Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy (Belated) Halloween

That time of year has come and gone again and now the year is slowly making its way towards the Christmas season. Now those Christmas decorations in stores make sense to have out now.

As for Halloween, it was a splendid Halloween this year. Saw great costumes, went out trick or treating and have been recently suffering post-Halloween exhaustion and I didn't even eat a lot of candy XD
This year I went as Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street. I let my mom do my make up and hair and it was freaking awesome! I kinda scared some people a bit cause I looked pretty pale. By the way, this picture was taken by a student XD I look so terrifyingly model-ish with that pose.

Among the other costumes at school I saw the following:
Doctor Horrible



Harry Potter vs Mr. Miyagi
Billy Mays
Malcom Reynolds
Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins
Billy the Puppet (off the tricycle)
Tom Cruise from Risky Business

But the best one of all was...
Mitt Romney and his binder full of women

It was the most terrifyingly hilarious costume I've ever seen period.

After school and later on that night, I went with my friend Jamie to trick or treat around my neighborhood, and we got a lot for what we did in two hours. My neighborhood is mostly filled with little kids under the age of ten so a lot of people were bound to have candy. Hershey's, Snickers, Pixy Stix, you name it, they got it. Of course some houses had spooky decorations that almost made me stray away cause of my paranoia for stuff that surprises me due to my sensitivity to loud sounds. Though the best house we were at was this one house that just had a sign on the open window saying candy, and of course, it's pitch black inside. Likey-do, I didn't wanna go near it, despite Jamie egging me on, but I went over when a Reese's was thrown out the window. Then she ran away in terror when she saw a Death Eater mask at the window. That was actually pretty freaking hilarious.

As for my weekend, we're finally building the set for the play, The Butler Did It, which is less than a week before opening night. With all the people we had show up just today, we had a lot done and it was awesome. The best part is that they only really need like two people backstage, so this year I can watch the play from the audience, but I'll work in house for the rest of the weekend.

Now to go dilly-dally on Tumblr~


  1. OMG YOU'RE SCHOOL DOES HALLOWEEN?! THAT'S SO AWESOME! I wish my school did too! You look great in your Sweeny Todd get-up!

    Dr. Horrible is one of the greatest things I've ever seen! It's so cool that people at your school actually know what it is! There's only 4 people at my school and they consist of 'em and three of my friends... Also YOU'RE A FIREFLY FAN!!! *hyperventilates* TALK FANDOMS WITH ME! I LOVE IT!

    I uderstand what you mean about being terrified of scary things. My local theme park does a halloween night and there's about six scary mazes and last year I did one of them then freaked out and refused to go on any others! It was SAW themed for crying out loud! Terrifying!

    Happy (belated) Halloween Eliza! *hugs*

  2. Actually my teacher told me that he was Malcom Reynolds XD I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the show Firefly

    1. Ah, it's by Joss Whedon (how wrote Dr. Horrible). It's a "Sci-fi Western" according to the box. It's really good! I highly recommend it!
