Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Movies and My Body Being Weird

On top of being busy with school these past couple weeks, I got the stomach flu this past Thursday which is no freaking fun at all. It's been going around at my school and I had to be one of the unlucky souls to catch it. I went through a whole night of being woken up by stomach pains which led to vomiting which happened three times. I stayed home that day just writhing in pain, trying to keep down whatever food I could, puking three more times and getting a low-grade fever. At the end of the day I was only able to keep down special electrolyte water (not Gatorade cause that's pure sugar and that easily left my stomach) and four crackers. So I took another day to get some rest and be sure I could keep food in my stomach after God knows how much Pepto. And really the rest of my weekend has been trying to eat and gain back lost weight from my stomach flu, buying cute boots, catching up on homework, helping my sister make a hilarious video which I will feature below and you should watch and share with your friends, and (what else?) blogging on the Tumblr.

On a few more side notes I'm am happy to see my boys, the San Francisco 49ers, FINALLY win the NFC Championship and make it to this years SuperBowl. This will probably be the best party my mom will host on the negative side that my step dad will still be in Japan when the SuperBowl happens.

And this month I took part in viewing two awesome movies, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and Les Miserables. Both: Super amazing and spectacular films. Both had great and fantastic images to be put on the big screen with great acting. The Hobbit follows the book along with the added information from Tolkein's notes. So excited for the next two movies. And Les Miserables was just a great emotional experience. I cried so much and enjoyed every moment of song which of course was the whole movie. Both are great films and if you have time now to see them on the big screen, do it. They're incredibly long movies but every minute is worth it.


  1. AH! Les Mis is amazing!!! I went to see it last weekend but I'm so annoyed I missed the Hobbit! I couldn't afford to go see it with my friends because I ran out of money! XD

    I'm so sorry you've been feeling ill!!! I send you all my internets love! I hate having stomach bugs especially, because you have to eat really bland food, which gets boring veeeeeery quickly! On the plus side, we've only got two days left until hetalia season 5!!! WHO'S EXCITED?!?!
