Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well done America

For being full of corrupt idiots who make up crap bills that we don't need.

So in case no one has heard, our idiot government has decided to create two bills SOPA and PIPA.

SOPA was originally intended for search engines and Internet providers to block websites outside of the United States that distribute restricted content. PIPA however now allows the blocking of websites in the United States to occur as well.

So say a website is selling fake prescription drugs, there would be a court hearing if people who run the website showed up; otherwise, the website would be blocked. But this could apply to any website for any material. Even if it's as simple as sharing a picture that has been shared by many people throughout a single website.

There are many issues with this law. First of all, everything on the internet is already pirated. How many copies of one picture or video clip have you seen from multiple sources? I'm pretty sure the answer is a lot. Where is there ever an original source for certain information? I've seen scenes of Romeo and Juliet on different sites, episodes of anime on possibly hundreds of sites, and a single picture with copies I see on Google images. So could our government basically block most of the Internet over small material such as Facebook statuses, pictures and videos? Seem they're crazy enough to do so.

And it's not a good image on a different country if we block their websites when they're a country that supposedly supports freedom of speech and internet use. So if they see us going overboard and blocking sites because of cultural images and information, then they'll think it's okay to do the same. Besides, these sites allow us to share information from all over the world. It doesn't necessarily mean it'll cause harm if we get information from another country.

The World Wide Web has connected us to people from all over the globe, and one country now wishes to prevent that which is so stupid. It takes away our freedom of speech and access to whatever information we please and is completely unconstitutional.

Now Congress has said they lose billions of dollars from piracy every year, but how much more will they lose if we have restrictions on what information we can access?

Y'know it all comes down to money when you really think about it. How more corrupt can a country get? I've heard so much this month already with elections from the Republican candidates, I'm really wondering if our country will get a president who's more corrupt and just a big idiot? If I were eighteen and able to vote, I'd re-elect Obama. I know people have mixed feelings about him and see him as flawed (case in point, the Obamacare ordeal) but he really hasn't been able to do much because of a mostly Republican Congress with a Democratic president. In the end, the president turns bills into laws and enforces them, so Obama's probably rejected some of Congress's ideas. But whatever happens, I don't want a conservative nut-head running my country.

Wish I could live in a country with politicians who know what they're doing. Case in point, Woodrow Wilson. I just learned about him cause we're learning World War 1 and he was amazing. True, he had little political experience, but when he became president, he was all about reforms and people loved him for that and re-elected him. In a way, it was good he had little experience in politics because he didn't get himself wrapped up in the corruption that others were getting themselves into.

*Sigh* Just want some sane people in Congress for once...

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