Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy August

So yeah my summer vacation needs to finish like soon cause I'm getting bored with having nothing to do. And surely enough my two AP classes will keep me occupied. I'm going to a friend's house on Friday to meet up with friends from the drama club so we can discuss this year's game plan so we can have another great year. I haven't really been doing much else other than writing, watching YouTube videos, watching the Olympics, and reading a biography on Johnny Depp. Oh and hanging out with my sister and coming up with weird vlog ideas with her. Today she made a new one called "A Dramatic Reading of Samuel L. Jackson's Tweets". Yeah.. My sister has a Twitter account; originally to follow Tom Hiddleston but now to watch for Samuel L. Jackson's tweets cause he's the most hilarious human being in the universe.

Warning: Lots of swearing and not for the faint of heart, and you may pee yourself with laughter. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. *snnnnnnrrrrrrrrrrkkkkk*

    that was me trying to contain myself while laughing at your hysterical video.

    ah, what the heck.


    Uhmmm, that was FANTASTIC. lol she should do this for a living :3

    Anyway, glad you enjoyed the vids!! Become a Bro! lol I know he's sooooo hilarious. I was looking up scary video game videos online and found him. I've watched 4PlayerPodcast vids before--and theyre hysterical; look em up if you don't know em, and watch their Fatal Frame vids because that game is disturbing as FU...DGE CAKE--but I've never watched anyone else who was as funny.

    Then i found PEWDIE PIE!!

    Love his stuff. He makes me pee myself with laughter. And then cry in a corner because, let's face it, those games are scary shitake mushrooms.

    Like the Grudge. Japanese preview wasn't that scary. THEN I WATCHED THE GAME.

    Oh, death rattle. How you ruined my life...and my pants.

    I'm glad you enjoyed!! thanks for this video!! good luck with AP classes...VERY WORTH IT when you get to college. Plus, it makes you feel intelligenter than every1 else X3

    Oh, and take a Studio Ghibli character quiz! Find out who you are and let me know, cuz I love personality quizzes :3

    And take the official disney Princess quiz on I'm Belle!!!!

    Maybe I told you that before...oh well.

    Just because I'm *legally* adult doesn't mean I have to act like one! XDDDDD

    Ha, ha! Anyway, thanks for your comment! See ya~
