Friday, August 17, 2012

Finally I feel like I'm part of the living..

I was so exhausted yesterday when I tried making a new post but I deleted it and starting over so it actually looked like I'm trying to put some damn effort into it.

So school (hell) has commenced as of Thursday. And so far it's going pretty good. I got to see all of my friends and catch up and what not.

Physics: Already love this class. The teacher's fun and laid-back but also really smart. He launched potatoes from his potato cannon he made, and today he showed us Road Runner cartoons. I have that class with my friend Mikayla and we're gonna be like science bros. Like Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. God I'm so silly.

AP US History: Teacher's really nice and sweet. So far it's easy and we're not getting too much homework but I know that'll change by next week. But I'm good with history so I don't think I'll have much to worry.

"Peer Counseling": I use quotes for a reason... Technically the class doesn't really exist anymore because the teacher for it left. Now instead of Peer Counseling, I have some weird class where I'm like a mentor or something to freshmen so they don't fail high school. I. Hate. It. The teacher is too nice for her own good and doesn't have the guts to tell kids when they're being rude and obnoxious, and I feel like she's talking to a group of grade-schoolers. So today, we talked about study habits and crap~. Uh, bullcrap! Did no one prepare these kids for high school? Are they that freaking stupid to not understand high school is like one of Dante's circles of hell? I dunno.. Maybe cause when I was in the eighth grade people actually gave a crap about their education and didn't need to ask these questions and figured it out on their own.. So if you haven't guessed by my rant, I'm getting this changed ASAP.

AP English: Very very nice and fun teacher, and she's new. Every so often, jokes are cracked and the entire class laughs. Plus I have a ton of people in there I know which is a big plus. Hasn't given us work yet but I can only imagine how long that'll last.

Advanced Studio Art: I finally get to have my art teacher for the first time since freshman year and I'm so happy. I love art so much and can't wait to see what my imagination can be put on a drawing or a painting.

Pre-Calc/Trig- Another new teacher with quite a Russian accent. Not gonna be fun trying to understand her but so far I'm not having any trouble. Pray to God I pass it with flying colors.

So yeah that's my first two days at school in a small nutshell. Still somewhat out of it to make a super long and detailed post.

As for this weekend, dropping my step-dad off at the airport for his 5 week business trip to Japan and visiting my sister at her new room she's renting in Capitola. She's so lucky she doesn't start school in a couple weeks and only has three days of school a week...


  1. Just so you're aware, I had no idea what an AP class was before reading this, I had to google it! >_<

    Oh god, peer counselling, I'm doing that this year... God help me!
    You do so many lessons! How do you cope with it? Next year I only have to do Three!

    Lessons are so much better when you have friends in them! Time goes a lot quicker, I don't know how I would have coped in some subjects without anybody I know!

    Good luck with your next school year!!!

  2. Oh, hun...

    First off: stupid freshman? Been there. Totally been there. I've had immature idiots like that in my French class this past school year. And, let me just say, are kids getting more and more ridiculous?? I mean, how stupid can you be? They don't even know The Karate Kid or Back to the Future!! WHAT?!


    And AP classes, they're great. Sometimes you get less homework than Honors students, but when you do get work, it's a lot. It's a lot of work, but most times you're with teachers who take this seriously, and some kids who do, too. AP English was my favorite, and AP Euro was very interesting. Good luck in all of them, and in the tests!! I got 4s on both the tests for both AP English classes I took, a 3 on AP Bio, which was fantastic for me, and, unfortunately, a 2 in AP Euro, but it was a close 2 and I was kind of bs-ing it at that point.

    I wish you the best of luck, and hope you pull through!! I know HS can be kind of crappy at times, and there are def gonna be a lot of crap to go through, but I'm sure you'll pull through. Plus, you have your blog and supportive followers! So rant all you want.

    Quick question: which one of you is Tony? You or your friend?? XD

    Anyway, hope this year is a great one for you!


