Friday, April 22, 2011

Obsession with J-Pop

J-pop: Japanese pop music which is really awesome! With me being bored at home I have nothing else to do but get obsessed.

Day one of vacation. Good Friday. Did absolutely nothing but watch T.V, play around on Facebook, text, and play Pokemon. Kinda gonna be bored with it being Easter and friends doing possible religious stuff for the weekend. Hopefully I'll be going out with a friend or two during the week.

Oh and today me and my sister, Marina, accidentally drugged up our cat, Kline. We were giving him his first bath ever since we got him and he was already freaking out. He jumped out of the sink three times and was "meowing" loudly. I use quotes due to the fact he sounded like a gremlin. So we used dog shampoo on Kline cause Marina figured it wouldn't cause any harm to him. Keep this in mind: it's lavender and mint dog shampoo. So once we start lathering him up with it, he starts tripping like there's no tomorrow. Jumped out of the sink two more times until we rinsed off all the soap. And afterwards he was just avoiding us and hid under Marina's bed. So I'm telling my mom all of this via texting and she said the cat was freaking out because he was stoned. So it was then me and Marina learned that mint makes cats trip and to read labels before possibly drugging your cat. That was an eventful day. At least he smells nice.

Also did some spring cleaning today as well. Found some old stuff. Did a bit of rearranging. And Marina let me take some books of hers that she wasn't reading anymore so I have a nice little book collection I gotta get through. Hahahaha.

And I saw on the news of Lindsay Lohan going to jail and rehab for the third time. It's like, are you setting a record here or just proving that rehab doesn't do crap Lohan? I blame childhood fame for it. Britney Spears was part of the Mickey Mouse Club and look at her. Once was a really famous pop singer and now she's back trying way too hard. Sorry Britney.

And Miley Cyrus. Who can forget the ordeal a few years ago with her song "Can't be Tamed"? Boy did people go ballistic. Same thing happened with Britney. She's not gonna do Disney forever. Let's just hope she doesn't end up having her career spiral into the toilet.

Let's face it. Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake are the only members of the Mickey Mouse Club whose lives are perfectly fine. Because they didn't let the fame go to their heads. Just saying.


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