~Liz's Top Ten Disney Princesses~
10. Snow White
While Snow White remains to be a favorite of mine... She is unfortunately the weakest out of all of them.. But does that make her a bad character?

Snow White is sadly very gullible, naive and a complete pushover. Example, letting the evil queen disguised as a rather terrifying old woman into the house and getting herself poisoned. She's pretty incapable of grasping the idea of when her life could be in danger with the exception of when the huntsman almost killed her. But I gotta admit she has some guts to just run into a forest without any second thought to escape with her life.
Overall, Snow White is as sweet as pie, but extremely naive.
9. Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty
Like Snow White, Aurora is definitely down there as one of the weaker princesses.
What's good about her? Well there's the obvious extreme beauty especially for someone who's supposed to be sixteen, with her long blonde hair and "red as the rose" lips. And of course, she has that amazing singing voice. That voice will stick in my head for the rest of eternity. Along with her obvious traits, she's also kind, obedient and polite. When I was little, she was my top favorite princess. But now that I'm older and able to analyze more about characters, Aurora is a pretty bland character.

While Aurora isn't an engaging character, she is most memorable for her beauty and singing.
By the way, I did see that there's some sequel or something with Aurora, and I'll just point this out right now: If I am forced to analyze any character based off a Disney sequel that is crap in the first place, I will probably destroy the DVD before I watch it. So no sequels!!
8. Ariel
Not only is Ariel the first mythical creature for a princess, she is in the film that marked the beginning of the Disney Renaissance era.
She's most memorable just on appearance. Well yeah, she's a mermaid. How can you not forget that? Plus, that red hair. Nuff said. Even when she becomes a human, she's still just stunning. I loved the two dresses they designed for her cause they just look beautiful on her. But while her beauty is memorable, what about her character?
Well to put it simply and not really that positive, she's kinda a brat. Ariel displays stereotypical 16-year-old daughter cliches like hating her parent, dreaming about boys, wanting to be with someone parent disapproves of, need I say more? She's stubborn and impulsive and willing to do anything to achieve her dream of being on the human world, even to the extent of hoarding items from the human world. But I do appreciate her determine and adventurous spirit, and she is the first Disney princess to display a sense of rebelliousness compared to the kind and sweet princesses before her.

Looking back, when she was on dry land on her date with Eric, I love her extreme sense of curiosity, and she doesn't even need to speak. Just her actions make her hilarious and enjoyable to watch with her bright curiosity. And it was also great to see the first relationship that actually had to be built before marriage (even if it was just 3 days).
But what everyone remembers her most is her singing ability. Everyone remembers the song Part of Your World where Ariel sings of her desires to escape to the human world. With the singing voice of Jodi Benson, it is a beautiful song very well done.
By the way, I know I said I wouldn't mention Disney sequels, but am I the only one that finds it odd that Ariel is the only Disney princess who has a kid? Personally, that to me is just really weird.. But anyway..
Overall, Ariel is a stereotypical 16-year-old brat but is so full of determination and a rebellious spirit that separates her from the other princesses.
8. Ariel

Well to put it simply and not really that positive, she's kinda a brat. Ariel displays stereotypical 16-year-old daughter cliches like hating her parent, dreaming about boys, wanting to be with someone parent disapproves of, need I say more? She's stubborn and impulsive and willing to do anything to achieve her dream of being on the human world, even to the extent of hoarding items from the human world. But I do appreciate her determine and adventurous spirit, and she is the first Disney princess to display a sense of rebelliousness compared to the kind and sweet princesses before her.

Looking back, when she was on dry land on her date with Eric, I love her extreme sense of curiosity, and she doesn't even need to speak. Just her actions make her hilarious and enjoyable to watch with her bright curiosity. And it was also great to see the first relationship that actually had to be built before marriage (even if it was just 3 days).
But what everyone remembers her most is her singing ability. Everyone remembers the song Part of Your World where Ariel sings of her desires to escape to the human world. With the singing voice of Jodi Benson, it is a beautiful song very well done.

Overall, Ariel is a stereotypical 16-year-old brat but is so full of determination and a rebellious spirit that separates her from the other princesses.
Another beautiful woman forced into servitude by a vain stepmother, Cinderella is sweet like say Snow White, but she's also clever, hardworking, hopeful, and a very mature and strong-willed person displaying a heavy amount of patience and calmness. Re-watch this movie and just look at all the crap she's had to put up with ever since her father died. Her step-family is probably the cruelest trio of people you'd ever meet, but the fact that she remains kind and hopeful through all that pain truly makes her strong. Plus she's also the oldest Disney princess at an approximate 19 or 20 years old.

"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true." That part of the song is Cinderella in a nutshell. She has a lot of crap to put up with, but she still remains hopeful that her dreams will come true.
6. Pocahontas
Ignore that the movie was historically inaccurate and she's not a twelve-year-old. I'm just looking at her based on what content the movie gave.

She's a highly spiritual woman who's adventurous and outgoing but has a great amount of wisdom for her age and is noble and open-minded. Like in American history, Pocahontas acts as a peace-keeper between the Powhatan natives and the white English settlers. She's also able to communicate with nature with shamanic abilities. Compared to the rest of the natives, she remains patient and tries to think things through before going to war against the English.

Pocahontas is a great princess in her own unique way.
5. Jasmine

Like Ariel, Jasmine really stands out on a beautiful appearance alone. Big gorgeous hair, a stunning hourglass figure, large expressive eyes, the works. Actually there's quite a bit to Jasmine that's pretty similar to Ariel.

While I think she is pretty similar to Ariel, Jasmine still has her unique personality and appearance that I enjoy seeing again and again.
4. Tiana

Let's start off with appearance. Tiana is the second oldest princess of the franchise at 19 years old. She's also really beautiful too. Going back to traditional Disney animation, they did really well on their first African-American princess. I'm still deciding if I like her in the blue dress or the green ballgown. Either way, she still looks beautiful.

Whether you like or dislike this film for whatever odd and controversial reasons it may or may not have, Tiana is one of the greater princesses who I love greatly.
3. Rapunzel
Rapunzel marked the first CGI princess for Disney. I gotta be honest, I wasn't really too looking forward to seeing Tangled and thought it was gonna be bad, but thank God I was wrong. And Rapunzel is a really great character.

While Rapunzel has made it to my top three princesses, there are just a couple more that I personally find better above everyone else.
2. Merida
If you haven't seen this movie, you need to find it when it comes out on DVD. This is truly a masterpiece done by Pixar especially with it having its first princess to contribute to Disney.

Now how can I top possibly my new favorite Disney princess? Well in case it's not obvious enough, there's one that's better. And like I really gotta name her but I'll do it anyway.
1. Belle
Yeah I don't think I'm giving anything away now am I?

Belle has ideas and opinions and she could really care less if anyone else thinks she's weird just cause she doesn't show cleavage or gets googly-eyed over boys. I like that. You don't need to show off that you're pretty all the time, and you can be a smart individual with your own thoughts. Yeah, she doesn't wield any weapons like Merida does and doesn't get involved in fights, but she's still strong in her own way. I think being able to live with Beast is pretty scary enough and she had a lot of guts to sacrifice her own life as a prisoner to save her ill father. She's selfless and thinks of the ones she loves, including eventually Beast with who she grows to like and eventually love. It's pretty interesting because she "saves" him, instead of him saving her. A bit of a backwards thing for Disney at the time. Belle saves Beast by helping him learn to love and not act like a giant spoiled brat. She's able to find beauty within, breaks the spell, and turn Beast back into human (which yeah, wasn't a fan of the human form either). That's what makes Belle what I consider the best Disney princess ever.
So that were my top ten favorite princesses. Now I know I didn't include every princess (or "princess") in a list of just ten. Just wait and see for another post soon~
AAAAH! I love Disney Princesses! Belle's my number 1 too! It's my all time favourite movie!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Brave yet, I'm taking my friend for her birthday next week!
I know, what you mean, I was really expecting Tangle to ruin the Disney Princess name (probably a bit too pessimistic, but oh well!) I now absolutely love it!
I also much prefer the Disney princesses with back bones too!
Hope you're doing well!
Lottie! <3
okay, love this with a freaking passion.
ReplyDeleteYour reasoning was soo good! It made me lol at times, but i mostly just nodded and occassionally yelled in agreement.
I have Merida's hair. No lie. It's attacking my computer as we speak.
I used to love Ariel--mainly because she was the only princess to have red hair like me, (well, you could say my hair is orange...like your blog background!!), and she was a freaking mermaid. I mean, hello?? Who wouldn't want to be a mermaid?!--but then I realized that she really is a typical bratty kid and i just couldn't stand how she disobeyed her father and was impulsive and...yeah, we could be here for a while.
I love Tiana and Rapunzel as well--and Merida, cuz, i mean, just look at her!!--but Belle is most definitely my favorite. Mainly because I'm mostly like her: smart--I'm not trying to brag, but I am--independent, kind, and loooves to read. Plus, she doesn't put up with the Beast's brattiness, which I wouldn't, either. She just shows how strong a woman can be without trying to be a badass or feminist or waiting for a prince to save her. She is strong because she's MATURE, and she's just a unique and amazing princess.
anyway, sorry for rambling! just sharing the love of Disney with you~! Your post was amazing I really enjoyed it!!
Your newest post...FAVE DISNEY GUYS!!! XD Yes? No? Well, I'm gonna do one soon anyway, so just do it cuz its fun and we can compare and who DOESN'T love at least one of the Disney guys?!
The beast is till my fave. Human form...not really. He's hotter as a beast. And I mean...that voice!! Robby Benson, you sex god!!
Anyway, thanks for this!! Bye!!
I'll think about Disney Guys. I'd probably just use any male leads in any Disney films and I probably could do a list of Disney Non-princesses cause there are a lot of great female leads.
DeleteI didn't really like Beast's human form (AKA Prince Adam) either. I think Disney knew whatever design they had, people would still hate it cause people grew to love Beast, not Prince Adam.
Excellent point v.v