Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Freshmen Newbies

So this week was the first week that the freshmen came to the clubs they wanted to join.

Anime club was loaded with new faces which was really awesome. I know this is gonna be a great year of anime club. Next week we'll be selling Pocky at the Food Fair and walking in the Homecoming Parade cosplaying.

Today was GSA club and we had quite a lot of people join. We went into a seminar discussing about a new law that allows history classes to talk about people of different sexual orientations that helped shape our society. It got really interesting to talk about the tolerance of homosexuality in today's communities.

I think it'd be great to talk about people of different sexual orientations in our schools, especially in elementary school so we don't question this later when people think we should know it already. I mean if we let racial diversity being taught in school then why not sexual orientation diversity? I really don't find it fair that when I was in grade school I wasn't taught much about Asian and African American history cause I lived in a town where everyone was either Caucasian or Mexican, no Asians, and anyone I grew up with who was black was most likely adopted by a white family. I'm not kidding. It wasn't called White County for nothing. Anything I learned about African American or Asian history was 99% of the time from the History Channel.

When I moved at age eleven, I knew what homosexuality was and I was totally fine with it. It didn't bug me at all. I got new friends and most of them were bisexual. I'm an affectionate person so I have a tendency to hug people and a group of snobby girls saw that as a bad thing when I'd hug my friends and would pull the "Are you a lesbian?" crap. I find this annoying when people can't leave a person alone for their sexuality. At my new school, anyone gay or bi usually kept it hidden unless they were dating someone of the same sex. It ticks me off that no one could freely be proud of who they were because other people saw it as wrong. I mean what if I was actually a lesbian? That'd hurt so much with what those girls did. But you know what that was over a year ago so I could totally care less and that's just a chapter in my life I wish to say, in the words of Cee-Lo Green, forget you.

I was glad to move here cause no was so picky about sexual orientation. Granted it still exists but it's not as bad. I was glad to join the GSA and meet more people and probably think of ways to help my bi friends back in Indiana to tolerate with this. And I really support schools teaching about people of different sexual orientations so kids see that it's okay to love the same sex if you want to.

And this intolerance bugs me so much. How many times in history do we have to keep doing this? Fifty years ago everyone hated African Americans and twenty years before that it was the Irish and it just keeps going and going all the way to Biblical times with the Jews. How long is this gonna keep up? Till the end of time? People should seriously get over themselves with racial and sexual orientation discrimination. Yes, the Mexicans take our jobs to live in a decent country without being deported, but they're jobs that we don't want in the first place. And so what if someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? It's who they are and what makes them a unique individual whether they like boys or girls.

This is the definition of marriage I found on An institution where a man and a woman make their decision to become husband and wife.

I got a little irritated seeing gay marriage right underneath that. I know it's supposed to be between a man and a woman, but does that really matter? It should be about love, right?

So here's my new definition on marriage: The bond between two people who love each other to be together forever.

Sexuality has nothing to do with it.

This is why I get mad that religious people get in the way with their kids being themselves. I hate it when they see it as wrong and won't accept their kids for who they are. It's ironic seeing how Christianity tells us to love everyone but being homosexual is a bad thing when it really isn't. It's why these kids get so depressed because they're bullied and no one's there to support them because they won't be accepted or are too scared of what their parents may think and they end up killing themselves. My heart drops when I hear that stuff on the news with 14-year-olds killing themselves cause they just choose to end a life that hasn't really begun so soon... It hurts so much...

Well that was my rant...

GSA won't be doing Food Fair cause we're not allowed to sell energy drinks and it's too last minute to change it. But we will be in the parade too.

And tomorrow's Drama Club and I'm really hoping my sister does get a part in the play. It's my first year of drama so I'll be doing tech stuff and whatnot.

School's slowly getting busier... Have my first group project in Spanish and I think I'm stuck with some slightly clueless people... Will soon be reading The Canterbury Tales in English.. And I'm still brainstorming my final dance choreography before December... It's going pretty slowly. Heh..


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Forgetful Lucy

Yeah was watching 50 First Dates yesterday.

Weekend time again where I chill, do my homework, re-watch movies on my DVR, and Sunday football.

The week ended a little tiring but good... and slightly frustrating.

I got really upset when I got a sixty percent on my last Algebra 2 quiz. And I'm at the state of paranoia where my grade in that class is an eighty percent and a single grade in anything could mess it up badly for me. It doesn't help that I ended the eighth grade with a C minus in Algebra 1 either...

My thing with math is that I know how to do the problems, but it's the tiny mistakes that really screw with my grade. Like subtracting something when I really should have added something or making a number that isn't the original equation, and I look it over and assume it's correct so I think nothing else about it. It's a terrible habit to have and I really, really need to fix it this year.

What made it worse is that when the teacher said there were make ups I didn't hear the part that they were only for people who weren't even there. I find that really unfair because I actually want to do good unlike people who probably could care less about their grade.

Whatever... Now I just gotta fix my test taking habits and hope that the next test doesn't bring down my grade.

On the bright side, Friday was also Club Day where everyone signs up for clubs they want to join. Anime Club went off with a hit and we had 24 people sign up which was awesome! Really great day for anime club. We cosplayed, played some music and had an awesome table of anime and manga stuff. I say great success.

I signed up for the Drama Club along with like 70 other people cause my sister wanted me to join and I was interested. Funny thing is the first play only has ten roles and a likely chance that most of those people are going to want to audition. Luckily I plan to do tech since I haven't acted since I was..... When was my dance class's production of Alice in Wonderland? .... Well it's been a while so I kinda have some stage fright with acting and stuff. Will stick with techy thing-a-mabobs.

And this weekend is like the same before: Relaxation and homework... And Sunday football.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Slow Week...

Yeah I don't think I need to explain much. This is too slow of a week for me.

As it turns out, the back to school flu season is in. It's of course the time of year where everyone starts suddenly getting sick with coughing and sneezing of the sorts. Now one of my friends can barely talk and my sister's friend has tonsillitis. How's that for a great time at school when you catch someone's cold?

Ugh.. and I'm so exhausted, my throat's scratchy and I still have a stuffed up nose. Had to walk home today in 90 degrees of heat which sucked. Thank God I don't have a ton of homework and I didn't have to carry it all home and will pick it up later.

So this Friday is Club Day where freshmen sign up for all sorts of different clubs. I kinda laughed to myself a little cause there's this club called the friendship club where you go there and make friends.... I feel like that'll last one meeting. That's why you sign up for a club in the first place; to make friends. And you do that by meeting people in your classes. Whatever, that club fails it's not my problem.

Anyway, I'm helping the anime club recruit freshmen and I'm the public chair so I made some awesome fliers. Can't wake to make more friends soon!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Eliza's Day Off

Yep. I'm too sick to go to school today so I'm staying home and resting up.

God I hate being sick. I only get sick at least once or twice a year but when I do, I hate it.

My throat's all scratchy and my nose is stuffed up which temporarily destroys my sense of smell. Ugh... Hate it so much!

I swear I woke up today thinking it was Sunday, and I didn't have to go to school today. And I had a super weird dream.... Rice with gummy bears that cause chaos in the world.... Was there something in that bruschetta I ate last night?? Whatever, I have weird dreams anyway.

So I'm spending my time at home filling up on liquids and catching up on anime.

Hope I get better much much sooner than later...


Saturday, September 17, 2011


First cold in months and it sucks. I got it yesterday afternoon when I got the sniffles and sneezies. It sucks cause it's the weekend and I'm gonna spend it being slightly miserable. Then again I don't really have anything to do this weekend that I know of so it's whatever.

Rest of the school week has been nothing but of course work. Got a nice amount of homework so I should get on that so I won't procrastinate and have a panic attack or something.

As for now I'm listening to GirlDeMo from Angel Beats! and it is awesome! Look it up. Some songs by that band is Alchemy, Crow Song and My Song. And yes it's a Japanese pop band but it's so much better than the crappy excuse for music we Americans make.

On top of that I'm watching the second Pokemon movie while a cup of hot chocolate is resting all warm and snuggly in my tummy.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So I'm back in school for another long week of school work.

So far it's consisting of me roasting like a Christmas turkey. For whatever reason, the AC at school stops working by lunch time. I don't know if they just shut if off if it's just broken and they haven't fixed it but it's not good when you feel like passing out in fifth period from heat. Luckily I still have my water bottle so I don't faint or anything.

And let's see...

Pretty sure my dance teacher doesn't like first period due to the fact that a lot of people talk and don't do anything and the teacher makes us sit down and lectures us about procedures. It's really frustrating when other students, myself included, actually pay attention and do what she tells us to do and no one else does. Ugh... So there's that crap.

Finished Antigone in Advanced English 10... Is not the happiest story in the universe. Look it up if you wish but it's kinda messed up.

And there was an anime club this week and GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) meeting today. Yep, I joined a gay straight alliance. I'm straight but totally for homosexuality. Don't like it? Well never said you have to.

So now I'm gonna go back to watching Family Guy like I do on any boring school night.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years later

So it's the ten year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

I didn't know what happened on that September day until I was ten years old. I was five when the attacks occurred and any memory of that day, it was a normal day in kindergarten and I was home by noon. And how was I supposed to understand that a bunch of terrorists crashed into buildings with no real reason? I was only starting to understand what death was. It really was shocking how many people lost their lives when those planes crashed. I'm just happy that no one I knew was caught in or killed in the attacks.

Everything's changed so much since that day. The next year we went to war with the Middle East and we see the people in that area so differently. It's stupid how many Americans have stereotyped Indian and Islamic people to wanting to bomb any airplane their on with Americans. You think those people like being stereotyped thanks to some psychopath who thought what his goons did was honorable. Thanks a ton bin Laden for taking our troops away from home because of your ignorance.

Well it's ten years later, Osama's dead, and now memorials are gonna being built/finished being built and a new World Trade Center's gonna be opened in two years. Now I just want our troops home so they won't miss another Christmas with their families. I know cause my step brother's in the air force and we're trying to get him to come with us on our Costa Rica trip this year.

My normal life now is consisting of Sunday football and more writing.

Oh and I started a new blog once again at this link >>>



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Serious Subjects People Ignore

Yeah remember that book I got yesterday? Thirteen Reasons Why? Well I finished it today... And cried my eyes out. Yes it's really sad when the reasons are revealed why the girl, Hannah, killed herself, but there's a somewhat happy end. It's a really really good book and opens up people's eyes to the world around them and what can be hidden sometimes under our noses.

Today in advisory we were discussing cyberbullying and now that I've finished the book, it got me thinking if they ever talk about the signs to know if someone's suicidal or if they ever will. I myself believe it's a serious subject to talk about. I have friends who had had suicidal thoughts in the past and I think with me around, they're still here now, alive and enjoying life. (No I won't give out names) So I find it amazing how they talk about not doing drugs or alcohol or no bullying but I don't think I've ever heard of people talk about the signs of suicide.

In Thirteen Reasons Why, Hannah had brought up the subject of suicide to be talked about in one of her classes. She left a note to a teacher anonymously so her classmates thought that someone was doing it as a joke. If someone is suicidal, it is NOT a joke and anyone who thinks or does that seriously need a CAT scan. Suicide is in NO way something to joke about especially when it actually happens. It hasn't to me but I'm sure somewhere in this sad world it has happened where it was assumed as a joke or an act for attention and then it actually happens. And why would anyone use suicide as an excuse for attention? If I want attention, I raise my voice for people to hear me, not say I want to cut my wrists until I hit an artery because it's not funny. If someone is sounding or acting suicidal, know the signs and help them or get help. Talk to them even if they don't want to, or do whatever, just anything to keep that person living to see the next thirty thousand sunrises (AKA little over 80 years).

So again, if you think you have someone close to you who may be suicidal, do NOT hesitate to do anything you can to help them no matter how much they say they're fine when it isn't true.

And to end this serious blog post, free verse poetry I made up today.

If someone is on the brink,
With no where else to turn,
No other options,
What would you do?
Would you let them fall off the edge,
Or pull them back to safety?
Would you let their life end with a sharp blade,
Or take the blade away from their hand?
Would you embrace them and tell them everything will be okay,
And never let go?
What would you do?


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Vacation till November

Yeah doesn't make me for a happy Liz. Heheheh. Our next day off is our three day vacation for Veteran's Day.

My friend Nora's birthday party was the best. We played The Beatles Rock Band, devoured pizza, and played some drama games. Best birthday party so far!

So back at school, started some choreography in dance, test in Chemistry, more Antigone in Advanced English 10 and of course the irritation of people who don't seem to care if they need to repeat Algebra 2 or Spanish 3.

Today was the first anime club meeting which I've been anxious for since school started. We did elections and began discussing what we'll do this year. I feel like this will be a great year for the anime club.

Tomorrow is Back to School night where the parents get to meet the teachers and find out what is being done in our classes. Will be a little crazy since my step dad will be too busy to help us divide and conquer so we'll just have to jump back and forth between me and my sister's classes with our mom. I feel like we'll go more to Marina's classes than mine since she's a senior and leaving once she's done with high school but then again I am staying here so my classes are just as important.

And today I went to the library and I finally got the book Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher. I heard it was a good book. It's about this boy named Clay as he listens to the tapes created by the late Hannah who committed suicide not too long ago and finds out the events that lead up to her death. I'm already almost halfway done and close to tears. It's a really really sad book but really great to read and opens people's eyes to some of the harassment that some people face and feel Hannah's pain. Definitely not a book you wanna read during school if it makes you really sad during class and makes you cry. I feel like that'll happen to me. Heheheh. But again, really awesome book. Check it out the next time you're at a library.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Three days of relaxation.. and birthday parties

So the three day weekend I've been waiting for has finally come. And thank goodness.

Today was our neighbor's kid's first birthday party and he's just the cutest! Had some tacos and really good chocolate cake that I never finished. And Conner got his first cupcake and made a little mess. Sadly by the end of the party he started to get a little cranky. It was good to see the birthday boy and go. Had a good time.

And tomorrow I'm going to my friend Nora's sweet sixteen party. Really happy I get a nice fun filled weekend.

Jeez my house smells so good and basil-y right now. My mom got a pasta maker and is having loads of fun using that. She made the best cheesy ravioli ever!

As for Monday I don't have any plans other than chilling and possibly catch up on some anime so I'll have something to put on my other blog.
