Sunday, April 10, 2011


This has been a good weekend. I of course went to the dance on Friday and totally regretted it. There was grinding and stuff but it was to a big extent where everyone was doing it. The music was total crap and I wasn't in a real big dancey mood. So after about an hour and thirty minutes me and like four of my friends decided to call our parents and go home. And I want two dollars and fifty cents back cause I was only there for half the time.

Saturday we all went out to Half Moon Bay at a beach close-ish to Santa Cruz. I still kinda have sand in my hair from that little trip. Didn't go swimming cause the wind made it WAY too cold to go into the water. So we just chilled, went exploring and ran after a few seagulls. While Marina went to hang out with her friends, me, my parents and my grandma went up to Santa Cruz to a restaurant called Crow's Nest for a late lunch/early dinner. Had Crabcake Benedict which was awesome! Got a nice little food baby from that. Hahahaha.

And as for today... Just another lazy Sunday. Been watching TV, texting and Facebooking. The usual stuff I do. Watched Mega Shark vs. Crocosauraus. Well most of it. Stopped at the last fifteen minutes. It's bad in a way that's funny and intentional to look like crap. Hahahaha.

Now explanation of title. So there's seriously a TV show called Extreme Couponing. It's basically crazy ladies who spend a lot of money via coupons on surplus amounts of food. I'm not the only one thinking it's ridiculous to stock food like a nuclear winter's about to happen, right?


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