Wednesday, December 12, 2012


God I never update this thing as much as I would like to. That's probably to blame due to the fact I'm just too lazy to write creatively and such, and my classes have become the spawn of Zuul by assigning me a crap ton of homework before finals week, which is next week.

Soooo I'll just give a brief summary of what's been going on since I got nothing better to do while Tumblr is temporarily shut down.

  1. Spent week in Florida with Dad during Thanksgiving break
  2. Went to Winter Formal
Yeah, isn't my life so eventful?

Oh wait I take that back, I did see Rise of the Guardians last night which is a fantastic movie. Probably the best I've seen out of Dreamworks since How To Train Your Dragon. I love everything about it; the creativity and imagination, the characters, the story, and of course the animation itself. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it.

And uhhh. Yeah. I've mainly just been consumed by school. It's been stressful but I know I can pull through once finals are over. At least the bright side of it is that I get to be Loki in my Drama final because we're acting out our own scenes we get from movies and stuff.

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