While my parents are in Japan, half on vacation half working, I'm still in Cali with some neighbors for a week. Not that it's bad but my weekend has been crazy busy.
Yesterday I had to take my PSAT... at eight in the morning... which meant I had to get up at 6 am so my parents could drop me off and still get to the airport on time.
My breakfast: One bowl of Lucky Charms, a banana, a cheese stick, and one tiny 90 calorie can of Coca-Cola.
Snack during test break: Nilla wafers (that I gave to my friend), goldfish crackers, a HoHo, and a Capri Sun.
I know I'm oh so very healthy. My mom suggested the Coca-Cola for caffeine but man did it backfire later in the afternoon..
Luckily the test was super super easy cause it was just basic geometry and sentence structure and grammar and vocabulary. And afterwards, I was offered Red Robin for lunch which sounded amazing. And the rest of my weekend has been composed of mostly finishing my crap load of homework while working with a tired body. I had such an extreme sugar crash I didn't feel like getting up the next morning...
I've also been reading a book for my independent project called How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer.
Okay I'm gonna go with true story of my week here; I right now hate this author because my group was originally supposed to read another book by him called Imagine. Problem though is that book was recalled by the publisher for plagiarism and fabricated quotes. I can't believe this moron would freaking do that when he's a freaking journalist. Actually change that, he got fired because he also plagiarized for another job. God, I think that's the number one rule in writing: Don't plagiarize.
This non-plagiarized work however is... Okay. I don't really read non-fiction that often... Okay I don't read non-fiction at all. I'm a fantasy/sci-fi reader. I only read non-fiction when I have to do projects or research.
I'm not too far in but I don't really like Lehrer's writing style. Maybe I'm just being nitpicky but it seems really disorganized and lacks focus. It's supposed to be about how the brain works and how we make decisions but it constantly goes back and forth to examples, scientific research, logic, emotions, oh my God, it's too much.
I dunno. Maybe I'll find some odd way to enjoy it eventually but it's whatever.
Here's some food porn before I say adieu
Here we have a chocolate cake with mint chocolate icing, covered in Hershey's chocolate bar shavings. Enjoy staring at its beauty while your mouth drools.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Disney Villains (Part 2)
If you followed my previous post, you saw that I listed off half of the Disney villains I think to be great funny villains but also the "meh" villains. Now we're slowly transitioning to the biggest baddies of all. I hope your favs get up here and remember: No Pixar villains (that will be a separate post eventually) and this is based off the of the 2-D animated films I have seen.
Still a bit of a "meh" villain cause his motive is very weak. It's money and power, and not to mention he resembles too closely to Ratcliffe. What makes him different though, is how ruthless and violent he is and the great extremes he goes to just to get what he wants. If you really hate animal abusers, you'll hate this guy.
10. John Clayton (Tarzan)

I gotta say I was almost tempted to not have him on this list but what really makes him unique that still makes me cringe to this day: his death. Clayton's the only character I've seen to actually be hanged and it's pretty scary. Took me years to see the shadow of his body after it happens..
Well anyway. Next guy!
9. Shan Yu (Mulan)
Out of all the villains I've listed, Shan Yu is definitely one of the more merciless ones. He's just having fun being such a bad guy with an immense amount of power. And when you put him with that intense music, it makes him and the Hun army very intimidating.
Motive? "By building his wall he challenged my strength. Well, I'm here to play his game." Yeah.. that just about says it. Shan Yu hates being overpowered and wants to prove that he's the strongest out there and is ready to challenge anyone who steps above him. Even a woman disguised as a dude who has a body count in the hundreds via avalanche.
Ruthless and crazed with strength, Shan Yu's the guy who will never underestimate his enemies and fight to come on top... Until he gets blown up with fireworks.
8. Mother Gothel (Tangled)

Much like the Evil Queen and the Wicked Stepmother, there isn't much to Gothel other than a really vain woman. Unlike those two women however, she doesn't seek to bring a miserable life or even death upon the female lead. Gothel kidnaps and locks Rapunzel away to use her hair to stay young forever.
I put Gothel pretty high because of how manipulative she is, and she does it for 18 years. She gets away for so long telling Rapunzel that the outside world is a dangerous place when the real danger is right in front of Rapunzel. Gothel is a great actress in showing how much she "cares" for Rapunzel and treating her like a loving mother. Yet once Rapunzel starts growing her independence, her true colors show for how big of a liar and how cruel of a woman she really is.
Gothel also gets points for being the first Disney villain to die of old age. Once Rapunzel's hair is cut, she turns into her real age and just eventually turns into ash. By far one of the most unique of villain deaths out there.
7. Scar (The Lion King)
I'm coming at the point where I don't feel like I gotta say much about these villains. They're so well known I don't even have to specify their qualities that make them so evil. But I'll do it anyway.
Scar follows the classic Disney path of a vain and power-hungry dictator. Willing to kill anyone to get the title of king, including his own brother, creating one of the most iconic Disney deaths. He's scheming and ruthless, but once he gets into power, he becomes a Prima Donna. You think he'd take advantage of his power, but just likes sitting around doing nothing and then complaining or snapping when no one does their job or criticizes him.
But of course he entirely doesn't lose interest when Simba returns to the Pride Lands, and they're forced to face one another. When you look at him then, he can be cowardly when he's against intimidation, yet still maintains his brutality until the end when his ignorance betrays him, and he betrays his minions who eat him alive.

6. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmations)
Another animal abuser on the list, Cruella is the most iconic and memorable of the Disney villains. She's fashion-obsessed and egotistical but also impulsive, sadistic, greedy, and extremely bipolar. She can be calm and collected one moment, but the next she's a psychopath chasing you off a cliff with her car. Nothing like a crazy woman behind the wheel trying to kill you.. Don't know if that's a sexist joke or not..
Like I mentioned before with Yzma, Cruella is just hideously glamorous. She's a very skeletal woman covered in a massive fur coat. Like I gotta say her motivation; gathering enough Dalmatian puppies to create fur coats like a fashion monster. And the longer it took for her to get her way, the more reckless and psychotic she got.
Cruella: Giving an entirely new name to fashionably insane.
5. Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Trivia: Ursula's design was actually based off of a drag queen named Divine. Unfortunately, Divine died of an enlarged heart before the movie was finished. I'm sure if she saw it, she thought Disney made a twin.
While the original sea witch from Hans Christen Anderson's story was neutral, Ursual turned out to be a dark and sinister octopus woman with a massive craving for power. She has the power to manipulate and easily fill the merpeople's heads with deceptions of granting them. She's also very easy to piss off as shown by how the movie got to its climax: Her "poopsies" Flotsam and Jetsam were killed. So she does have a heart for whatever she considers her "children" and goes on a rage when it's taken away from her. And she was pretty scary and had a bit of a graphic death for a Disney film.
Always a crazily, enjoyable villainess, and then she gets stabbed with a ship.
4. Jafar (Aladdin)

Now we're getting closer and closer to the most popular villains of all of Disney, with Jafar regarded as the #2 Greatest Disney Villain, though not on this list.
Motivation: Power. A familiar motivation for many Disney villains. He's sadistic, narcissistic, dark but also cunning and having a dark sense of humor and class like Ratigan. I always seem to quote any of his funny moments because he's so enjoyable. His design is also amazing because he's just drawn to look so dark and sinister. It's funny because just on his appearance alone, he's the very obvious bad guy, yet he's so deceptive and manipulative, especially over the puppy-eyed Sultan. But he can also be very short-tempered and impulsive, which led to his unfortunate ending of being trapped in "itty bitty living space".
3. Gaston LeGume (Beauty and the Beast)
LeGume = "Peabrained"
Gaston is the most unique villain because if you didn't know who he was and what movie he's from, your first impression would be that he's the hero. In fact, that's how the town sees him; a hero and eye candy for every female.

He knows he's strong and handsome which leads to a great deal of pride and ego, though the people of the town are too oblivious to see that. His goal is to make Belle fall in love with him and marry him, no matter who or what gets in his way. Problem though is that he's the biggest sexist pig that Disney has to offer and Belle's -1000% impressed by the way he degrades women. He easily gets frustrated when he doesn't get his way and won't take no for an answer and goes to the extremes of putting Belle's father in an insane asylum just to get her hand in marriage.
And because everyone in the town loves and trusts him (and not to mention are very gullible), Gaston manipulates them into paranoia about Beast and gathers a freaking mob to go to the castle. Yet his arrogance and extreme desire for Belle makes him the monster while Beast becomes more human (literally and metaphorically).
2. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Can't have a Disney villains list without the Mistress of all Evil now can we?

Maleficent is by far the most memorable and most popular of all the Disney villains. Next to Chernabog from Fantasia, she's a big representation of all that is evil, though her motivation is pretty weak. Remember that she originally wanted to kill Aurora just because she wasn't invited to a baby shower. Yet she goes to such vengeful extremes, it makes her scary and sadistic.
Her sorcery allows her to be strong and powerful and makes the heroes wonder what her next move will be. Who can forget when she turned into a giant freaking dragon? How can anyone top that?
Despite how evil she is, she just has this elegance and class that makes her enjoyable and easy to take seriously. Hell, she's so popular she's the main Disney villain in the Kingdom Hearts series. Though if you wanna look at her based on the video games, she's a nuisance.

Yeah, in Kingdom Hearts 1, she was a big threat until you killed her and learned about Ansem. Her comeback in Kingdom Hearts 2 was completely pointless seeing as how half way through the game, she stops contributing anything in achieving whatever pointless master plan she has seeing as how the other Disney villains have lost interest and I'm just waiting for Master Xehanort to turn his back and stab her in the chest. It's not exactly appealing either when she has Pete with her. God, he's even more annoying and such an eye sore. Bottom line, Maleficent just needs to find other plans (or at least a new sidekick..) and was a thousand times more of a bad ass in the movie.
Now I bet you're wondering how can I top Maleficent, the most well known and popular out of all the Disney villains? I've seemed to have named all the popular ones and the ones I've grown up with as a child.
Well the scariest and most evil of all Disney villains is...
1. Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
By God, like I even need to say it. From a movie that took a lot of risks as just an overall family film, it created the darkest Disney villain period. Frollo does all the twisted, bastardly, villainous acts, and takes them to the nth degree.
Driven by a strong prejudice against gypsies, he kills a mother, almost kills her baby, locks said baby in Notre Dame for 20 years and lies to him about the outside world, lusts over a woman, goes on a near genocidal rampage, all while claiming to be doing it by the word of God Almighty. What a great Catholic man.
That's what really makes Frollo a great villain. He does all these nefarious acts but he's complex by claiming to do them for pious reasons and backing it up with the word of God but he fears damnation as much as the next guy. Hell, he even freaking lusts over Esmeralda and hates it as he's slowly slipping into temptation and pure madness. Much like how the original Victor Hugo novel challenged the corruption of church, it challenged the corruption of faith and power and how having so much power makes you into such a big monster.

And just everything he does and every way he looks just makes him more intimidating. The voice, the black robes, the near permanent frown on his face, how he sings, the extremes he goes to, even up to that freaking choir. He's just a walking nightmare.
I always thought his death was scary because he freaking sees a gargoyle come to life and give him a devilish grin as he slips into absolute insanity. Then Frollo takes his plunge into (a symbolic) hell. God it was pretty terrifying.
So that concludes my Disney Villains list. Hope you enjoyed seeing your favorites on here.
Motive? "By building his wall he challenged my strength. Well, I'm here to play his game." Yeah.. that just about says it. Shan Yu hates being overpowered and wants to prove that he's the strongest out there and is ready to challenge anyone who steps above him. Even a woman disguised as a dude who has a body count in the hundreds via avalanche.
Ruthless and crazed with strength, Shan Yu's the guy who will never underestimate his enemies and fight to come on top... Until he gets blown up with fireworks.
8. Mother Gothel (Tangled)

Much like the Evil Queen and the Wicked Stepmother, there isn't much to Gothel other than a really vain woman. Unlike those two women however, she doesn't seek to bring a miserable life or even death upon the female lead. Gothel kidnaps and locks Rapunzel away to use her hair to stay young forever.
I put Gothel pretty high because of how manipulative she is, and she does it for 18 years. She gets away for so long telling Rapunzel that the outside world is a dangerous place when the real danger is right in front of Rapunzel. Gothel is a great actress in showing how much she "cares" for Rapunzel and treating her like a loving mother. Yet once Rapunzel starts growing her independence, her true colors show for how big of a liar and how cruel of a woman she really is.
Gothel also gets points for being the first Disney villain to die of old age. Once Rapunzel's hair is cut, she turns into her real age and just eventually turns into ash. By far one of the most unique of villain deaths out there.
7. Scar (The Lion King)
I'm coming at the point where I don't feel like I gotta say much about these villains. They're so well known I don't even have to specify their qualities that make them so evil. But I'll do it anyway.
Scar follows the classic Disney path of a vain and power-hungry dictator. Willing to kill anyone to get the title of king, including his own brother, creating one of the most iconic Disney deaths. He's scheming and ruthless, but once he gets into power, he becomes a Prima Donna. You think he'd take advantage of his power, but just likes sitting around doing nothing and then complaining or snapping when no one does their job or criticizes him.
But of course he entirely doesn't lose interest when Simba returns to the Pride Lands, and they're forced to face one another. When you look at him then, he can be cowardly when he's against intimidation, yet still maintains his brutality until the end when his ignorance betrays him, and he betrays his minions who eat him alive.

6. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmations)
Another animal abuser on the list, Cruella is the most iconic and memorable of the Disney villains. She's fashion-obsessed and egotistical but also impulsive, sadistic, greedy, and extremely bipolar. She can be calm and collected one moment, but the next she's a psychopath chasing you off a cliff with her car. Nothing like a crazy woman behind the wheel trying to kill you.. Don't know if that's a sexist joke or not..
Like I mentioned before with Yzma, Cruella is just hideously glamorous. She's a very skeletal woman covered in a massive fur coat. Like I gotta say her motivation; gathering enough Dalmatian puppies to create fur coats like a fashion monster. And the longer it took for her to get her way, the more reckless and psychotic she got.
Cruella: Giving an entirely new name to fashionably insane.
5. Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
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Trivia: Ursula's design was actually based off of a drag queen named Divine. Unfortunately, Divine died of an enlarged heart before the movie was finished. I'm sure if she saw it, she thought Disney made a twin.
While the original sea witch from Hans Christen Anderson's story was neutral, Ursual turned out to be a dark and sinister octopus woman with a massive craving for power. She has the power to manipulate and easily fill the merpeople's heads with deceptions of granting them. She's also very easy to piss off as shown by how the movie got to its climax: Her "poopsies" Flotsam and Jetsam were killed. So she does have a heart for whatever she considers her "children" and goes on a rage when it's taken away from her. And she was pretty scary and had a bit of a graphic death for a Disney film.
Always a crazily, enjoyable villainess, and then she gets stabbed with a ship.
4. Jafar (Aladdin)

Now we're getting closer and closer to the most popular villains of all of Disney, with Jafar regarded as the #2 Greatest Disney Villain, though not on this list.
Motivation: Power. A familiar motivation for many Disney villains. He's sadistic, narcissistic, dark but also cunning and having a dark sense of humor and class like Ratigan. I always seem to quote any of his funny moments because he's so enjoyable. His design is also amazing because he's just drawn to look so dark and sinister. It's funny because just on his appearance alone, he's the very obvious bad guy, yet he's so deceptive and manipulative, especially over the puppy-eyed Sultan. But he can also be very short-tempered and impulsive, which led to his unfortunate ending of being trapped in "itty bitty living space".
3. Gaston LeGume (Beauty and the Beast)
LeGume = "Peabrained"
Gaston is the most unique villain because if you didn't know who he was and what movie he's from, your first impression would be that he's the hero. In fact, that's how the town sees him; a hero and eye candy for every female.

He knows he's strong and handsome which leads to a great deal of pride and ego, though the people of the town are too oblivious to see that. His goal is to make Belle fall in love with him and marry him, no matter who or what gets in his way. Problem though is that he's the biggest sexist pig that Disney has to offer and Belle's -1000% impressed by the way he degrades women. He easily gets frustrated when he doesn't get his way and won't take no for an answer and goes to the extremes of putting Belle's father in an insane asylum just to get her hand in marriage.
And because everyone in the town loves and trusts him (and not to mention are very gullible), Gaston manipulates them into paranoia about Beast and gathers a freaking mob to go to the castle. Yet his arrogance and extreme desire for Belle makes him the monster while Beast becomes more human (literally and metaphorically).
2. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Can't have a Disney villains list without the Mistress of all Evil now can we?

Maleficent is by far the most memorable and most popular of all the Disney villains. Next to Chernabog from Fantasia, she's a big representation of all that is evil, though her motivation is pretty weak. Remember that she originally wanted to kill Aurora just because she wasn't invited to a baby shower. Yet she goes to such vengeful extremes, it makes her scary and sadistic.
Her sorcery allows her to be strong and powerful and makes the heroes wonder what her next move will be. Who can forget when she turned into a giant freaking dragon? How can anyone top that?
Despite how evil she is, she just has this elegance and class that makes her enjoyable and easy to take seriously. Hell, she's so popular she's the main Disney villain in the Kingdom Hearts series. Though if you wanna look at her based on the video games, she's a nuisance.

Yeah, in Kingdom Hearts 1, she was a big threat until you killed her and learned about Ansem. Her comeback in Kingdom Hearts 2 was completely pointless seeing as how half way through the game, she stops contributing anything in achieving whatever pointless master plan she has seeing as how the other Disney villains have lost interest and I'm just waiting for Master Xehanort to turn his back and stab her in the chest. It's not exactly appealing either when she has Pete with her. God, he's even more annoying and such an eye sore. Bottom line, Maleficent just needs to find other plans (or at least a new sidekick..) and was a thousand times more of a bad ass in the movie.
Now I bet you're wondering how can I top Maleficent, the most well known and popular out of all the Disney villains? I've seemed to have named all the popular ones and the ones I've grown up with as a child.
Well the scariest and most evil of all Disney villains is...
1. Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
By God, like I even need to say it. From a movie that took a lot of risks as just an overall family film, it created the darkest Disney villain period. Frollo does all the twisted, bastardly, villainous acts, and takes them to the nth degree.

That's what really makes Frollo a great villain. He does all these nefarious acts but he's complex by claiming to do them for pious reasons and backing it up with the word of God but he fears damnation as much as the next guy. Hell, he even freaking lusts over Esmeralda and hates it as he's slowly slipping into temptation and pure madness. Much like how the original Victor Hugo novel challenged the corruption of church, it challenged the corruption of faith and power and how having so much power makes you into such a big monster.

And just everything he does and every way he looks just makes him more intimidating. The voice, the black robes, the near permanent frown on his face, how he sings, the extremes he goes to, even up to that freaking choir. He's just a walking nightmare.
I always thought his death was scary because he freaking sees a gargoyle come to life and give him a devilish grin as he slips into absolute insanity. Then Frollo takes his plunge into (a symbolic) hell. God it was pretty terrifying.
So that concludes my Disney Villains list. Hope you enjoyed seeing your favorites on here.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Disney Villains (Part 1)
So ever since my list of Disney Princesses, I've been coming up with lists of other types of Disney characters. I tried going for male leads but I'm not sure where to go with yet. So in the mean time, I'll just do Disney villains.
Before I start, I will point out that this is a long list (hence why this post is part 1) and it was very hard for me to do. There are just so many great villains that I remember from my childhood that I remember so well. So instead of 10, I made it a list of 20 villains. Now I made this list that goes from the funniest villains to the meh villains to the biggest bastards of Disney. And this doesn't have any Pixar villains cause I'll do something separate for those, and this is only based off the Disney films I have seen.
Welcome to...
Before I start, I will point out that this is a long list (hence why this post is part 1) and it was very hard for me to do. There are just so many great villains that I remember from my childhood that I remember so well. So instead of 10, I made it a list of 20 villains. Now I made this list that goes from the funniest villains to the meh villains to the biggest bastards of Disney. And this doesn't have any Pixar villains cause I'll do something separate for those, and this is only based off the Disney films I have seen.
Welcome to...
~Liz's Top Disney Villains~
20. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Hands down, Yzma is the best funny villain period. She's evil, greedy, power-hungry but also eccentric and hard to take seriously 100% of the time. I like how she tries to act like a bad ass but always looks over minor details and screws up. Leads to funny reactions and moments with her. And when she's with Kronk, priceless! Those were the best parts of the film was just the two of them because it's such an odd duo, especially when Kronk has the mind of a newborn baby and the innocence of a puppy.
Rewatching Emperor's New Groove, I noticed Yzma's design was pretty similar to Curella de Vil. She just has this hideous glamour about her; trying to hide how old/frail she is in nice clothes. Lots and lots of purple.
On the whole, Yzma is just the best part of the film. I enjoy seeing her over and over again with how hard she tries to be evil, yet always leads to comedy.
19. The Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)
Like I gotta say much about her. The Queen is just a pure psychopath and mad just like all the other characters in Wonderland. What makes her enjoyable is seeing what Alice is thinking of the right thing to say or do around her because her huge mood swings and sensitivity could get her beheaded. It makes the ending pretty suspenseful and makes her funny.
When you get down to it, she has no motivation other than just getting rid of whatever pisses her off. She just a giant child in an adult's body creating a "fat, pompous, bad tempered old tyrant". I did find it interesting when Alice became huge and the Queen felt extremely intimidated by how huge Alice was. So she does have a weakness of being suddenly overpowered and anything larger than her. It makes her more child-like in a sense.
I will say though I also did like the Queen in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. It's Helena Bonham Carter so it's obvious she'll bring out the pure madness of the Queen but to the nth degree and makes her a big threat by making her a serious villain.
Old or new, the Queen of Hearts truly is a mad woman.
18. Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
He tries being such a big bad pirate but the moment you put him near the crocodile, forget that. He turns into the biggest coward ever as that crocodile craves for his flesh.
Hook's motivation is really just revenge on Peter Pan for cutting off his hand. He's menacing, manipulative, and even murderous (kills two of his own crew men in the film) and despite how clever he is in finding loopholes, deep down inside, Hook is still best known for how cowardly and hilarious he is. But he's also just down right sadistic, especially towards kids. He doesn't care who gets in the way as long as he gets his revenge against a ten-year-old.
While his evil ways are overlooked, Captain Hook is most memorable as one of the best funny villains ever.
17. Prince John (Robin Hood)
Yet again, a big child in an adult tyrant's body. Though I think this is taken to the nth degree seeing as how the villain in this film has more focus than the Queen does in Alice in Wonderland.

Like a majority of Disney villains, Prince John is power and money hungry. What sets him apart though is that he's just immature and childish. He's just purely jealous of how big of a favorite his brother, King Richard, was over him. And it especially shows whenever his mother is mentioned. He can still be threatening but again, he's just a big child. Something I've recently noticed is that whenever he and his sidekick Hiss get into arguments, it makes them sound like an odd married couple. Thinking about it now, it's pretty funny and it adds on to making him an enjoyable character.
16. Dr. Facilier AKA The Shadow Man (The Princess and the Frog)
This was a new take for Disney to do a voodoo witch doctor as a villain. It adds on for a ton of creativity. I actually saw the one of the inspirations for his design was Cab Calloway, and it does show. I can definitely see it remembering this villain in The Princess and the Frog. Plus he's just designed so well. As chief animator Bruce Smith described, "a love child of Captain Hook and Cruella De Vil"....... Um... Ew..
Dr. Facilier's motive is to become filthy rich and take over New Orleans while giving all the souls there to his "friends on the other side" to repay his debt, which is never actually specified, but I'm assuming it's his ability to use black magic or whatever. He's actually scared of not paying back his "friends" and if he screws up, which he does, he gets dragged into the underworld. So in an interesting story device, they're not minions of the Shadow Man, but he's actually affiliated with them and just asks for help when needed. In a lot of ways I kinda compared him to Rasputin from Anastasia. Selling his soul to the underworld, having a magical item he can't break, and even similar deaths.
Like some Disney villains, Dr. Facilier is manipulative by promising to change their futures and/or lifestyles, but he's a smooth-talker and charismatic while also being the scheming bokor (voodoo magician that practices both black and white magic) that he is. But I also think he's a lot of fun. He just enjoys what he does by manipulating people to give them happiness but turning his back and making them regret what they wished for.
15. Hades (Hercules)
A lot of people would consider Hades as the best funny villains, and I think so too, especially when you have the voice of James Woods as the villain. Unlike the passive deity presented in mythology, James Woods turns Hades into a fast talking evil god of death making his mannerisms seem similar to that of a car salesman or a lawyer.
Hades's motive is to surpass Zeus, who for some reason isn't referenced as his little brother, and take over the Cosmos and Mount Olympus. Sadly he's very sloppy in, oh I don't know, not keeping track if Hercules was actually killed as an infant. He's one of the more laid-back villains who only poses as a great threat with his over-the-top mood swings or is getting stuff done. When things don't go his way, he just loses it and explodes. Literally. It makes him even more enjoyable.
14. Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Looking back, this is a completely underrated Disney animated film. Which sucks that I got rid of the tape years ago cause it's a great movie. And this is a great character who is voice by the great Vincent Price who later said that Ratigan was his favorite role.
Ratigan is based off of Professor James Moriarty from the original stories of Sherlock Holmes. The motive is just to gain a heavy amount of power and wealth, but Ratigan is very malicious and sadistic and just enjoys every second of it. He has a formal and rather dark sense of humor, but he's also charismatic, intelligent and not to mention highly egotistical.
A lot of what makes the character is him trying to stay so calm and sophisticated, but slips back and forth between being calm and going into a violent rage. By the film's climax, Ratigan is just so full of insanity that it's plain terrifying. But it keeps you on the edge of your seat until it's all over and makes him so great to watch.
13. Governor John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
Yeah... We're at the "meh" villains. And that's really what I feel about this character is just "meh". Mostly cause this has been such an overdone villain archetype: the greedy bastard who refuses to listen to reason. Just a racist snob who wants gold but is too stubborn to believe he'll never find any.
I guess you could say he's charismatic and manipulative but there's also not really much else to him. It's a villain that's been done before and overall, it's just boring, especially when nothing new is done to is. Hell, it's been done recently in James Cameron's Avatar.
So yeah, not a fan of Ratcliffe. There are so many better villains out there.
12. Queen Grimhilde AKA The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
Anyone wondering where the real name is from, it's from old publicity stuff. Anyway.
When you really look at her, the Queen isn't really that interesting for a Disney villain. Just a really vain woman going to extremes to be the "fairest of them all". But her design is just purely amazing. Ever notice how she never smiles? And when she turns into an old hag, it's pretty freaky. Used to make me jump a little. Other than that... Yeah there's really not much to her until she become old. That's when she actually becomes really threatening and pretty scary. She. Just. Loses. It. You can almost see the insanity in her eyes until the very end.
11. Lady Tremaine AKA Wicked Stepmother (Cinderella)
Now we're transitioning into the biggest baddies of all Disney, starting with Lady Tremaine.
She doesn't possess any magical powers or physical strength, but she's just pure evil all because she has control of one person's life. Why? She's not gonna gain anything out of it. She just does it because she knows Cinderella is a thousand times prettier than her and her daughters and just because she could. She just does anything in her power to make Cinderella's life miserable while Cinderella fights back with patience and hope.
She's just cruel in the way she's trying to crush any hopes and dreams Cinderella has. To make it worse, her daughters are just as evil. I think the most intense part was when they just started mercilessly ripping up Cinderella's dress that she made from their old clothes. Anastasia and Drizella are the biggest spoiled brats to ever hit the silver screen thanks to their cruel mother.
Now that's just half of the Disney villains. And don't worry, we have a ton of baddies to go.
He tries being such a big bad pirate but the moment you put him near the crocodile, forget that. He turns into the biggest coward ever as that crocodile craves for his flesh.
Hook's motivation is really just revenge on Peter Pan for cutting off his hand. He's menacing, manipulative, and even murderous (kills two of his own crew men in the film) and despite how clever he is in finding loopholes, deep down inside, Hook is still best known for how cowardly and hilarious he is. But he's also just down right sadistic, especially towards kids. He doesn't care who gets in the way as long as he gets his revenge against a ten-year-old.
While his evil ways are overlooked, Captain Hook is most memorable as one of the best funny villains ever.
17. Prince John (Robin Hood)
Yet again, a big child in an adult tyrant's body. Though I think this is taken to the nth degree seeing as how the villain in this film has more focus than the Queen does in Alice in Wonderland.

Like a majority of Disney villains, Prince John is power and money hungry. What sets him apart though is that he's just immature and childish. He's just purely jealous of how big of a favorite his brother, King Richard, was over him. And it especially shows whenever his mother is mentioned. He can still be threatening but again, he's just a big child. Something I've recently noticed is that whenever he and his sidekick Hiss get into arguments, it makes them sound like an odd married couple. Thinking about it now, it's pretty funny and it adds on to making him an enjoyable character.
16. Dr. Facilier AKA The Shadow Man (The Princess and the Frog)
This was a new take for Disney to do a voodoo witch doctor as a villain. It adds on for a ton of creativity. I actually saw the one of the inspirations for his design was Cab Calloway, and it does show. I can definitely see it remembering this villain in The Princess and the Frog. Plus he's just designed so well. As chief animator Bruce Smith described, "a love child of Captain Hook and Cruella De Vil"....... Um... Ew..
Dr. Facilier's motive is to become filthy rich and take over New Orleans while giving all the souls there to his "friends on the other side" to repay his debt, which is never actually specified, but I'm assuming it's his ability to use black magic or whatever. He's actually scared of not paying back his "friends" and if he screws up, which he does, he gets dragged into the underworld. So in an interesting story device, they're not minions of the Shadow Man, but he's actually affiliated with them and just asks for help when needed. In a lot of ways I kinda compared him to Rasputin from Anastasia. Selling his soul to the underworld, having a magical item he can't break, and even similar deaths.
Like some Disney villains, Dr. Facilier is manipulative by promising to change their futures and/or lifestyles, but he's a smooth-talker and charismatic while also being the scheming bokor (voodoo magician that practices both black and white magic) that he is. But I also think he's a lot of fun. He just enjoys what he does by manipulating people to give them happiness but turning his back and making them regret what they wished for.
15. Hades (Hercules)
A lot of people would consider Hades as the best funny villains, and I think so too, especially when you have the voice of James Woods as the villain. Unlike the passive deity presented in mythology, James Woods turns Hades into a fast talking evil god of death making his mannerisms seem similar to that of a car salesman or a lawyer.
Hades's motive is to surpass Zeus, who for some reason isn't referenced as his little brother, and take over the Cosmos and Mount Olympus. Sadly he's very sloppy in, oh I don't know, not keeping track if Hercules was actually killed as an infant. He's one of the more laid-back villains who only poses as a great threat with his over-the-top mood swings or is getting stuff done. When things don't go his way, he just loses it and explodes. Literally. It makes him even more enjoyable.
14. Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
Looking back, this is a completely underrated Disney animated film. Which sucks that I got rid of the tape years ago cause it's a great movie. And this is a great character who is voice by the great Vincent Price who later said that Ratigan was his favorite role.
Ratigan is based off of Professor James Moriarty from the original stories of Sherlock Holmes. The motive is just to gain a heavy amount of power and wealth, but Ratigan is very malicious and sadistic and just enjoys every second of it. He has a formal and rather dark sense of humor, but he's also charismatic, intelligent and not to mention highly egotistical.
A lot of what makes the character is him trying to stay so calm and sophisticated, but slips back and forth between being calm and going into a violent rage. By the film's climax, Ratigan is just so full of insanity that it's plain terrifying. But it keeps you on the edge of your seat until it's all over and makes him so great to watch.
13. Governor John Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)

I guess you could say he's charismatic and manipulative but there's also not really much else to him. It's a villain that's been done before and overall, it's just boring, especially when nothing new is done to is. Hell, it's been done recently in James Cameron's Avatar.
So yeah, not a fan of Ratcliffe. There are so many better villains out there.
12. Queen Grimhilde AKA The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
Anyone wondering where the real name is from, it's from old publicity stuff. Anyway.
When you really look at her, the Queen isn't really that interesting for a Disney villain. Just a really vain woman going to extremes to be the "fairest of them all". But her design is just purely amazing. Ever notice how she never smiles? And when she turns into an old hag, it's pretty freaky. Used to make me jump a little. Other than that... Yeah there's really not much to her until she become old. That's when she actually becomes really threatening and pretty scary. She. Just. Loses. It. You can almost see the insanity in her eyes until the very end.

Now we're transitioning into the biggest baddies of all Disney, starting with Lady Tremaine.
She doesn't possess any magical powers or physical strength, but she's just pure evil all because she has control of one person's life. Why? She's not gonna gain anything out of it. She just does it because she knows Cinderella is a thousand times prettier than her and her daughters and just because she could. She just does anything in her power to make Cinderella's life miserable while Cinderella fights back with patience and hope.
She's just cruel in the way she's trying to crush any hopes and dreams Cinderella has. To make it worse, her daughters are just as evil. I think the most intense part was when they just started mercilessly ripping up Cinderella's dress that she made from their old clothes. Anastasia and Drizella are the biggest spoiled brats to ever hit the silver screen thanks to their cruel mother.
Now that's just half of the Disney villains. And don't worry, we have a ton of baddies to go.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
My First Con
I have to say out of all the cosplays I've seen, I'm not really fond of Homestuck cosplay... It's just really overrated and lazy. When you really look at it, it's mostly just wigs and T-shirts and some accessories. It doesn't look like much effort is put into it. It's just really boring when a lot of people do the same cosplays. It just looks so dull. I'm also not a Homestuck fan either. I tried getting into it but there's WAY too much going on for me to understand. I appreciate that it does have fans, but it's just so overrated and I don't like seeing a crap ton of fan art and cosplays from it. Especially when there are other great cosplays out there that are beautiful and complex.
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