Before I start, I will point out that this is a long list (hence why this post is part 1) and it was very hard for me to do. There are just so many great villains that I remember from my childhood that I remember so well. So instead of 10, I made it a list of 20 villains. Now I made this list that goes from the funniest villains to the meh villains to the biggest bastards of Disney. And this doesn't have any Pixar villains cause I'll do something separate for those, and this is only based off the Disney films I have seen.
Welcome to...
~Liz's Top Disney Villains~
20. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Hands down, Yzma is the best funny villain period. She's evil, greedy, power-hungry but also eccentric and hard to take seriously 100% of the time. I like how she tries to act like a bad ass but always looks over minor details and screws up. Leads to funny reactions and moments with her. And when she's with Kronk, priceless! Those were the best parts of the film was just the two of them because it's such an odd duo, especially when Kronk has the mind of a newborn baby and the innocence of a puppy.
Rewatching Emperor's New Groove, I noticed Yzma's design was pretty similar to Curella de Vil. She just has this hideous glamour about her; trying to hide how old/frail she is in nice clothes. Lots and lots of purple.
On the whole, Yzma is just the best part of the film. I enjoy seeing her over and over again with how hard she tries to be evil, yet always leads to comedy.
19. The Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)
Like I gotta say much about her. The Queen is just a pure psychopath and mad just like all the other characters in Wonderland. What makes her enjoyable is seeing what Alice is thinking of the right thing to say or do around her because her huge mood swings and sensitivity could get her beheaded. It makes the ending pretty suspenseful and makes her funny.
When you get down to it, she has no motivation other than just getting rid of whatever pisses her off. She just a giant child in an adult's body creating a "fat, pompous, bad tempered old tyrant". I did find it interesting when Alice became huge and the Queen felt extremely intimidated by how huge Alice was. So she does have a weakness of being suddenly overpowered and anything larger than her. It makes her more child-like in a sense.
I will say though I also did like the Queen in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. It's Helena Bonham Carter so it's obvious she'll bring out the pure madness of the Queen but to the nth degree and makes her a big threat by making her a serious villain.
Old or new, the Queen of Hearts truly is a mad woman.
18. Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
He tries being such a big bad pirate but the moment you put him near the crocodile, forget that. He turns into the biggest coward ever as that crocodile craves for his flesh.
Hook's motivation is really just revenge on Peter Pan for cutting off his hand. He's menacing, manipulative, and even murderous (kills two of his own crew men in the film) and despite how clever he is in finding loopholes, deep down inside, Hook is still best known for how cowardly and hilarious he is. But he's also just down right sadistic, especially towards kids. He doesn't care who gets in the way as long as he gets his revenge against a ten-year-old.
While his evil ways are overlooked, Captain Hook is most memorable as one of the best funny villains ever.
17. Prince John (Robin Hood)
Yet again, a big child in an adult tyrant's body. Though I think this is taken to the nth degree seeing as how the villain in this film has more focus than the Queen does in Alice in Wonderland.

Like a majority of Disney villains, Prince John is power and money hungry. What sets him apart though is that he's just immature and childish. He's just purely jealous of how big of a favorite his brother, King Richard, was over him. And it especially shows whenever his mother is mentioned. He can still be threatening but again, he's just a big child. Something I've recently noticed is that whenever he and his sidekick Hiss get into arguments, it makes them sound like an odd married couple. Thinking about it now, it's pretty funny and it adds on to making him an enjoyable character.
16. Dr. Facilier AKA The Shadow Man (The Princess and the Frog)
This was a new take for Disney to do a voodoo witch doctor as a villain. It adds on for a ton of creativity. I actually saw the one of the inspirations for his design was Cab Calloway, and it does show. I can definitely see it remembering this villain in The Princess and the Frog. Plus he's just designed so well. As chief animator Bruce Smith described, "a love child of Captain Hook and Cruella De Vil"....... Um... Ew..
Dr. Facilier's motive is to become filthy rich and take over New Orleans while giving all the souls there to his "friends on the other side" to repay his debt, which is never actually specified, but I'm assuming it's his ability to use black magic or whatever. He's actually scared of not paying back his "friends" and if he screws up, which he does, he gets dragged into the underworld. So in an interesting story device, they're not minions of the Shadow Man, but he's actually affiliated with them and just asks for help when needed. In a lot of ways I kinda compared him to Rasputin from Anastasia. Selling his soul to the underworld, having a magical item he can't break, and even similar deaths.
Like some Disney villains, Dr. Facilier is manipulative by promising to change their futures and/or lifestyles, but he's a smooth-talker and charismatic while also being the scheming bokor (voodoo magician that practices both black and white magic) that he is. But I also think he's a lot of fun. He just enjoys what he does by manipulating people to give them happiness but turning his back and making them regret what they wished for.
15. Hades (Hercules)
A lot of people would consider Hades as the best funny villains, and I think so too, especially when you have the voice of James Woods as the villain. Unlike the passive deity presented in mythology, James Woods turns Hades into a fast talking evil god of death making his mannerisms seem similar to that of a car salesman or a lawyer.
Hades's motive is to surpass Zeus, who for some reason isn't referenced as his little brother, and take over the Cosmos and Mount Olympus. Sadly he's very sloppy in, oh I don't know, not keeping track if Hercules was actually killed as an infant. He's one of the more laid-back villains who only poses as a great threat with his over-the-top mood swings or is getting stuff done. When things don't go his way, he just loses it and explodes. Literally. It makes him even more enjoyable.
14. Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Looking back, this is a completely underrated Disney animated film. Which sucks that I got rid of the tape years ago cause it's a great movie. And this is a great character who is voice by the great Vincent Price who later said that Ratigan was his favorite role.
Ratigan is based off of Professor James Moriarty from the original stories of Sherlock Holmes. The motive is just to gain a heavy amount of power and wealth, but Ratigan is very malicious and sadistic and just enjoys every second of it. He has a formal and rather dark sense of humor, but he's also charismatic, intelligent and not to mention highly egotistical.
A lot of what makes the character is him trying to stay so calm and sophisticated, but slips back and forth between being calm and going into a violent rage. By the film's climax, Ratigan is just so full of insanity that it's plain terrifying. But it keeps you on the edge of your seat until it's all over and makes him so great to watch.
13. Governor John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
Yeah... We're at the "meh" villains. And that's really what I feel about this character is just "meh". Mostly cause this has been such an overdone villain archetype: the greedy bastard who refuses to listen to reason. Just a racist snob who wants gold but is too stubborn to believe he'll never find any.
I guess you could say he's charismatic and manipulative but there's also not really much else to him. It's a villain that's been done before and overall, it's just boring, especially when nothing new is done to is. Hell, it's been done recently in James Cameron's Avatar.
So yeah, not a fan of Ratcliffe. There are so many better villains out there.
12. Queen Grimhilde AKA The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
Anyone wondering where the real name is from, it's from old publicity stuff. Anyway.
When you really look at her, the Queen isn't really that interesting for a Disney villain. Just a really vain woman going to extremes to be the "fairest of them all". But her design is just purely amazing. Ever notice how she never smiles? And when she turns into an old hag, it's pretty freaky. Used to make me jump a little. Other than that... Yeah there's really not much to her until she become old. That's when she actually becomes really threatening and pretty scary. She. Just. Loses. It. You can almost see the insanity in her eyes until the very end.
11. Lady Tremaine AKA Wicked Stepmother (Cinderella)
Now we're transitioning into the biggest baddies of all Disney, starting with Lady Tremaine.
She doesn't possess any magical powers or physical strength, but she's just pure evil all because she has control of one person's life. Why? She's not gonna gain anything out of it. She just does it because she knows Cinderella is a thousand times prettier than her and her daughters and just because she could. She just does anything in her power to make Cinderella's life miserable while Cinderella fights back with patience and hope.
She's just cruel in the way she's trying to crush any hopes and dreams Cinderella has. To make it worse, her daughters are just as evil. I think the most intense part was when they just started mercilessly ripping up Cinderella's dress that she made from their old clothes. Anastasia and Drizella are the biggest spoiled brats to ever hit the silver screen thanks to their cruel mother.
Now that's just half of the Disney villains. And don't worry, we have a ton of baddies to go.
He tries being such a big bad pirate but the moment you put him near the crocodile, forget that. He turns into the biggest coward ever as that crocodile craves for his flesh.
Hook's motivation is really just revenge on Peter Pan for cutting off his hand. He's menacing, manipulative, and even murderous (kills two of his own crew men in the film) and despite how clever he is in finding loopholes, deep down inside, Hook is still best known for how cowardly and hilarious he is. But he's also just down right sadistic, especially towards kids. He doesn't care who gets in the way as long as he gets his revenge against a ten-year-old.
While his evil ways are overlooked, Captain Hook is most memorable as one of the best funny villains ever.
17. Prince John (Robin Hood)
Yet again, a big child in an adult tyrant's body. Though I think this is taken to the nth degree seeing as how the villain in this film has more focus than the Queen does in Alice in Wonderland.

Like a majority of Disney villains, Prince John is power and money hungry. What sets him apart though is that he's just immature and childish. He's just purely jealous of how big of a favorite his brother, King Richard, was over him. And it especially shows whenever his mother is mentioned. He can still be threatening but again, he's just a big child. Something I've recently noticed is that whenever he and his sidekick Hiss get into arguments, it makes them sound like an odd married couple. Thinking about it now, it's pretty funny and it adds on to making him an enjoyable character.
16. Dr. Facilier AKA The Shadow Man (The Princess and the Frog)
This was a new take for Disney to do a voodoo witch doctor as a villain. It adds on for a ton of creativity. I actually saw the one of the inspirations for his design was Cab Calloway, and it does show. I can definitely see it remembering this villain in The Princess and the Frog. Plus he's just designed so well. As chief animator Bruce Smith described, "a love child of Captain Hook and Cruella De Vil"....... Um... Ew..
Dr. Facilier's motive is to become filthy rich and take over New Orleans while giving all the souls there to his "friends on the other side" to repay his debt, which is never actually specified, but I'm assuming it's his ability to use black magic or whatever. He's actually scared of not paying back his "friends" and if he screws up, which he does, he gets dragged into the underworld. So in an interesting story device, they're not minions of the Shadow Man, but he's actually affiliated with them and just asks for help when needed. In a lot of ways I kinda compared him to Rasputin from Anastasia. Selling his soul to the underworld, having a magical item he can't break, and even similar deaths.
Like some Disney villains, Dr. Facilier is manipulative by promising to change their futures and/or lifestyles, but he's a smooth-talker and charismatic while also being the scheming bokor (voodoo magician that practices both black and white magic) that he is. But I also think he's a lot of fun. He just enjoys what he does by manipulating people to give them happiness but turning his back and making them regret what they wished for.
15. Hades (Hercules)
A lot of people would consider Hades as the best funny villains, and I think so too, especially when you have the voice of James Woods as the villain. Unlike the passive deity presented in mythology, James Woods turns Hades into a fast talking evil god of death making his mannerisms seem similar to that of a car salesman or a lawyer.
Hades's motive is to surpass Zeus, who for some reason isn't referenced as his little brother, and take over the Cosmos and Mount Olympus. Sadly he's very sloppy in, oh I don't know, not keeping track if Hercules was actually killed as an infant. He's one of the more laid-back villains who only poses as a great threat with his over-the-top mood swings or is getting stuff done. When things don't go his way, he just loses it and explodes. Literally. It makes him even more enjoyable.
14. Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Looking back, this is a completely underrated Disney animated film. Which sucks that I got rid of the tape years ago cause it's a great movie. And this is a great character who is voice by the great Vincent Price who later said that Ratigan was his favorite role.
Ratigan is based off of Professor James Moriarty from the original stories of Sherlock Holmes. The motive is just to gain a heavy amount of power and wealth, but Ratigan is very malicious and sadistic and just enjoys every second of it. He has a formal and rather dark sense of humor, but he's also charismatic, intelligent and not to mention highly egotistical.
A lot of what makes the character is him trying to stay so calm and sophisticated, but slips back and forth between being calm and going into a violent rage. By the film's climax, Ratigan is just so full of insanity that it's plain terrifying. But it keeps you on the edge of your seat until it's all over and makes him so great to watch.
13. Governor John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)

I guess you could say he's charismatic and manipulative but there's also not really much else to him. It's a villain that's been done before and overall, it's just boring, especially when nothing new is done to is. Hell, it's been done recently in James Cameron's Avatar.
So yeah, not a fan of Ratcliffe. There are so many better villains out there.
12. Queen Grimhilde AKA The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
Anyone wondering where the real name is from, it's from old publicity stuff. Anyway.
When you really look at her, the Queen isn't really that interesting for a Disney villain. Just a really vain woman going to extremes to be the "fairest of them all". But her design is just purely amazing. Ever notice how she never smiles? And when she turns into an old hag, it's pretty freaky. Used to make me jump a little. Other than that... Yeah there's really not much to her until she become old. That's when she actually becomes really threatening and pretty scary. She. Just. Loses. It. You can almost see the insanity in her eyes until the very end.

Now we're transitioning into the biggest baddies of all Disney, starting with Lady Tremaine.
She doesn't possess any magical powers or physical strength, but she's just pure evil all because she has control of one person's life. Why? She's not gonna gain anything out of it. She just does it because she knows Cinderella is a thousand times prettier than her and her daughters and just because she could. She just does anything in her power to make Cinderella's life miserable while Cinderella fights back with patience and hope.
She's just cruel in the way she's trying to crush any hopes and dreams Cinderella has. To make it worse, her daughters are just as evil. I think the most intense part was when they just started mercilessly ripping up Cinderella's dress that she made from their old clothes. Anastasia and Drizella are the biggest spoiled brats to ever hit the silver screen thanks to their cruel mother.
Now that's just half of the Disney villains. And don't worry, we have a ton of baddies to go.
awesome post! so glad you put ratigan and yzma in there! XD
ReplyDeleteo,o oh nooo you haven't been to dland or dworld?? that's it, I'm going to enter the disney sweepstakes to win the grand prize of a trip to dworl and new fantasyland for you!! and when they present you with the prize and you are visited by your mysterious and estranged red-headed aunt Sonny that will accompany you on your trip...just go with it XDDD haha, jk. but i do hope you get to go to either one!!! dworld is awesome; I haven't been there in like 8 or 9 years and i want to go sooo badly!! T_T disney is one of my most favorite things ever in the history of the universe! i'll wish upon a star until you get to go! XD Then I'll get lottie to come and we'll 'accidentally-on-purpose' bump into you there.... haha! hope my post got you a little excited about amazing new fantasyland!!
ReplyDeleteNo no no no no I HAVE BEEN to Disneyworld XD Oh Jesus I'm sorry I got you confused. I haven't been to DisneyLAND
Deletehahahaha I haven't been to disneyland either!
haha it's totally fine u don't have to apologize...i tend to run with things a little XD
but seriously, if you ever go to dworld and bump into a girl with impossibly curly red's not merida, it's me XDD
I found the evil queen absolutely terrifying when I was little! I went to see snow white at the Panto once and I hid behind the seat while my little sister yelled at her!!!
ReplyDeleteI saw your last post too! How was your first con? I'm going to my first one in two weeks ! Any advice, please?!
Love Lottie!
1. Wear good walking shoes
Delete2. Lots of money on you if you wanna buy stuff cause cons are pretty expensive
3. Hydration cause cons can get crowded
4. Know any local places nearby to get food in case if the food at the con is expensive
5. Fully charged camera and phone
God, I wished I had your advice before MY first con. SO TRUE, LOTTIE. Obey the words of this wise woman!
DeleteEspecially the money part. v.v
You're welcome~ <3
DeleteI shall obey Eliza!
DeleteI think I'll have about 50 pounds (about 70 dollars as a rough estimate) Is that about enough?
I hadn't even thought about bringing water! >_<
Thank you for the advice! <3