attacking little children. Yeah, that was fun.
Nothing else really happened much. We've been getting a bit of rain lately. In fact we had a storm last night and it made the power go out. It came back luckily. And also we've spent our day watching Sunday football. Like any usual Sunday afternoon.
My parents bought a ping-pong table and some rackets and balls. We actually colored the six ping-pong balls we had. I made mine into a Poké ball and that was fun. Kline seems to have a nice interest in ping-pong. That's gonna be a fun YouTube video.
My family hosted our second breakfast for dinner party. We had about 40-ish people in the house. Lots of kids. I met a girl named Aubrey who loves Pokémon. Made me super happy. Played with the kids a lot. Mainly the tickle monster which involves covering yourself with a blanket and attacking little children. Yeah, that was fun.
Nothing else really happened much. We've been getting a bit of rain lately. In fact we had a storm last night and it made the power go out. It came back luckily. And also we've spent our day watching Sunday football. Like any usual Sunday afternoon.
My parents bought a ping-pong table and some rackets and balls. We actually colored the six ping-pong balls we had. I made mine into a Poké ball and that was fun. Kline seems to have a nice interest in ping-pong. That's gonna be a fun YouTube video.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Your great-granddaughter had to be a cross dresser!!
Omigod finals are finally over! I'm so fricking happy the worst of it's over...for now anyway.
Finals were SO easy. Almost all of them were multiple choice and I knew most of the answers. It was pretty rare that I had to actually guess on any questions. Only happened once or twice. My Studio Art final wasn't oh so easy cause we actually had to write, do a critic process thing, and stuff like that. That one took me the most time out of everything else cause I had to think. Yes the horrors of thinking. So horrid. My P.E final was a pain too. You had to run a mile (four laps around the school's track) and play volleyball. The mile part was the worst of my problems but I got it done. So other than Art and P.E everything else was super easy. I got done with my finals and hour before we were supposed to get done. I didn't even study, that's the funny part. I told that to a guy in my biology class and he didn't believe me. He kept thinking I was lying. I just don't study for this stuff because I know a lot of the material and I remember it. So I'm pretty confident that I did well on my finals.
So now that finals are over, it's now Christmas Vacation! I think Kline's ready for his first Christmas. He's already broken an ornament. Not really planning to do much this vacation. My parents had planned a vacation for Lake Tahoe but they never got around to it and A LOT of people have to go there over Christmas vacation. So we're just hanging at home for the holidays.
I saw something really interesting on T.V yesterday. It was this show called Strange Addiction. It obviously shows four people who have some weird addictions. Like eating chalk. Yeah, they showed that one. There was this one girl on there who had a tanning addiction. She said she was doing it because when she was a teen she was told she was ugly. And she is almost orange and has bleach blonde hair. She even said, and I quote, "I don't care if I die, as long as I look hot." Okay, if looking hot means tanning yourself until you look like an Oompa-Loompa, dying your hair and almost white blonde, and as a plus adding mascara and eye liner until you look like a hooker from Las Vegas is considered "hot", then I don't wanna look "hot". You don't need to do much to be pretty. I mean isn't it what's inside that counts? I guess natural beauty's dead today. It's hidden behind mass make-up, hair-dye, and plastic surgery.
So I guess this has been a more serious blog post with the last paragraph. Hahaha. Just thought I'd change it up a bit.
Finals were SO easy. Almost all of them were multiple choice and I knew most of the answers. It was pretty rare that I had to actually guess on any questions. Only happened once or twice. My Studio Art final wasn't oh so easy cause we actually had to write, do a critic process thing, and stuff like that. That one took me the most time out of everything else cause I had to think. Yes the horrors of thinking. So horrid. My P.E final was a pain too. You had to run a mile (four laps around the school's track) and play volleyball. The mile part was the worst of my problems but I got it done. So other than Art and P.E everything else was super easy. I got done with my finals and hour before we were supposed to get done. I didn't even study, that's the funny part. I told that to a guy in my biology class and he didn't believe me. He kept thinking I was lying. I just don't study for this stuff because I know a lot of the material and I remember it. So I'm pretty confident that I did well on my finals.
I saw something really interesting on T.V yesterday. It was this show called Strange Addiction. It obviously shows four people who have some weird addictions. Like eating chalk. Yeah, they showed that one. There was this one girl on there who had a tanning addiction. She said she was doing it because when she was a teen she was told she was ugly. And she is almost orange and has bleach blonde hair. She even said, and I quote, "I don't care if I die, as long as I look hot." Okay, if looking hot means tanning yourself until you look like an Oompa-Loompa, dying your hair and almost white blonde, and as a plus adding mascara and eye liner until you look like a hooker from Las Vegas is considered "hot", then I don't wanna look "hot". You don't need to do much to be pretty. I mean isn't it what's inside that counts? I guess natural beauty's dead today. It's hidden behind mass make-up, hair-dye, and plastic surgery.
So I guess this has been a more serious blog post with the last paragraph. Hahaha. Just thought I'd change it up a bit.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy
I don't know what P. Diddy feels like in the mornings when he wakes up but I hope it's like me on a Saturday morning. Tired and groggy from a night of dancing with friends for 3 hours.
This has been a pretty good week. We've just been prepping for finals for next week. So now my brain's a bit dead. Especially earlier this week from my sugar rush from hell. I was still hyper by Wednesday afternoon and then I crashed at nine at night and I woke up at one in the morning and didn't get back to sleep until three. I don't even remember falling back asleep.
Friday was a good day. Other than me eating a lot of ice cream and getting called the break up girl in Biology, it was also our winter formal. I got my hair straightened and my mom made me look so pretty. Jamie and Akane came over and we made Akane look like a Japanese Lucy Liu. She looked so cute! And it was her first formal too! We chowed on some pizza and took some pics and after Marina's friend, Mackenzie, came over we went to the school for some dancing.
Other than people looking all fancy schmancy, this dance wasn't so much different than the back to school dance. Yeah...there were people grinding on each other at this one too. Don't know how anyone thinks that's attractive but...okay..? Oh, and there were people outside the gym sticking their tongues down each other's throats. Cause that's hot in any way, shape, or form. I danced with my friends (obviously no grinding) and ate some food. Man, my feet hurt so much that night. Better I wore flats than heels, right? I dunno.
I was so tired when I got home. I only stayed up for another hour watching Babies (best movie ever by the way) and then I went upstairs and passed out at midnight. Then, I slept for ten hours.
I'm going to a friend's birthday party today. So this probably means I'm gonna pass out by like eight tonight. Hahahaha.
This has been a pretty good week. We've just been prepping for finals for next week. So now my brain's a bit dead. Especially earlier this week from my sugar rush from hell. I was still hyper by Wednesday afternoon and then I crashed at nine at night and I woke up at one in the morning and didn't get back to sleep until three. I don't even remember falling back asleep.
Friday was a good day. Other than me eating a lot of ice cream and getting called the break up girl in Biology, it was also our winter formal. I got my hair straightened and my mom made me look so pretty. Jamie and Akane came over and we made Akane look like a Japanese Lucy Liu. She looked so cute! And it was her first formal too! We chowed on some pizza and took some pics and after Marina's friend, Mackenzie, came over we went to the school for some dancing.
Other than people looking all fancy schmancy, this dance wasn't so much different than the back to school dance. Yeah...there were people grinding on each other at this one too. Don't know how anyone thinks that's attractive but...okay..? Oh, and there were people outside the gym sticking their tongues down each other's throats. Cause that's hot in any way, shape, or form. I danced with my friends (obviously no grinding) and ate some food. Man, my feet hurt so much that night. Better I wore flats than heels, right? I dunno.
I was so tired when I got home. I only stayed up for another hour watching Babies (best movie ever by the way) and then I went upstairs and passed out at midnight. Then, I slept for ten hours.
I'm going to a friend's birthday party today. So this probably means I'm gonna pass out by like eight tonight. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I feel so hypertastic!!!!!!!1!
Okay so today was the anime club's Christmas party. It was really awesome!
There was pocky, hello panda, and cake! We would've eaten that cake the original way by cutting it up but since we didn't have access to a knife at the time we just did it family style. And in case you don't know what that means, it means everyone grabs a fork and shovels away! It was so much fun! Our president even added pocky and hello panda to the cake which made it SO much gooder! We also did some dancing and mucking around. All sorts of crazy stoof...And now I'm on the biggest sugar rush in existence!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (Insert me running into a wall in your imagination)
I'm gonna sleep well tonight peeps!
The superfantidilyhypertastic LIZ!!!!!
There was pocky, hello panda, and cake! We would've eaten that cake the original way by cutting it up but since we didn't have access to a knife at the time we just did it family style. And in case you don't know what that means, it means everyone grabs a fork and shovels away! It was so much fun! Our president even added pocky and hello panda to the cake which made it SO much gooder! We also did some dancing and mucking around. All sorts of crazy stoof...And now I'm on the biggest sugar rush in existence!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (Insert me running into a wall in your imagination)
I'm gonna sleep well tonight peeps!
The superfantidilyhypertastic LIZ!!!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (Oh God...)
I can't believe it's already December. It doesn't really feel like it to me because around this time of year I'm used to it being freezing cold outside. Oh well.
My parents have been pretty occupied in the past week decorating the house. Inside AND out. Not only is the Christmas tree up, but they put up lights and wreaths outside the house. Didn't even know we had that many decorations sitting in our downstairs closet. I like Christmas. So fun, lots of good movies out, and good food! Especially when TBS plays A Christmas Story for 48 hours! All time favorite Christmas movie along with Nightmare Before Christmas.
School's been good this past week. According to the home access center, my grades are all A's. We'll see about that when report cards come out. This upcoming Friday is our winter formal which I'm super psyched about. In case you didn't check out my last post, it has the dress I'll be wearing. I don't have a date, but I don't really care all that much. I'm just going with Jamie and Akane. And the next week is finals week! That's gonna be a total nightmare. We have minimum days which if you live in Indiana and you're reading this it's kinda like half days. We go take a final for two hours, have a 20 minute brunch, have another final, and by noon, we go home. That's gonna be nice. We also don't have school that Friday and then it's Christmas vacation until the 3rd of January and we start up school again for the 3rd quarter. I can't believe it's almost 2011.
And on a smaller note it's pouring rain. It's only good because my nose has been bleeding for the past few days and some humidity is a good thing. Hahaha.
My parents have been pretty occupied in the past week decorating the house. Inside AND out. Not only is the Christmas tree up, but they put up lights and wreaths outside the house. Didn't even know we had that many decorations sitting in our downstairs closet. I like Christmas. So fun, lots of good movies out, and good food! Especially when TBS plays A Christmas Story for 48 hours! All time favorite Christmas movie along with Nightmare Before Christmas.
School's been good this past week. According to the home access center, my grades are all A's. We'll see about that when report cards come out. This upcoming Friday is our winter formal which I'm super psyched about. In case you didn't check out my last post, it has the dress I'll be wearing. I don't have a date, but I don't really care all that much. I'm just going with Jamie and Akane. And the next week is finals week! That's gonna be a total nightmare. We have minimum days which if you live in Indiana and you're reading this it's kinda like half days. We go take a final for two hours, have a 20 minute brunch, have another final, and by noon, we go home. That's gonna be nice. We also don't have school that Friday and then it's Christmas vacation until the 3rd of January and we start up school again for the 3rd quarter. I can't believe it's almost 2011.
And on a smaller note it's pouring rain. It's only good because my nose has been bleeding for the past few days and some humidity is a good thing. Hahaha.
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