So for my sophomore year I signed up for Spanish 3 Honors and Advanced English 10. Both of those have summer assignments. Spanish 3 is no biggie cause I just have to memorize nine different grammatical tenses and their endings... Okay now that I look at it, it sounds like a lot of work. But not as much as Advanced English.
For Advanced English I have to read these three books:
1.Animal Farm by George Orwell
2.1984 by George Orwell
3.Anthem by Ayn Rand
And then I have to write seven log entries for each book, annotate the seven quotes I've chosen for each book, and then for my favorite book of the three I have to find, read, and write a one-page reflection for two current news articles related to the book.
This is me when I found out I have so much work and only two months to do it.

And this is me afterwards.

This isn't going to end well...
Well my first order of action: Get my little brunette butt to the library ASAP.
AdiĆ³s amigos!
LOVE the host club pictures!! As another fellow anime superfan . . . I thot I'd follow your blogs!! XD Hola!!