So I recently made a post about my top ten Disney princesses. And I know I missed a few who many people technically count as princesses and who people like. So I'm making an Honorable Mention list in remembrance to the Disney princesses who are often thrown under the rug. This isn't in any specific order. I'm just naming off ones I think deserve a mention.
1. Melody
This was the only exception I had with mention of Disney sequels in my top ten list. Why? Because even to this day it's so weird to me! Why is it Ariel is the only one that has a child? It just makes her stand out and it's just... Agh!

But anyway, Melody is.... The same as her mother from the original film.. In fact,
all of
The Little Mermaid II is the
exact same plot as the original with slightly different plot elements and less memorable characters. Melody is a whiny little brat who wants to be a mermaid after being sheltered from the sea for all her life cause the sister of Ursula threatens her life to persuade Triton to hand over his power to her, yet no one freaking tells her a damn thing. Do I even need to say anything else?
It's the same damn thing.
Haaaaaaate. I guess you could argue that compared to Ariel in the original, Melody does take part in the film's climax and tries to set things right where Ariel does pretty much little to nothing in the climax of The Little Mermaid.. But again,
it's the same character.
2. Eilonwy

Let's start off with the fact that I've never ever seen
The Black Cauldron. This was one of the few Disney films that as a child and even now as a teen, I've never seen. It doesn't really help that
The Black Cauldron is known as one of Disney's greatest failures in animation history. Even if years later it's gotten a cult following, the negativity about this film still doesn't appeal to me. On it's opening weekend, it lost to
The Care Bears movie. Pathetic, isn't it?
From seeing Nostalgia Critic's Disneycember of
The Black Cauldron, from what I can gather is that not much about her is "princess-y". Hell, she's not even part of the Disney princess franchise just because she never sang. That's kinda sad. From what else I can gather, she just really has the title because her kingdom's not seen or anything else, and there was kinda no point in making her a princess in the first place. Again, this is what I can gather from other sources, but it's not truly fair for me to judge her if I've never seen the film.
3. Kida
Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a movie I have little to almost no memory of. The most I remember are the visuals. And that's what I remember of Kida: How she looks. Out of all Disney female leads, she has the most unique design. Her design looks a bit like Storm from X-Men and it really does show with her white hair and tan skin, but she's still unique with her blue tattoos from the culture presented. Other than that, everything else about her is a blank slate. I guess she has some connection with spirits or something which I thought was a bit like Pocahontas and is also like a warrior too, but again, I don't have much memory of this movie.
4. Mulan
Technically, Mulan is part of the Disney princess franchise. But I made my princess list based off of actual royalty (married [actually married or implied] or born into it). Sorry Mulan, hugging the Emperor doesn't count.
But she's still a really great character and became part of the Disney girls who were strong, adventurous, independent, and courageous. Yet Mulan is also clumsy and awkward trying to fit in with a group of men. Plus she's not scared to be opinionated and outspoken and stand out among all the other women of her time. She's still unique, and I really enjoy seeing her again and again.
5. Giselle

She's pretty much a satire princess to the first three Disney princesses (Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora) and shows the trend how they have gone from nice and sweet to spunky and courageous with characters like Ariel and Jasmine.
Giselle is overly naive and sweet as sugar. She's stuck in a fantasy world where she has never experienced emotions other than pure happiness. As she comes to New York City, while still remaining optimistic and naive, she becomes more mature as reality hits her that not everyone in the world is nice and things like divorce happen. She even experiences sadness and frustration. She learns that she can fight for herself and work for a happy ending. And that's the trend the Disney princesses had from earlier in the 1900s to the 1990s.
I gotta say though, Amy Adams is freaking amazing as this character. She's beautiful and just adorable. She just plays Giselle so perfectly with how stupidly nice she is but still dynamic as she matures in the "real world".
6. Kairi

She's a Princess of Heart. In my world, it counts. Don't judge me.
Well if you have seen my All About Me post you will know that I'm not really a particular fan of Kairi. She's down there with
Naminé as one of my least favorite female characters of the whole Kingdom Hearts series. Yeah, she gets kidnapped and is asleep for most of KH1, but KH2? No excuse. How did she not get any self defense lessons in the off chance that she was, oh I don't know, kidnapped again?? Why couldn't she summon a keyblade before? Questions like that are never really explained and leave holes in her character. She could have turned into a total bad ass. All that I'm getting from Kairi is some damsel in distress who is all kind and sweet and stuff. Looking back, it's kinda boring compared to characters like Xion and Aqua. I know she's important to the series and I'm hoping KH3 will provide more room for her to develop and become an interesting character.
7. Charlotte La Bouff
First off I freaking love this GIF. I found it on Tumblr and was like "I'm using this". She's just hilarious.
No, I'm not counting Charlotte on this list cause she's technically princess of Mardi Gras or whatever. I put her on this list just because of her strong desire to be a princess. It just reminds me of every fantasy a little girl has. Growing up and marrying your Prince Charming to become a princess. She pretty much portrays the dreams we had when we were little girls down to her overly pink wardrobe. I was kinda the same as her when I was little. Everything had to be pink. It was my favorite color ever.
Charlotte's very ditzy and spoiled as a southern belle, but she still sassy, energetic, generous, and freaking hilarious! She's one of the best parts of the whole film and I love seeing her every time.
So there are my honorable mentions of Disney "princesses". Hope you enjoyed it! :)