So I start school up again on Monday. Didn't do much during vacation. Just played Pokemon White, watched T.V, this and that. Went out to Monterey yesterday but didn't do much. Just drove around, had lunch, and bought some shoes for my grandmother. I did come across a Plato's Closet and did some browsing. Only got two shirts and a pair of Capris though. I definently need to fill my closet and drawers with more summer-y clothes cause they're loaded with jeans and old shirts. Hopefully I'll get some time either tonight or tomorrow to go out to the mall.
Out of all my teachers, my Spanish teacher gives homework over break. We had to either do a video or make a poster and present a recipe of anything, obviously, in Spanish. I'm in Spanish 2 as of now and plan to continue taking it throughout the rest of my high school years... Well to Spanish 4 AP if possible. Hahaha. It's pretty convenient cause since my mom married my step-dad, Isaac, I'm with a lot of Spanish speaking relatives and friends. I still get nervous when someone speaks to me in Spanish. Heheheh. It's kinda like all the knowledge I have in Spanish goes out my brain. Oh well. I'm still learning and maybe I'll be able to speak it outside of the classroom and project videos soon.
Yesterday I went to a friend's house with my family and had dinner with a bunch of friends. It's really fun sharing stories with adults. It was kinda sad though that I revealed that the Cookie Monster was changed into the Vegetable Monster when two girls were coloring in a Sesame Street coloring book. I was a bit shocked myself when I found that out just a couple years ago. I mean it's not a T.V show's fault that children are obese. When you think about it, the parents are the ones that provide them unhealthy food. Not that it's bad but when you buy your kids fast food almost every day then that's just pushing it. I still eat fast food but only once or twice every two or three weeks. Stuff like McDonald's and Burger King isn't food that's supposed to be a daily meal cause it's not healthy. Most meals families have should be homemade. It's healthy and delicious.
That was my little outlook on life moment. I'm gonna finish watching Matilda and enjoying the smell of my mom cooking.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Covergirl, put the bass in your walk

While I wait for my Spanish project to burn on a DVD very slowly I think I'll do some blogging.
Watched the finale of RuPaul's Drag Race yesterday. For those who don't know, RuPaul's Drag Race is like America's Next Top Model, but with drag queens. And it is by far the best TV show I've ever seen!
The winner was a drag queen named Raja (picture of him out of drag shown). He was my all time favorite out of all the drag queens in the show. Always creative and beautiful. Me and Marina knew he would win. He won almost every challenge in the show.
I like this show because it shows that it's okay to be a social misfit, a drag queen, and/or gay. How many models can say that? If anyone can find me one that can, then I'll be interested. I also love that they make their own clothes and use their own styles of drag out on the runway. And it doesn't matter if what you wear is "in" or not you just sell it on the runway.
Can't wait for the fourth season of RuPaul's Drag Race.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Zombie Jesus Day!
Or as you "normal" people call it, Happy Easter.
One of the holidays in the year that doesn't make sense where we celebrate Jesus going zombie and bunnies leaving colored eggs made of chocolate and their own rabbit brothers that have randomly turned into chocolate. Just make sure your kids are actually eating chocolate and not those weird circular brown droppings that smell funny.
So for today we invited a bunch of friends over for a barbecue. Food, alcohol, and Discovery Fit & Health channel all afternoon. Fun stuff. And I'm getting tired.
And now we're watching Cleopatra.... And singing Veggietales.
One of the holidays in the year that doesn't make sense where we celebrate Jesus going zombie and bunnies leaving colored eggs made of chocolate and their own rabbit brothers that have randomly turned into chocolate. Just make sure your kids are actually eating chocolate and not those weird circular brown droppings that smell funny.
So for today we invited a bunch of friends over for a barbecue. Food, alcohol, and Discovery Fit & Health channel all afternoon. Fun stuff. And I'm getting tired.
And now we're watching Cleopatra.... And singing Veggietales.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Obsession with J-Pop
J-pop: Japanese pop music which is really awesome! With me being bored at home I have nothing else to do but get obsessed.
Day one of vacation. Good Friday. Did absolutely nothing but watch T.V, play around on Facebook, text, and play Pokemon. Kinda gonna be bored with it being Easter and friends doing possible religious stuff for the weekend. Hopefully I'll be going out with a friend or two during the week.
Oh and today me and my sister, Marina, accidentally drugged up our cat, Kline. We were giving him his first bath ever since we got him and he was already freaking out. He jumped out of the sink three times and was "meowing" loudly. I use quotes due to the fact he sounded like a gremlin. So we used dog shampoo on Kline cause Marina figured it wouldn't cause any harm to him. Keep this in mind: it's lavender and mint dog shampoo. So once we start lathering him up with it, he starts tripping like there's no tomorrow. Jumped out of the sink two more times until we rinsed off all the soap. And afterwards he was just avoiding us and hid under Marina's bed. So I'm telling my mom all of this via texting and she said the cat was freaking out because he was stoned. So it was then me and Marina learned that mint makes cats trip and to read labels before possibly drugging your cat. That was an eventful day. At least he smells nice.
Also did some spring cleaning today as well. Found some old stuff. Did a bit of rearranging. And Marina let me take some books of hers that she wasn't reading anymore so I have a nice little book collection I gotta get through. Hahahaha.
And I saw on the news of Lindsay Lohan going to jail and rehab for the third time. It's like, are you setting a record here or just proving that rehab doesn't do crap Lohan? I blame childhood fame for it. Britney Spears was part of the Mickey Mouse Club and look at her. Once was a really famous pop singer and now she's back trying way too hard. Sorry Britney.
And Miley Cyrus. Who can forget the ordeal a few years ago with her song "Can't be Tamed"? Boy did people go ballistic. Same thing happened with Britney. She's not gonna do Disney forever. Let's just hope she doesn't end up having her career spiral into the toilet.
Let's face it. Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake are the only members of the Mickey Mouse Club whose lives are perfectly fine. Because they didn't let the fame go to their heads. Just saying.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
FINALLY! It's Spring Break! And yes California's weird cause they have their spring breaks in late April instead of late March. I've really needed a vacation after STAR testing stupidity.
Our last two days of testing were pretty easy. Just Math and Biology. No biggie. Though it was pointless to have school today when we just had two days of tiring block schedule and testing. And teachers giving homework over vacation? I mean what the heck's with that? We all deserve a break from thinking hard and trying to get good grades. Give our brains a rest. The only homework I got was from English, Geometry, and Spanish. English and Geometry were done in class. Spanish, I have to do a video so of course I gotta do it over break.
Biology, we started watching a video called The Miracle of Life. Yes the same video they show in high school of a baby being born. Fun stuff. We haven't gotten to the part where the baby's been born due to a short class but we gotta continue it when we get back. Not gonna look forward to that but am looking forward to the people around me squealing like girls. Hahahaha.
So for my Easter weekend/spring break I have no idea what I'll be doing. My mom did say something about going out to Monterey Beach or something. But other than that nothing I can really think of now.
Our last two days of testing were pretty easy. Just Math and Biology. No biggie. Though it was pointless to have school today when we just had two days of tiring block schedule and testing. And teachers giving homework over vacation? I mean what the heck's with that? We all deserve a break from thinking hard and trying to get good grades. Give our brains a rest. The only homework I got was from English, Geometry, and Spanish. English and Geometry were done in class. Spanish, I have to do a video so of course I gotta do it over break.
Biology, we started watching a video called The Miracle of Life. Yes the same video they show in high school of a baby being born. Fun stuff. We haven't gotten to the part where the baby's been born due to a short class but we gotta continue it when we get back. Not gonna look forward to that but am looking forward to the people around me squealing like girls. Hahahaha.
So for my Easter weekend/spring break I have no idea what I'll be doing. My mom did say something about going out to Monterey Beach or something. But other than that nothing I can really think of now.
Friday, April 15, 2011
It's Friday Fri- *loads shotgun*
I only like the Brock's dub of that song. That AutoTune voice is just so annoying.
Today was a good Friday. A lot of kids at school participated in the Day of Silence including a few of my friends. I tried when I found the little paper excusing my silence at brunch but then I cracked at lunch. It's kinda hard to be in a club and not talk. Wish I had some duct tape for my mouth. My junior friend Alyssa dressed up all crazy with all sorts of rainbow accessories. She even had rainbow face paint. She looked awesome.
So glad it's the weekend cause I get a nice rest before going back to testing stupidity. So other than that and watching Scrubs that's what's going on.
Today was a good Friday. A lot of kids at school participated in the Day of Silence including a few of my friends. I tried when I found the little paper excusing my silence at brunch but then I cracked at lunch. It's kinda hard to be in a club and not talk. Wish I had some duct tape for my mouth. My junior friend Alyssa dressed up all crazy with all sorts of rainbow accessories. She even had rainbow face paint. She looked awesome.
So glad it's the weekend cause I get a nice rest before going back to testing stupidity. So other than that and watching Scrubs that's what's going on.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
37 Photo tags?! WTF?
My dad recently tagged me in a lot of pictures via Facebook. All of them old as time when I was a foot shorter than I am now... And wore really girly clothes. I kinda still do but whatever. Hahaha. Anyway.
First week of STAR testing is done as of today. Not like freshmen did much anyway. We only had an English test and don't test again till next Tuesday. Kinda feel like today should be Friday.
Oh, on Wednesday we had our lunch cut short cause there was a fight. Don't have full details but apparently it was among two freshmen girls so most likely it was over a boy. Life lesson for girls: Boys are overrated and every girl needs a gay best friend. The last one was irrelevant but just saying that every girl needs one.
And nothing completes my day than listening to the Hispanic construction workers building the new houses. Hahahaha.
First week of STAR testing is done as of today. Not like freshmen did much anyway. We only had an English test and don't test again till next Tuesday. Kinda feel like today should be Friday.
Oh, on Wednesday we had our lunch cut short cause there was a fight. Don't have full details but apparently it was among two freshmen girls so most likely it was over a boy. Life lesson for girls: Boys are overrated and every girl needs a gay best friend. The last one was irrelevant but just saying that every girl needs one.
And nothing completes my day than listening to the Hispanic construction workers building the new houses. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Add bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips
Look up EpicMealTime on Youtube.
So we began STAR testing weeks today. Today was the English test which was super easy. Both parts too. I finished the second part an hour and twenty minutes early!! I was so bored! That's why it's always a good thing to bring something to do which I did. Wrote some and drew some. Freshmen don't have another STAR test till next week while the upperclassmen test away. Except for the seniors who are doing their own thing.
So while sophomores and juniors are taking their history tests, freshmen will be watching The Odyssey as an English assignment. Fun stuff. And then we have a normal schedule till next Tuesday and Wednesday. And then we have Thursday and Easter weekend + Spring vacation. Fun, eh?
I got a little mad during first period today cause we were doing some classwork and two people in front of me wanted to copy my work. Sorry kid but five bucks is never gonna let you cheat off of me. I'm a pushover to cute animals but not money for cheating. What really ticks me off is that no one even tries to do any work and act like they have no clue what to do when it's either right on the board or on the piece of paper you got. If you'd actually make an effort and try and do your homework like you're supposed to, you wouldn't be failing any of your classes. Don't understand why people seem to have forgotten that they're in high school. No duh you're gonna get more work cause you're not in grade school anymore.
So there was my little mini rant.
Me and my sister also got Pokemon White and Black. She got black and I got white and we're already going crazy. It's so fun. Though are we the only ones who notice that all the new Pokemon are rip offs of the originals? Oshawatt looks like Squirtle. Lillipup looks like Eevee. Patrat looks like Rattata. Pidove looks like Pidgey. And Blitzle looks like Ponyta. I think enough said. Hahaha. It's only when they evolve do they look original and not ripped off previous Pokemon. Fun stuff though
So we began STAR testing weeks today. Today was the English test which was super easy. Both parts too. I finished the second part an hour and twenty minutes early!! I was so bored! That's why it's always a good thing to bring something to do which I did. Wrote some and drew some. Freshmen don't have another STAR test till next week while the upperclassmen test away. Except for the seniors who are doing their own thing.
So while sophomores and juniors are taking their history tests, freshmen will be watching The Odyssey as an English assignment. Fun stuff. And then we have a normal schedule till next Tuesday and Wednesday. And then we have Thursday and Easter weekend + Spring vacation. Fun, eh?
I got a little mad during first period today cause we were doing some classwork and two people in front of me wanted to copy my work. Sorry kid but five bucks is never gonna let you cheat off of me. I'm a pushover to cute animals but not money for cheating. What really ticks me off is that no one even tries to do any work and act like they have no clue what to do when it's either right on the board or on the piece of paper you got. If you'd actually make an effort and try and do your homework like you're supposed to, you wouldn't be failing any of your classes. Don't understand why people seem to have forgotten that they're in high school. No duh you're gonna get more work cause you're not in grade school anymore.
So there was my little mini rant.
Me and my sister also got Pokemon White and Black. She got black and I got white and we're already going crazy. It's so fun. Though are we the only ones who notice that all the new Pokemon are rip offs of the originals? Oshawatt looks like Squirtle. Lillipup looks like Eevee. Patrat looks like Rattata. Pidove looks like Pidgey. And Blitzle looks like Ponyta. I think enough said. Hahaha. It's only when they evolve do they look original and not ripped off previous Pokemon. Fun stuff though
Sunday, April 10, 2011
This has been a good weekend. I of course went to the dance on Friday and totally regretted it. There was grinding and stuff but it was to a big extent where everyone was doing it. The music was total crap and I wasn't in a real big dancey mood. So after about an hour and thirty minutes me and like four of my friends decided to call our parents and go home. And I want two dollars and fifty cents back cause I was only there for half the time.
Saturday we all went out to Half Moon Bay at a beach close-ish to Santa Cruz. I still kinda have sand in my hair from that little trip. Didn't go swimming cause the wind made it WAY too cold to go into the water. So we just chilled, went exploring and ran after a few seagulls. While Marina went to hang out with her friends, me, my parents and my grandma went up to Santa Cruz to a restaurant called Crow's Nest for a late lunch/early dinner. Had Crabcake Benedict which was awesome! Got a nice little food baby from that. Hahahaha.
And as for today... Just another lazy Sunday. Been watching TV, texting and Facebooking. The usual stuff I do. Watched Mega Shark vs. Crocosauraus. Well most of it. Stopped at the last fifteen minutes. It's bad in a way that's funny and intentional to look like crap. Hahahaha.
Now explanation of title. So there's seriously a TV show called Extreme Couponing. It's basically crazy ladies who spend a lot of money via coupons on surplus amounts of food. I'm not the only one thinking it's ridiculous to stock food like a nuclear winter's about to happen, right?
Saturday we all went out to Half Moon Bay at a beach close-ish to Santa Cruz. I still kinda have sand in my hair from that little trip. Didn't go swimming cause the wind made it WAY too cold to go into the water. So we just chilled, went exploring and ran after a few seagulls. While Marina went to hang out with her friends, me, my parents and my grandma went up to Santa Cruz to a restaurant called Crow's Nest for a late lunch/early dinner. Had Crabcake Benedict which was awesome! Got a nice little food baby from that. Hahahaha.
And as for today... Just another lazy Sunday. Been watching TV, texting and Facebooking. The usual stuff I do. Watched Mega Shark vs. Crocosauraus. Well most of it. Stopped at the last fifteen minutes. It's bad in a way that's funny and intentional to look like crap. Hahahaha.
Now explanation of title. So there's seriously a TV show called Extreme Couponing. It's basically crazy ladies who spend a lot of money via coupons on surplus amounts of food. I'm not the only one thinking it's ridiculous to stock food like a nuclear winter's about to happen, right?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Feeling so fly like a G6
No I'm not drunk. That song just has a nice beat even though it's about drinking until you have no brain cells.
Gender Bender day was fun even though a lot of guys wore yoga pants so you could see their... yeah... I wore a sports bra to attempt to flatten my chest and my San Diego shorts as a substitute for boxers. I liked how hard the boys tried to look like girls. My friend David had water balloons in his shirt to make it look like he had boobs. I laughed so much. My darling sister told me I looked like Ash Ketchum if he was homeless.
With yesterday also being my sister's birthday we went out to our new favorite Japanese steak house. We always have a little "tradition" to go out to a Japanese restaurant on our birthdays. Been a little thing we've been doing for the past few years. I love Japanese steak houses cause you get dinner and a show. I like it when the chefs are funny and tell jokes. Our chef mixed eggs together and poured it on the stove to make it look like a turkey. It was hilarious... and then he cut the head off. Hahaha. Had a nice food baby afterwards.
Today was like Rep Your Class day but it was represent your sex day. So all girls wore pink and all guys wore blue. Though there was an announcement about sexual harassment yesterday cause people wanted to act like the opposite sex in a sexual way. Dunno why people do stupid stuff like that. Anyway.
With spirit week there's a rally during school which also means screwed up schedules. Rally was pretty fun though my throat still hurts from screaming. There was a tug of war competition and a lot of people from the bleachers joined in. And we were also doing the wave multiple times. Was really fun.
Tonight's also the last school dance which I am going to. Well technically there's also prom but that's only for Juniors and Seniors. Heh.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Like it's Dynamite
Week's been going good. Lots of prep for STAR testing next week and such. STAR testing is just like any other state test like Indiana has ISTEP. So next week's gonna be a fun week.
Tuesday on anime club day we figured out we raised 75 dollars from the food fair. And since 75% of the money we raised is gonna go to Japan which is about 56 dollars. Add it with the money we're raising with our collection boxes/jars, we've raised over 150 dollars.
In addition to this week, it's also our third spirit week this year. Theme: Battle of the Sexes. Yes, Boys vs. Girls. We've had Greek God/Goddess day, Body Builder/Ballerina day, and today was Senior Citizen day. I know weird theme and weird days. It's actually pretty entertaining. Tomorrow's Gender Bender day and obviously everyone has to dress the opposite gender. I already have my outfit planned out and it requires me to wear a sports bra which are the most uncomfortable thing ever. Will definently get loads of pictures tomorrow. Sad part is it's supposed to rain so that's no fun at all.
Tuesday on anime club day we figured out we raised 75 dollars from the food fair. And since 75% of the money we raised is gonna go to Japan which is about 56 dollars. Add it with the money we're raising with our collection boxes/jars, we've raised over 150 dollars.
In addition to this week, it's also our third spirit week this year. Theme: Battle of the Sexes. Yes, Boys vs. Girls. We've had Greek God/Goddess day, Body Builder/Ballerina day, and today was Senior Citizen day. I know weird theme and weird days. It's actually pretty entertaining. Tomorrow's Gender Bender day and obviously everyone has to dress the opposite gender. I already have my outfit planned out and it requires me to wear a sports bra which are the most uncomfortable thing ever. Will definently get loads of pictures tomorrow. Sad part is it's supposed to rain so that's no fun at all.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Birthday Party Weekend
Rest of my week has been pretty good. Nice weather and strawberry fruit pops all the way.
My school's drama class is doing their own production of the musical Guys & Dolls. My sister's an extra in the musical as a Hot Box girl. She got in by making seven aprons for one of the Hot Box scenes. Me and my family went on opening night on Thursday. Best three hours ever. Very funny and very cute. Loved it all.
The musical still going through till tonight. They did the musical yesterday and are doing it twice today with the last one being part of closing night. So my sister has barely been home all week. They practice like there's no tomorrow and come opening night they give it their all. It must've been worth it though.
Yesterday was another Food Fair and the anime club once again sold Pocky. We didn't sell it all mainly cause we had a lot more than we did at the last food fair. We got to cosplay again. Had a lot of fun.
So I was left home alone cause my mom and step dad just celebrated their one year wedding anniversary. And yes they got married on the first of April. No joke at all. There actually almost wasn't gonna be a wedding cause they got married at the courthouse and the judge went home for the day. But luckily the judge came in time and they were married.
So for today and tomorrow we're going to birthday parties galore. We have two today and one tomorrow. So our weekend's a bit packed. Still wanna go to Barnes & Noble to get ANGEL.
My school's drama class is doing their own production of the musical Guys & Dolls. My sister's an extra in the musical as a Hot Box girl. She got in by making seven aprons for one of the Hot Box scenes. Me and my family went on opening night on Thursday. Best three hours ever. Very funny and very cute. Loved it all.
The musical still going through till tonight. They did the musical yesterday and are doing it twice today with the last one being part of closing night. So my sister has barely been home all week. They practice like there's no tomorrow and come opening night they give it their all. It must've been worth it though.
Yesterday was another Food Fair and the anime club once again sold Pocky. We didn't sell it all mainly cause we had a lot more than we did at the last food fair. We got to cosplay again. Had a lot of fun.
So I was left home alone cause my mom and step dad just celebrated their one year wedding anniversary. And yes they got married on the first of April. No joke at all. There actually almost wasn't gonna be a wedding cause they got married at the courthouse and the judge went home for the day. But luckily the judge came in time and they were married.
So for today and tomorrow we're going to birthday parties galore. We have two today and one tomorrow. So our weekend's a bit packed. Still wanna go to Barnes & Noble to get ANGEL.
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