Saturday, May 19, 2012

I need to....smell nice?

Woo, what a party!

I didn't really plan anything big or crazy so I had like ten people show up and we just hung out, watched movies, played ping pong, and watch more movies. Oh, and of course snacked and ate a lot like the gluttons we are. My friend Felipe made macaroons and they tasted like sweet, sugary heaven. Now he's not allowed to come to my house unless he's made macaroons. XD lol!

Most of my gifts consisted of lotions, body spray and soaps. So clearly I smell and need to take care of myself. Hey at least my friends care about my well being, right? XD lol! Some other stuff I got was some two manga, a new anime, a Hetalia wallet, a candle, a pearl necklace, and even a watch. I'm such a spoiled 16-year-old.

Well sadly all things had to come to an end and I'm drifting to the possibility of passing out while I'm online doing random crap along with the TV playing the second National Treasure movie.

Here's a birthday song by Arrogant Worms! :D

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