Monday, February 7, 2011


Had a good weekend. Slightly busy thanks to prepping for the Superbowl. And man was it crazy. One house filled with fifty people. A nice portion of those people under the age of eighteen. Oh, and four small dogs. Preparations for a Superbowl party in my house. Sherry cake? Check. 196 Jell-O shots? Done. Taco and Nacho buffet? Check. Three television? Yes. One T.V outside? Check. And, of all things, one television in the bathroom? Check. People brought food and sodas as well. Lasagna, chocolate cake, veggie chips, the works. Just what you need when you're coming over to our house for a football party. Especially if it's the Superbowl.

Loved the Superbowl. Cheered for the Packers till they won. Sorry Steelers fans. Loved the commercials of this year's Superbowl. Doritos and Pepsi MAX all the way. I kinda died when I saw the commercial for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I cannot wait for it to come out. It's one of my favorite movie series. I'm a bit disappointed that Orlando and Keira aren't gonna be in the next movie. Oh well.

Back to school. It's spirit week once again. But today was super boring. It was pajama day and it killed my expectations. Apparently you were only allowed to wear Sobrato pajama pants which was stupid to see five people wear the same pajama pants. So today was a disappointment. But tomorrow is fake an injury day. Gonna have a lot of fun with that since I plan to wear and eye patch. Hahaha.


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