Monday, January 30, 2012

Let's do the Time Warp again~!

Ugh... This is why I hate smiling with my teeth... Whatever.

So this past Saturday with nothing else to do, I went out with my Mom, Marina and our two friends Ben and Meghan to see the live performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

As you can see, all of us dressed up for said occasion as you are supposed to. From left to right it's Marina, me, Ben and Meghan. First off, yes I know me and my sister don't look related; a lot of people say that. And I know Meghan's on crutches but let the record show she had leg surgery in November, but still has to use crutches and/or a wheelchair for recovery. Anyway, it was a great night!

We arrived about four hours early just to get the ticket purchasing out of the way before it got busy. Plus it gave us enough time to get a late dinner... And go in circles around San Jose to find a place to park before just going back to our original parking place and walking to a place called Pizza My Heart which was a two minute walk from the cinema.

On a small side note, they have good pizza! What amazed me most was the soda machine cause it's all new and fancy and gives soooo many options including Orange Coca-Cola and a lot of other weird stuff I've never heard of. Not that I'm a fan of fruity sodas but that just fascinated me. We had to eat our pizza on Frisbees cause they were out of clean plates.... Least we had something to eat off of that was clean! And it amused me anyway so whatever.

The live performance of Rocky Horror is definitely something everyone has to do before you die. It is amazing! The actors have the exact costumes and props from the original film. All they do is lip sync to the scenes and music with the appropriate light and even get the audience to interact. They sell 'survival kits' which give you the items you use to throw during the performance at certain scenes. Such as when Brad yells "Great Scott!" everyone throws toilet paper (Not at the actors obviously).

On top of which, if you've seen a live performance before, it's totally normal for people to be shouting random stuff at certain points during the film/performance. It's distracting but totally hilarious.

Also, if you've never seen a live Rocky Horror performance, AND you tell people that, they will mark on your face with lipstick to indicate that you are a "virgin" to seeing Rocky Horror... And they do really weird things in the Pre-show. So I lied about never seeing a liver performance to avoid that. Apparently people lie about being a "virgin" just to go up and do the hilarious crap they do.

Overall, a really great show and WORTH staying up until three in the morning.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Sweet lord almighty hooray for weekends!

One work induced week later, here's the weekend!

Not much to really report in. Just a normal week I usually have with school work and tests. I had my chemistry teacher recommend me for AP Chemistry for next year. Still thinking whether to take it or not. Been really antsy for a few days as I'm slowly finishing editing one of my stories I've been working on for over a year. I really, really love how it's coming along as I edit it from crap to pure genius!

My story is called Fixing a Broken Heart and it follows 14-year-old Erica Parker becoming friends with outcast, Zack Carter. As the two become friends, she learns of his dark and depressing past and the horrors he lives with now. Can she get him to come to his senses and run away from those horrors?

Um... Yeah that's about all I can give out without spoiling it. I think it's a really good story and I've gotten positive feedback about it too from my DeviantART watchers who read it. Maybe I can get it out to my readers of my blog.

Well, that's all for now anyway. Gonna watch anime for the rest of the night.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Nicer, much nicer in Nice

Another slow week has come and is going with the rainy season finally coming in. Guess this means more weekends of hot chocolate and laziness.

Drama has held its auditions for The Boyfriend and has the cast list ready and rehearsals have commenced! Well... We do have an issue with the fact that only 7 boys auditioned and the play needs 8 boys to play the male roles, plus an understudy for all the male parts. But we gotta make do with what we have now until we get two more boys in cause we only have till mid-March when the musical opens. Marina auditioned and got a part as the French maid, Hortense; a role she really wanted. She has her own song and gets to sing in a French accent. Practicing already, she sounds amazing.

Okay, for those who have no clue what this musical is, The Boyfriend takes place in carefree French Riviera in the 1920's. It focuses around the girls of the Villa Caprice and their, well kinda obvious as the title says, boyfriends.

I've only read the plot on Wikipedia as I've only heard of this musical a few months ago and have never seen it. But from the sounds and looks of it I've seen on Youtube, it's a very cute musical. And a long one too; Three acts.

We still need A LOT of crew for this musical which I'm hoping we get more people to sign up in the next week or two. I signed up for costume crew and hopefully we get to do some fun stuff with the costumes with it being set in the 1920's.

As of now, Miss Brown wants us to go public straight away and have posters up and what not. I may have poster board and nothing to do this weekend so I've volunteered myself to making a poster or two for the front of the PAC.

So hopefully in these next two months we make this a great musical.

Time to go back to watching Nostalgia Critic.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well done America

For being full of corrupt idiots who make up crap bills that we don't need.

So in case no one has heard, our idiot government has decided to create two bills SOPA and PIPA.

SOPA was originally intended for search engines and Internet providers to block websites outside of the United States that distribute restricted content. PIPA however now allows the blocking of websites in the United States to occur as well.

So say a website is selling fake prescription drugs, there would be a court hearing if people who run the website showed up; otherwise, the website would be blocked. But this could apply to any website for any material. Even if it's as simple as sharing a picture that has been shared by many people throughout a single website.

There are many issues with this law. First of all, everything on the internet is already pirated. How many copies of one picture or video clip have you seen from multiple sources? I'm pretty sure the answer is a lot. Where is there ever an original source for certain information? I've seen scenes of Romeo and Juliet on different sites, episodes of anime on possibly hundreds of sites, and a single picture with copies I see on Google images. So could our government basically block most of the Internet over small material such as Facebook statuses, pictures and videos? Seem they're crazy enough to do so.

And it's not a good image on a different country if we block their websites when they're a country that supposedly supports freedom of speech and internet use. So if they see us going overboard and blocking sites because of cultural images and information, then they'll think it's okay to do the same. Besides, these sites allow us to share information from all over the world. It doesn't necessarily mean it'll cause harm if we get information from another country.

The World Wide Web has connected us to people from all over the globe, and one country now wishes to prevent that which is so stupid. It takes away our freedom of speech and access to whatever information we please and is completely unconstitutional.

Now Congress has said they lose billions of dollars from piracy every year, but how much more will they lose if we have restrictions on what information we can access?

Y'know it all comes down to money when you really think about it. How more corrupt can a country get? I've heard so much this month already with elections from the Republican candidates, I'm really wondering if our country will get a president who's more corrupt and just a big idiot? If I were eighteen and able to vote, I'd re-elect Obama. I know people have mixed feelings about him and see him as flawed (case in point, the Obamacare ordeal) but he really hasn't been able to do much because of a mostly Republican Congress with a Democratic president. In the end, the president turns bills into laws and enforces them, so Obama's probably rejected some of Congress's ideas. But whatever happens, I don't want a conservative nut-head running my country.

Wish I could live in a country with politicians who know what they're doing. Case in point, Woodrow Wilson. I just learned about him cause we're learning World War 1 and he was amazing. True, he had little political experience, but when he became president, he was all about reforms and people loved him for that and re-elected him. In a way, it was good he had little experience in politics because he didn't get himself wrapped up in the corruption that others were getting themselves into.

*Sigh* Just want some sane people in Congress for once...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Go 49ers!!

So nothing much is going on now that I'm back in America. I just gotten over a small cold I had due to shifting from summer weather, to the super cold, to the moderate weather of California and thank God since I've been feeling like crap. Already my teachers are tossing work at us like mad people which is pure insanity since I'm trying to avoid having to take home twenty pound textbooks on my back. Luckily we have our three day weekend for MLKJ Day and I can relax again. Maybe I'll actually catch up on some writing and finish reading The Help.

American football's become the current craze of my household as we do plan to host another Super Bowl party and our team, the San Francisco 49ers, just beat the Saints today! So if they get into the Super Bowl at the next game, my house will have everyone and their mother for the Super Bowl (figuratively speaking of course). So keeping our fingers crossed.

Last night while I was checking my e-mail, my eyes caught an article about a 9-year-old girl that died from Huntington's disease and was cyber-bullied by a neighbor. An adult for that matter. This extremely ticked me off. Apparently this neighbor named Jennifer Petkov was posting pictures of the girl, Kathleen, with her head with crossbones and pictures of Kathleen's mother, Laura who died three years ago of Huntington's disease, next to the Grim Reaper. On top of which, her truck had a coffin attached to it when she drove around the neighborhood.

I don't what this lady's problem is honestly, but just why? Why would you purposely bully an innocent girl who has a serious problem? Are you just stupid or completely heartless or both? For those who have no clue what Huntington's disease is, here's the best definition I can give in layman's terms:

What it does is that nerve cells in the brain waste away, ruining the ability to do... well everything. Swallowing, moving your eyes, learning, writing, and it just simply makes you slow in doing anything plus it cause the muscles to jerk and contract. It leads to dementia, depression, OCD, and bipolar disorder. Usually it begins in the 30s and 40s but because of genetics, people can get it in their 20s and younger too. The more people in a family that have Huntington's disease, the higher chance of developing symptoms at a younger age. With children like Kathleen, they can get seizures and have problems with motor skills and behavior. Eventually it gets worse over time and a person with this disease loses the ability to walk, talk and to take care of themselves. People can take medication for the symptoms but there's no actual cure for it.

So it's sad that a little girl had such a terrible illness and all her friends, family and neighbors knew that she would eventually die. And it's frustrating that someone would be so cruel as to bully a sweet girl who has a serious issue. To be honest, I don't care what Jennifer Petkov's stupid excuse is. You never ever say or do crap like that about anyone; much less someone with Huntington's disease. I hope she's proud of the hate pages on Facebook and negative comments she's gotten.

Yet another rant released from my brain.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh how I miss the summer weather...

Well I've been back for a week and I've been really tired and lazy to post anything on here along with my teachers being evil and assigning a crap ton of homework already. But anyway...

So after a flight to Denver and then another flight the next day, we came to San Jose, Costa Rica. My uncle, aunt and cousin were already there with a rental van and picked us up from the airport to take us to our first destination which took the entire day. For my first meal we stopped at a small restaurant along the way and I ordered beef tongue. Yeah, sounds gross but it's actually really good. If you ever had a Salisbury steak it tastes like that but with a chewy texture. We arrived at our hotel (which really have cabins for rooms) super late at night.

The next day we took a hike to Rio Celeste. Yep, that picture of the waterfall. The water is literally blue. It was worth the painful hike and all the bugs biting all over my legs. Got tons of pictures. After seeing that we went on another hike to this place called Aguas Termales where there's a hot spring where people can go in and relax. Though you gotta watch for where you get in cause certain parts of it are super hot! I learned that myself and it hurt a lot. Doesn't exactly help that along with that I'm completely out of shape and was completely exhausted from hiking; one of the things I'm horrible at. Luckily it was worth it at the end of the day when I had my stomach filled with a good meal and a shower.

We went to our next destination at a hotel by the beach for New Year's. We went to the beach around sunset and played in the water for two days and picked up a bunch of shells too. New Year's wasn't really a good night for me due to the fact a bunch of college kids on their vacations happened to be there too gathered in huge groups on the beach with bonfires and launching fireworks less than ten feet away. With my sensitivity to sound, doesn't exactly help me. But we wanted to stay until midnight and we did and that's when everyone went crazy with the fireworks as we hurried to get the car. Wasn't really a good night for me but it was good when we got back to the hotel. And happily the next night was quiet as we went out for pizza.

And once again afterwards we were on the move to another resort by another beach which was almost all inclusive but still good. Nothing like relaxing in the sun for three days with buffet food. Very relaxing indeed. Very friendly place with iguanas and raccoons too apparently. Saw one raccoon just walking around looking for food.

We took a ferry across the way to get back to San Jose faster without having to drive through the mountains for seven hours. We stayed at my grandma's house for the remaining days of our vacation. I got to spend some Christmas money in San Jose and I got myself a new purse. And later we all went out to see bullfighting that they show on TV in Costa Rica. It's really amazing (and kinda ridiculous) cause people just get in the ring and try to avoid the bull as much as they can. It was kinda scary too cause I did in fact get to see people get run over and head-butted by the bull in their stomachs. Even girls went up too but they were facing a cow! Some got it so bad they had to be carried to the first aid station. Luckily no one dies at these things so it was okay. And of course we did get harassed by carnies at one point which was actually pretty amusing and funny.

And so one week later we're back in America and starting up our second semester of school! Happy belated New Year!
