Long time no see. For good reason anyway. I've needed to focus on my classes and applying for colleges as I come to the halfway mark of my senior year. God it's going by so fast.
I can't begin to say how much has happened. Been to Japan, grandmother passed away, assistant directing a school play, so many gaps that I just don't have the time or mental capacity to fill it. I just needed a break from fixing up my personal statement. I'm not even sure if any of my seven followers really read this anymore.
Maybe as senior year starts closing I'll update this more often. I really do miss writing about my life on my own spare time just to get away from the world and forget that I have a month to finish up a yearbook spread and over fifteen days until I need to apply for colleges.
I really do want a degree to hopefully get me a job in writing. Maybe an editor or a reporter for a newspaper. Or I could change my major into theater arts because of my growing love for theater.
Well that was a good little break for now. Supernatural time..