Sunday, November 13, 2011

I want it to be Thanksgiving already..

So a three day weekend has passed and the next vacation won't be until next week when he have the entire week off for Thanksgiving.

Thursday went by ending with a bunch of homework, of all days before a three day weekend.. By the end of this week we have to finish talking about the industrial revolution and finish reading Julius Caesar. And drama had their Chile's night which was sooo filling. Nothing like a bacon cheeseburger to end my night.

With Veteran's day off and nothing to do, I decided to have my movie party. Got help from my step dad to set up an old VCR he had cause I seriously wanted to watch The Thief and the Cobbler. Look it up cause it's an awesome animated movie. Along with that we also watched The Producers (2005 version) and Hetalia: Paint it White! My friend Jamie got it on that day and was able to come over so we could watch it. Everyone got their fill of Hetalia for the day making a bunch of happy otaku girls.

Weekend went by uneventfully with really nothing to do. God, I don't even remember yesterday. Oh yeah... I helped finish building the set for the school play that's coming out this Thursday. The set looks just great and made Mrs Brown so happy. It looks like my great grandmother's house and we love it! My sister and I even got a hug too she was so happy.

I feel kinda bad she can't be all bubbly like that in my first period class because she has to put up with a bunch of obnoxious kids who can't shut up. She had to give a girl a referral to the office because she lost all of her participation points for the day. Sounds harsh but I can't blame Mrs Brown if I was in her position. I'd be losing my mind. Heh, actually I'm losing my mind because I have to be in the same room with these people. It really annoys me when people just stop caring about their grades and would rather fail than try at all. And it sucks cause it happens in Algebra 2 as well. I swear I'm gonna lose my mind the next time I hear someone say "When are we gonna ever use this later in life?" Is it really THAT difficult to just do the stupid homework? You need three years to graduate so deal with it! Math is used for pretty much EVERYTHING. Without math, the human race wouldn't exist right now and neither would all the technology we use. So just use the brain God gave you and think before you say crap like that.

I just irritated when people think they know everything when they don't and it annoys me and I'm sure a lot of other people too. Not just in academics but in the music we listen too as well. Like Lady Gaga and Marilyn Manson. I just get so mad when people bash on music artists for the stuff they create. If no one has seen Lady Gaga's music video to Judas, you can imagine how many people would go berserk to someone portraying themselves as Mary Magdalene. I gotta admit that when it first came out, I was really shocked that Lady Gaga went that far with her music career but hey, it grew on me. I like her music and that song because it's about FORGIVENESS. Take a few minutes to let the song go through your head and you'll understand. It has nothing to do with her bashing religion, or being stupid and a slut which she isn't. People, she went to Julliard for God's sake! Lady Gaga is actually a smart person. She's just different because she wants to be an idol that says "It's okay to be yourself" and that's what she is doing and is proud of it.

It's the same thing with Marilyn Manson. He's a unique guy and I just feel like bashing someone's head in every time someone blames him for contributing to violence and murders which he DOES NOT. My friend Maribeth loves Marilyn Manson (She even has a sweater that she was wearing when she hugged him) I have not seen any violent behavior out of that girl. Marilyn Manson grew up in a rather messed up childhood which led to a rebel phase when he was in high school. He makes music so kids who're like him feel that there's one in society where they will be accepted instead of feeling like they're freaks. It's all going back to being yourself and proud of who you are.

Wow... I did not expect this rant to come out..


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