Sunday, October 21, 2012

I need a vacation...

While my parents are in Japan, half on vacation half working, I'm still in Cali with some neighbors for a week. Not that it's bad but my weekend has been crazy busy.

Yesterday I had to take my PSAT... at eight in the morning... which meant I had to get up at 6 am so my parents could drop me off and still get to the airport on time.

My breakfast: One bowl of Lucky Charms, a banana, a cheese stick, and one tiny 90 calorie can of Coca-Cola.

Snack during test break: Nilla wafers (that I gave to my friend), goldfish crackers, a HoHo, and a Capri Sun.

I know I'm oh so very healthy. My mom suggested the Coca-Cola for caffeine but man did it backfire later in the afternoon..

Luckily the test was super super easy cause it was just basic geometry and sentence structure and grammar and vocabulary. And afterwards, I was offered Red Robin for lunch which sounded amazing. And the rest of my weekend has been composed of mostly finishing my crap load of homework while working with a tired body. I had such an extreme sugar crash I didn't feel like getting up the next morning...

I've also been reading a book for my independent project called How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer.

Okay I'm gonna go with true story of my week here; I right now hate this author because my group was originally supposed to read another book by him called Imagine. Problem though is that book was recalled by the publisher for plagiarism and fabricated quotes. I can't believe this moron would freaking do that when he's a freaking journalist. Actually change that, he got fired because he also plagiarized for another job. God, I think that's the number one rule in writing: Don't plagiarize.

This non-plagiarized work however is... Okay. I don't really read non-fiction that often... Okay I don't read non-fiction at all. I'm a fantasy/sci-fi reader. I only read non-fiction when I have to do projects or research.

I'm not too far in but I don't really like Lehrer's writing style. Maybe I'm just being nitpicky but it seems really disorganized and lacks focus. It's supposed to be about how the brain works and how we make decisions but it constantly goes back and forth to examples, scientific research, logic, emotions, oh my God, it's too much.

I dunno. Maybe I'll find some odd way to enjoy it eventually but it's whatever.

Here's some food porn before I say adieu

Here we have a chocolate cake with mint chocolate icing, covered in Hershey's chocolate bar shavings. Enjoy staring at its beauty while your mouth drools.


  1. Oh My God! That cake! FOOOD POOOORN! Where do you find these things?! I want it!!!

    Sorry about your exams and such, at least they're over now, right? I'm sure you did AWESOME! You're super duper smart to be put into all those AP classes! (Now that I know what they actually are... America sure is super different!) When's your next vacation then? I hope it's soon!

    Do people honestly think they can PUBLISH fabricated quotes?! How stupid can a person be!? I think I'll give that book a pass, you didn't seem to enjoy it very much! >_<

    Thank you for all your advice from your first con, thanks to that, mine went great! I brought about 5 bottles of water and finished the lot!

    Hope life's sunnier in LA than here... It's tipping down at the moment, I can here the rain over my iPod and I'm not exaggerating!

    1. I actually live in northern California near San Francisco and it's starting to get pretty gloomy XD Nearly rained Halloween night.

      As for the cake (I don't know if they have this in the UK) but the icing is a special brand where you just get this tub of plain icing and mix in whatever packet of flavor you want. It's kinda like mixing in the flavoring of ramen but with cake icing. And there are so many weird flavors like cotton candy, caramel and others. If you Google Duncan Hines frosting you can find it
