Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh how I miss the summer weather...

Well I've been back for a week and I've been really tired and lazy to post anything on here along with my teachers being evil and assigning a crap ton of homework already. But anyway...

So after a flight to Denver and then another flight the next day, we came to San Jose, Costa Rica. My uncle, aunt and cousin were already there with a rental van and picked us up from the airport to take us to our first destination which took the entire day. For my first meal we stopped at a small restaurant along the way and I ordered beef tongue. Yeah, sounds gross but it's actually really good. If you ever had a Salisbury steak it tastes like that but with a chewy texture. We arrived at our hotel (which really have cabins for rooms) super late at night.

The next day we took a hike to Rio Celeste. Yep, that picture of the waterfall. The water is literally blue. It was worth the painful hike and all the bugs biting all over my legs. Got tons of pictures. After seeing that we went on another hike to this place called Aguas Termales where there's a hot spring where people can go in and relax. Though you gotta watch for where you get in cause certain parts of it are super hot! I learned that myself and it hurt a lot. Doesn't exactly help that along with that I'm completely out of shape and was completely exhausted from hiking; one of the things I'm horrible at. Luckily it was worth it at the end of the day when I had my stomach filled with a good meal and a shower.

We went to our next destination at a hotel by the beach for New Year's. We went to the beach around sunset and played in the water for two days and picked up a bunch of shells too. New Year's wasn't really a good night for me due to the fact a bunch of college kids on their vacations happened to be there too gathered in huge groups on the beach with bonfires and launching fireworks less than ten feet away. With my sensitivity to sound, doesn't exactly help me. But we wanted to stay until midnight and we did and that's when everyone went crazy with the fireworks as we hurried to get the car. Wasn't really a good night for me but it was good when we got back to the hotel. And happily the next night was quiet as we went out for pizza.

And once again afterwards we were on the move to another resort by another beach which was almost all inclusive but still good. Nothing like relaxing in the sun for three days with buffet food. Very relaxing indeed. Very friendly place with iguanas and raccoons too apparently. Saw one raccoon just walking around looking for food.

We took a ferry across the way to get back to San Jose faster without having to drive through the mountains for seven hours. We stayed at my grandma's house for the remaining days of our vacation. I got to spend some Christmas money in San Jose and I got myself a new purse. And later we all went out to see bullfighting that they show on TV in Costa Rica. It's really amazing (and kinda ridiculous) cause people just get in the ring and try to avoid the bull as much as they can. It was kinda scary too cause I did in fact get to see people get run over and head-butted by the bull in their stomachs. Even girls went up too but they were facing a cow! Some got it so bad they had to be carried to the first aid station. Luckily no one dies at these things so it was okay. And of course we did get harassed by carnies at one point which was actually pretty amusing and funny.

And so one week later we're back in America and starting up our second semester of school! Happy belated New Year!


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