Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thoughts of a Teenage Mind

I've been having some thoughts go through my head for a couple days so I thought I'd let them out here.

Last week, we lost a music icon known as Whitney Houston. Honestly I didn't know who she was until she died (which has disappointed my mother as she has raised me with 80's music). What I do know is that she had a ton of problems with cocaine. Now I'm seeing stuff like she had water in her lungs when she died and all this other crazy crap that she may have been abusing some medication. It's just a mess.

What really makes me sad is when stuff like this happens; a celebrity dies from drug abuse. To be honest, it doesn't really shock me anymore that we have famous people drop like flies abusing harmful substances. I mean, let me just make a list here.
1. John Belushi- Cocaine, morphine and heroin mixed
2. Kurt Cobain- Shot himself cause he was messed up on heroin
3. Chris Farley- Cocaine and morphine overdose
4. Judy Garland- Overdosed ("accidentally") on sedatives
5. Michael Jackson- Cardiac arrest from overdosing on anesthesia medicine(Though you could argue it was the doctor's fault for giving him those[which is kinda my argument] but I won't get into that)
6. Anna Nicole Smith- Overdosed on sedatives (She was taking so much crap and was SO messed up in the head)
7. Marilyn Monroe- ANOTHER sedative overdose
8. Heath Ledger- Overdosed on insomnia, anxiety, and depression prescription medicine
9. Amy Winehouse- Alcohol poisoning (not to mention she messed up her body with all the crack she took)

That's just nine out of the many celebrities who died from taking such harmful substances. And now Whitney Houston's gone the same way. I mean really? You think people would learn from this and would never dream of doing crap like this yet they do it anyway! What drives these people to make such crappy decisions and just kick the bucket? Look at John Belushi. Hilarious guy! Famous on SNL! He even did a skit as an old man and his friends died before him which is kinda ironic seeing as how he was the first among his friends to die.

Kurt Cobain. Great musician and all but he was so messed up on the stuff he just couldn't take it and shot himself! That just brings me to tears when these people are in so much pain that they can't find any way out and they kill themselves. Un. Freaking. Believable. That's the most tragic way for someone to die is to be in so much pain and not have anyone or anything to help you.

Another shocking thing is celebrities you never expect to die from overdosing. EVER. Chris Farley was funny as hell and he was on cocaine! You'd never think a guy like that would be stupid enough to take that crap but he did! I'd never suspect the actress who played sweet, sweet Dorothy to ever overdose on sedatives but she did. And I'd NEVER think Michael Jackson had insomnia issues and was taking such powerful drugs when he died (again won't go into details about his doctor and crap).

I guess it just proves that these people go through really huge struggles with themselves but they're so good at hiding it. They have to hide who they really are and what they're going through and don't get any help.

Now there are some stars that make it pretty obvious they're not okay in the head. Anna Nicole Smith. There was a big mess. She had her own show for some time and one would think that she needed help because it was that obvious. And there's of course Amy Winehouse. ANOTHER big mess. I get kinda sad when I hear her song "Rehab" because you don't get talent like that every day! She had so much potential with that voice of hers but she died at only 27 years old. THAT YOUNG! To me, that's just throwing out your life.

So what DOES make these stars make such stupid choices? Stress? Publicity? Is that it? Do they think they're so amazing they can do whatever they want? I mean, take a look at Lindsay Lohan. She used to be a cute 12-year-old red head and now she's just a mess and has been in rehab three times already! Does childhood celebrity life spoil these stars and make them do whatever they want?

I just don't get it...

1 comment:

  1. Well, Judy Garland had trouble for YEARS. She lost a lot of movie roles because of that (Annie Get Your Gun, Royal Wedding, etc) This was after she had a nervous breakdown. But you do make an excelent point
